Tears. (In my heart a pulsating glitch: an electric
pain inherited from father's, father.) From your blue
eyes brine shrimp skate down your cheek and I
catch them on the tip of my tongue (I devour).
I search the flavor profile. (I think it's broken) the betrayal
the love or the sadness all taste the same. It's one
brackish mix of sea and lost memories. An outline
of the dark evolution from cell to shark to human.
The next one (the last one I saw): an anomaloy--
an earthy peel bug rolled hard onto the cotton sheet
and fixed itself. (In fluid memory) it swirls with the childless
semen caked on your legs swished with the praire-dust
on your shins. (Sanitized and chlorinated for your protection).
Remember:after the run to the dam. The time you lost
your yellow water-bottle and we found it on the way
back. A kind soul placed it neatly in the middle of the trail.