Thanks, Emilio.
The Village (an almost found poem)
Welcome to the Village -
where 26,000 acres are filled with forest and golf courses.
Where half our residents are located in a dry county and half in wet.
Where all find the local grocery amenable,
stocked 2/3 foodstuffs and household goods, 1/3 alcohol.
Where the local paper’s police report is replete with complaints
of the golf ball stealing fox.
Where in the editorial page the woman
from Maricopa County Arizona announces having bought
property in said development, demands
to know Property’s intentions to keep her safe,
whereas, she believes in ISIS’ intention to infiltrate.
Where are the plans to seal the perimeter,
to prevent terrorists from infiltrating the forest.
Where the proof that these people won’t purchase
homes for bomb making purposes?
Wherefore, she would like to suggest
real estate agents be trained in profiling, perhaps
random searches of homes?
Whereas, the man, formerly from Kansas, replies,
“M’am, your concerns and suggestions are admirable,
but why stop there? Let me suggest
strip searching residents at the gates, enclose
our community in razor wire,
landmines on the golf courses and let’s not forget
our well trained militia aka the lawn bowlers.
Where the debate begins over raising fees
for the bomb sniffing dogs.