Donner, thank you so much for dropping by again, and for your support, and I'm glad you liked Fish, and you made me smile too, the imagery of fish bits the cat left on the desk = ). I was inspired by Avalanche's animal poems, so I'm going to continue on to see if I could do seven of them. Thanks again for dropping by, here's the next poem!
23. Ear
I own ear, I want to be the owner ear
thinks I am. I wish only for the best ear:
ear, to the party of the red elephant,
the yellow and purple high-tops
around the basketball ear, the girl
on girl with chubby cheeks ear,
the things ear wishes it could see on TV.
I once lied to ear only to fill it with truths.
And the owner it thinks I am. I asked
ear if ear will live longer than me. I asked
ear if my voice is pleasing. I punished ear
with cotton balls. Sometimes I tell ear no-
body wants me, only to hear ear
tell it to me too. I told ear to stay in its cage,
this house, where I am,
where I’m always awake. I remind ear
how expensive it is to replace ear,
but it can be done. I asked ear if it wished
it had feet, to walk out of this place,
find some different owner to torment. Ear.
I asked ear to bring me a car alarm,
a telephone, a cat calling pervert. Ear.
Anything to appease it, as I want
to be the owner it thinks I am.
And to this day, it never leaves me,
this alter ego, this parrot.