Funny stuff, Tony. I'll be mulling cookie metaphysics all day. I'm noticing a bit of an AI NaPo theme emerging - the new cat?
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Funny stuff, Tony. I'll be mulling cookie metaphysics all day. I'm noticing a bit of an AI NaPo theme emerging - the new cat?
I find reading your three poems to be comfortable.
I'm not sure if that is a good thing, nor if it is about the poems,
or me.
- liked the image of orangutans jockeying raptors
and Cookie Monster calling the shots.
Here's an image for you:
cookie monster quotes
Anyway, you have made a decent, if somewhat painless start.
I will return when the bloodletting and hair-tearing begins, see
how you're doing then, maybe before.
A final thought:
C'est le chemin la gallette desagreger!
The way of the world is an entirely different kettle of ball games.
One Fine Day: I'm looking of the form I'm too uneducated to find. Love the Orangutans though
Siri: I never use mine either, other than to ask questions like what's the meaning of life, to which it replies Haha.... No wonder I don't use it.
Fun thread, keep it up!
Thanks, Bela, Geoff, 5th. Bela, I think you may be right about AI being the new cat. Geoff, I started off light, but I'm barely 1/10 of the way through and still getting my bearings. Unlike you, I'm a 1-time NaPoWriMo winner and a 10-time loser. C'est la façon dont la balle rebondit, I guess. 5th, you're not missing any form in One Fine Day.
Ah, the old Tokyotokyo antidote to Haikukaikutaikuhai...
Hi, Tony, glad you're here.
I once saw a sign outside a cellular carrier that said something to the effect that "Siri is a friend you can always talk to." I thought, what's the world coming to when a disembodied AI voice is what some people have to talk to? "Siri Answers to Cookie Monster" speaks to today's tech preoccupation. And still "she's" ultimately female - Ignoring me most of the time.
Tokyo/Kyoto is mesmerizing and fascinating anagram puzzle of two Japanese capitals. How long did it take you to figure that one out?
Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.
Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!
Thanks, 5th and Donner. Donner, I realized many years ago that Tokyo and Kyoto were syllabic reversals of each other, and you could keep saying both cities just by running them together: "ToKyotokyotokyotokyo...." ad infinitum. Shaping it into a poem, though, is a new twist, and it could also be infinite. I'd thought of titling it "Bullet Train," but felt that ultimately cheapened it.
The Thirteenth Monkey
Doesn’t know from an army
wouldn’t dig being stenciled in blood
pursues no causes outside supper, sex and sleep.
The thirteenth monkey
oblivious to bloviation
cares not what is and isn’t sanity
never has typed with his feet
has no concept of time
Would be flummoxed by conspiracy.
The thirteenth monkey
sheltered by caretakers
pampered as a simian can be
still is entangled, and vaguely aware
of a human world, coming derailed.
Is this a Trump protest poem?
love the play on "Tokyo"
tres kewl!
need to drop the cap on "Doesn't" because you're using the title as the first line.
LOVE "supper / sex / sleep"
why not "becoming" instead of "coming"?
Thanks, Andrea!
Yo Tony!
The Way of the World is just the fall of the cards, mate.
Not sure what you were smoking in Belmont Park, but Shadowfax must be long overdue for the glue factory by now.
I'm sorry your Siri is unfaithful. It sounds like you could get her back for the right bikkies.
Enjoyed your Mitsubishi diamond. Intriguing to gaze into it.
The thirteenth monkey is hard to distinguish from some teenagers I could name (except for the last line-and-a-half).
Refreshingly non-standard thread!
Regards / Dunc