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Thread: Julie's Elixir, Read it Till you Burst! Julie's Elixir, the Best for What is Worst!

  1. #46
    M is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Fairmont, WV
    So much to enjoy here! There's an urgency to some of your pieces (particularly MTC) that makes the reader keep reading and reading through to the end and then be intrigued enough to go back for the re-read to absorb. I second Howard on Drop in that it brings light, so to speak, to a darker issue in that for every beginning there is also an end. LTC was definitely inspired, and worth all 4 reads. Oh, and "Metaphor you are my bitch" is one of those "lines I wish I'd written". Very cool things going on in here. I also loved Vagabond. Kitty ditty, much? I'll be back around!

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Strong work here, but my favorites were, 'Drop' (terrific lines to end), 'Killing Frost', and 'MCS'.

    'Fool me' also has some really good images, and splendid use of rhyme.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA
    On Firefox's Most Visited Button

    I'll admit I've been afraid to click. There are times
    when you want a little illusion about yourself, the way

    your eyes stray always back to the same sites, not
    from anything more than the hope of seeing a train

    plow through someone's life. You click. You click.
    The clock ticks forward and you click again and at five

    you startle from that reverie and rush home to learn
    what scandal you might have missed while the train

    plowed through someone's front yard. You never learn
    that there is nothing new, no one weird trick, you click

    and the clock runs and you are forty five
    and you shrug and think you didn't need youth anyway

    not the way you feel when you are wasting time.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    I’m a sucker for sentimentality now and then, and Run actually choked me up at the end. I was sucked in by all the images and caught by the schmaltzy finish, I felt tears welling in my eyes. Nice job.

    Now, I could cry if my kitty ran away, but you saved me from that with the humour. Vagabond is very readable. You painted a clear picture despite the dream metaphor.

    The stream of consciousness dreamscape of Break is fun too. (Miss Linley was your Latin teacher?) The evolution from event to kaleidoscope to drama to attempted explanation to symbolic tableau echoes dreams I have had. I enjoyed it.

    There seems an evolution from Drop to MCS, maybe you are just getting warmed up through the first week, but MCS is disturbing in the accuracy and clarity of your images, ordering the accession of awareness. Eerie, seems too real, suddenly I want out of the dream, out of the poem, safe in reality – if that isn`t a non-sequitur, it is certainly a paradox. Good work.

    You must feel pretty good about this suite so far. I would.


  5. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA

    My knee is going now, that little creak
    I think I heard when hauling my ass up
    those last few flights, but if you give in
    and limp a little, the other knee thinks
    oppression, decides a little retribution
    is in order, an echoing squeak
    and your ankle appreciates the tip
    and wobbles a bit on that last step
    and your elbow gives a very happy pop
    as you put down your bag and your neck,
    no, let's not speak about your neck,
    Ms N Tropy, you bitch.

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA
    M, thank you! I'll pencil you in for a metaphor t-shirt from avalanche!

    Steven, thank you. I'm not rhyming as much this NaPo as usual. Maybe your words will inspire me.

    Geoff, yes, Miss Linley is the Latin teacher. Thanks for coming by.

    This forum has excellent fluffers!

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cornwall UK
    Hi Julie

    God, knees! Why did it have to be knees? And the life-wasting side of the internet is poignantly addressed. I'm trying to convince myself that immersing in poetry is a justifiable payment for decrepitude, and exploring the semantics of imagery (to put a flower on it) is a fine thing. You are right on course.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA
    Thanks, Bench! Stupid knees. *grumble*

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA

    What were they?
    Some tree detritus,
    like cornflakes in
    the bowl of the gutter
    but softly under my foot,
    gentler than leaves,
    a small golden shushing.

    I am heavy-footed,
    a stomper really, jolting
    up the street. My eyes
    jiggle as I walk, I say
    when he asks why I
    never see the world passing,
    just a clutter of tree
    litter, a graffito painted
    in letters too thick to read.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA

    The den is thick with sooty smells,
    that tongue-glaze of something old

    and animal and the coughing
    throat clench of fish and crawdads.

    How does a man come to be
    named for this place? An ottery

    man, a man of sleek whiskeryness
    and a land-awkward romp

    of too-short limbs, cracking
    shellfish on a hairy belly

    and mugging for the cameras
    with shining oceanic eyes.

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA

    Grandma just sat in her shiny chair, oh sometimes her hands wrung, her mouth fretted, her diagnosis gave her granddaughter, me, a picture of someone Einstein-haired, axe-wielding, blood-painting, lamb-slaughtering, not calling for her daughter, her son, ignoring her granddaughter, me, her eyes glazing like a suckling pig's.

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA

    Yo vi mil Garzones que andavan cantando
    Por aqui volando haciendo mil sones

    It's always the ones you cannot sing alone
    that stick to your tongue and refuse to be scraped
    off on a molar. And the government
    shall be upon his shou--and the government shall
    be upon his shou--and the government shall be
    and you are gasping (WONDERFUL! COUNSELOR!)
    and laughing at the release of the four voices
    all coming together, Sybil saying one brief prayer
    at breakfast, over oddly liquid oatmeal,
    please god, congeal. Congeal.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA

    I think sister you cursed it it felt
    your glare as you passed learning

    or remembering the family rumors
    that one the size of a dumptruck

    loomed outside your dining room and ate
    all sunlight for miles around so mine

    caught sight of you and your rage
    and shrank and the oil green

    leaves shrank and its will to live shrank
    and it just sits withered and dies bloomless

    sister that this one's cousin
    distant cousin you live four states away

    sister that this one looks like
    a woody molehill to your one's mountain

    or a pinkie toe to a leg but now
    a pinkie toe with some odd nail fungus

    like an offputting commercial
    and I've never seen it flower at all

    if I robbed a bank would you go
    whistling to jail for me don't answer

    that if you do not wish to give me ideas
    I will not come and sneer at the stench

    of your too thick lilac's perfume and you
    can just come tell this shrub who's
    a good boy he is he is.

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA
    ... of the Apostles

    Later, I blasphemed by thinking
    John the Apostle was awful

    cute, at least in the movie,
    but before that I just puzzled

    over what he and Peter were
    gonna do with that axe seeing

    as they didn't chop Jesus
    down from that cross despite

    all those chances (something
    something about Romans
    and lots of dice like Yahtzee)

    but when you have a hatchet,
    doesn't every tree look like lumber?

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Scotland and Canada
    Ah Julie. Engrossed I was you your thread this early morning.

    I like the structure of Drop. Those couplets echo the painstaking prosaic actions – then that last line.

    Killing Frost -- I enjoyed the image of the buds . . . newly dreaming/about popping their britches. Excellent!

    Run -- you captured a scene/relationship beautifully

    Vagabond -- what a apt image of a cat – Dick Whittington and cat rolled into one – and some cats are naturally vagabonds, no loyalty, as many homes as there are homes that will provide food to a sorry looking cat.

    Fool Me is clever and made me laugh

    LTC – Gosh. Reminds me why I definitely don’t want to go there. My kids have orders to make sure I get the happy drugs that see me off fast. Visceral stuff.

    Crochets Ms. en tropy – Very funny! Loving how the body parts talk to one another. If you have a wee bit of a headache then you accidently bang your thumb with a hammer your headache disappears.

    Holt is wonderfully atmospheric – I was there somehow. Rhododendron I didn’t get it all – but got the family all the seething at minor (or major) transgressions, holding on to resentments, etc – or maybe that’s just my family.

    . . . of the Apostles I don’t think I saw that movie – the last two lines made me think.

    Great thread


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