lune cxix
tendrils of wild grape
bind summer
to my memories
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lune cxix
tendrils of wild grape
bind summer
to my memories
"Poetry is not a code to be broken but a way of seeing with the eyes shut." -- Linda Pastan
hi Howard! been away too long from your thread!
xciv – sweet and lovely
xcv – beautiful imagery
xcvi – very cool, this one. love the image here, and the words. nice
xcvii – what would spring be without the forsythias? I, too, love the way the sun makes them flame. nice capturing of it.
xcviii – lovely image, nice engagement of the senses, too
xcix – more loveliness – the photo enhances the lune, too. the flowers made me think of bleeding hearts.
c – a really unique and interesting image, makes me see rain a whole new way
ci – what is it about pears that is so sexy? love it.
cii – no doubt you were eating a pear, heh.
ciii – love all the m sounds here, and the image is crystal
civ – nice details in this
cv – yes, they can make quite a racket – this captures that well
cvi – this made my mouth water for roasted peppers, a pain to make but such smokey sweet goodness makes it worhtwhile
cvii – oooh, so good. makes me think about writing poetry
cviii – awesome image and word choices in this
cix – maybe it’s me but I love the caw of crows, they’re comical little thieves
cx – I like the message here – and the freedom it implies when you think about it, which this lune made me do
cxi – nice. I, too, love the scents of cooking herbs mingled with the meat and bubbling away in a an. yum
cxii – this is so erotical!
cxiii – I want to disagree with this, I guess this depends on how one views death and after life and the soul
cxiv – nice word choices, this one’s spot on
cxv – that is so clever – cool way of looking at a leafy tree
cxvi – this one made me smile. you are correct!
cxvii – such a cool way to describe raindrops. like this a lot
cxviii – I like the interplay of light and dark/yin yang, the magnetism between light and dark
cxix – I like this, and the nostalgic tone. very nice
as always, it’s a pleasure to read you Howard!
I like to paint images around empty spaces.
My Flickr Photos
Cheesecloth Moon (art, poetry,photography, some ranting, etc
egrobeck (my ArtFire shop)
Cookalas Pretty Things (my shop blog)
Thanks so very much, Cookie, for taking the time to read and comment and everything; you are to be congratulated for your stamina. Thank you, again.
Still have a good ways to go fluffing; I'll be working on it for several more days yet.
* * *
The lune I'm about to post is quite different from what I'd intended, but, on reading the story earlier, I couldn't help but respond in some way to honor Maxima Acuna for what she's accomplished. It's also appropriate in that, back in 2013 when I wrote the earlier group of lunes, one of those was intended to honor Wangari Maathai, the Kenyan woman who in 1977 started the Green Belt Movement, one of the most important African environmental initiatives which led to her receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. It seems fitting to end this group of lunes with a tribute to another woman who has also devoted herself to environmental concerns, in this case in Peru.
"Poetry is not a code to be broken but a way of seeing with the eyes shut." -- Linda Pastan
lune cxx
"I will never be
defeated" --
words of a hero.
Maxima Acuna
"Poetry is not a code to be broken but a way of seeing with the eyes shut." -- Linda Pastan
This has been a tough naPo for me and I haven't fluffed nearly enough. I have been following your thread, though. I am always amazed when someone can pack so much movement/information/thought/sound/etc into so few words. Your lune xcii is one of those. (I have been thinking about it all month) Past, present and future is represented here. This brings your reader in. It took me out to the country, to a barn. Then, I imagined that place as new. Maybe a working farm. I let myself drift with it and I imagined a family. Young. I saw a loving couple raise a family there, age and go. The cupped flakes made me think: Cherished. I like that all of their stories are peering through the cracks. See? A whole lifetime in 3 tiny lines. Well done, sir!