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Thread: Debellatio

  1. #31
    DiggerTractor is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Dec 2005
    Tears. (In my heart a pulsating glitch: an electric
    pain inherited from father's, father.) From your blue
    eyes brine shrimp skate down your cheek and I
    catch them on the tip of my tongue (I devour).
    I search the flavor profile. (I think it's broken) the betrayal
    the love or the sadness all taste the same. It's one
    brackish mix of sea and lost memories. An outline
    of the dark evolution from cell to shark to human.
    The next one (the last one I saw): an anomaloy--
    an earthy peel bug rolled hard onto the cotton sheet
    and fixed itself. (In fluid memory) it swirls with the childless
    semen caked on your legs swished with the praire-dust
    on your shins. (Sanitized and chlorinated for your protection).

    Remember:after the run to the dam. The time you lost
    your yellow water-bottle and we found it on the way
    back. A kind soul placed it neatly in the middle of the trail.
    Last edited by DiggerTractor; 04-18-2016 at 12:24 AM.

  2. #32
    DiggerTractor is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Dec 2005

    Cotton flakes swirl

    Cotton flakes swirl and swift through the currents
    of gnats. Alone and together naked on the wooden
    deck. Waxed and inviting. Primordial and gentle. She
    glistens. The salt and scents lacquer my tongue
    with tastes and smells of you-only you. Heat: two
    bodies in the sun. From the north, traffic hums

    and reflects from the canyon walls, buzzes peach leaves
    and shakes the sweet inner-flesh. The vibrations move up:
    exactly due East, exactly 178 feet from the mesa top
    a small rock makes a momentous nameless movement--
    nothing will happen now. But a chain of Earth movements
    has begun in ignorance. A checkered whiptail lizard fearing
    the noise scurries and edges over another stone. Nothing

    is seen. But the rain will come and then the snow and the
    the rains and freezes and sun will cycle and recycle
    the thaw finally releases the boulder, the size of the car
    I bought from the young lady who went back to college.

    It shifts and tumps and bounces over a scared bunny. Crushing
    rocks and breaching over the deer fence, diving back under
    into the orchard. A billion years of sand, built grain upon grain
    upon grain stealing time and cementing the past: finally kinetic
    from the potential. Destroying the deck where we had lain.

    A fresh scar appears on the old wounds and testifies to a jump
    in the devolution of a monument. In time it will all end
    into nothing but free grains of sand piled at the feet of the table.
    Last edited by DiggerTractor; 04-14-2016 at 06:06 PM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Wish I had more energy to put into commenting on this. L4 "the" vs "my" decision to be made - and yes, there is some clean up to do, but really strong start to the work.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Maryland, USA
    "long enough for the lizard/ brain"

    I like this linebreak. I did not expect the twist!

    "if we round up it’s 7 years by
    365 days and that adds up to 2555 days we fought
    to convince ourselves we're soulmates"


    "the 'tszszs' of not being
    tired and the hum of not being lonely"

    I LOVE this description.

    "But the rain will come and then the snow and the
    the rains and freezes and sun will cycle and recycle
    the thaw finally releases the boulder, the size of the car
    I bought from the young lady who went back to college."

    Love the repetition and the mundane close.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hi Billdozer,

    I'm enjoying your high-power language machine run slightly amok, busting things and doing graceful hairpin turns. The effort of trying to stand still for a moment in an excess of stimuli, everything slipping. I think Adam's Lament captures the sensation beautifully.

  6. #36
    DiggerTractor is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Dec 2005
    Arlene thanks! Julie, I appreciate you taking the time to come by. Larryrap, I love the description

  7. #37
    DiggerTractor is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Dec 2005

    After You

    Cut it up and eat it
    Divide grind distribute

    In this copse there is no phoenix
    or thunderbird

    The dead do not know what
    comes from the ashes

  8. #38
    DiggerTractor is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Dec 2005

    Magic Man

    "Now you see me. Now you don't."

    There is a technique when correctly performed includes a finger
    delicately placed and with a wispy flicker of a soft tongue springs forth

    magic. You're wonderful, she said. In the end, behind the silence, she added
    "just at that" each time. And that was tthe real magic-he never saw the words sitting

    there, an incubus perched on the headboard-hard to read in the inkiness. Sometimes
    she didn't hide them and in the morning they were still there. He would see

    them, in the light unable to decipher. A witch-crafted spell:
    a corpse selectively illiterate.
    Last edited by DiggerTractor; 04-18-2016 at 12:20 AM.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Love love love "After You" and "Magic Man"

    Hope you don't give up your thirty pomes. This is a great thread of work.

  10. #40
    DiggerTractor is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Dear, Saint Anthony: Patron Saint of the Lost, I pray
    to your holiness to assuage the constant gut-punches of pain
    resulting from my lost one. No candles. No incense. No relic of cloth
    or icons or beads can bring her back. But I ask, something special from you:
    I ask that she remains lost to me. For you, finding her would be easy (If you seek
    you shall). For you would know the trails she has left behind. The rancid earthy smell. Tracks
    covered in snow can't hide from your sacred holiness. Please, if by chance, you find
    find her-by all the Mother of the Bleeding Heart allows: prick her heart with a barb.
    Pin it and fold the flap back so it drips slowly like that of the Holy Mother: so she will
    feel the slow drain of life from an unhealing wound. When she checks her cup
    she'll know it's source is from the hole in the heart. When her stomach bloats.
    When a stress pain gusts across her chest. When her heart braces
    against the morning. When it all seems like despair, she'll know
    it was I who put the eternal thorn in the side of the left ventricle. Grief should tinge her
    mornings, noons and nights. It is this only that I ask-if you find her-one barb, one thread
    of grief weaving through her days. In your most Holy and Merciful name. Forever and Ever.

  11. #41
    DiggerTractor is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Dec 2005
    Thank Andrea, I appreciate the encouragement and am trying to stay with the pack without falling too far behind...

  12. #42
    DiggerTractor is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Dec 2005

    The Last Time

    The last, the last break-up sex: it was dry and cold
    outside but the tropics lingered. I fucked her in the ass.
    And I'm glad. For her, she had to use her 'woman time'
    as an excuse against her catholic guilt. Virgin-pressed
    coconut oil and a dick in the ass. We could do that. Put
    dicks into each other's asses, yet we could not live together. Fucked
    Up. Coconut fills it all: inside, outside, mixing. Troubled history
    like in Jamaica on Monkey Island: the topless white foreigner
    edging along the coral and the young black woman with lighter
    brown breasts and the girls finding a sea-star and I couldn't stop
    the relentless gaze-but the urchins fanned out, sure of themselves
    and everywhere we had to step carefully to not get poisoned. A cold
    beer in the man's hand, sitting out there all alone all day hoping
    to sell some Jelly: "no worries man" he told told the girls. Smiling
    we could see he had a gold tooth.

  13. #43
    DiggerTractor is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    You came into my yard, a word, begging for something and I didn't understand
    your mumbling. My eyes are seeing and my head is quaking because someone
    is in the wrong place and the time doesn't match my clock. It's not right: all the beauty

    won from the pain.The words fracturing and splitting from tongues to move a heart. All
    the epiphanies from the pain. The Actualizing self to individuation. I would pass over
    learning the secrets in a grain of sand. Or riding the cosmic waves from the beginning

    of time, blasting past the shoulder of Orion. I could be a tear lost in the rain, all this
    forgotten-- If I could have but another year of you loving me like you did. Hiding
    and knowing it was wrong. The touch behind the pines. The cricket sounds at night

    in the playground: buzzing energy. I'd trade it all for one more year of that love
    from you. Time. And never thinking, if only.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    These break-up poems are wrenching. Yes - vicious and painful and pretty damn great.

  15. #45
    M is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Fairmont, WV
    Ouch. You're killin me with this stuff. Here I am trying to self-actualize and move past the initial breakup shock (I'm coming up on 18 days since moving out), and here you keep writing all these damned beautifully heart and gut wrenching poems. But they're really really good.

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