Hi Michelle,
It's quite a thread - turbulent, furious, hurting. Like a great battle for dignity is going on amid endless humiliations.
I like the synesthesia effects in "When You Heard It". Doom-laden colors and desperate music and the taste of salt.
"On Drowning" is despair powerfully rendered.
"Seven Steps" is chilling, a relentless tour of the extreme cruelties of the extremely hurt.
"Anniversary" takes a slower pace and has its own force. The last two strophes stand well on their own.
"It's Not Me, It's You" seems like 80% bravado filler but the "the person you thought I was" part is brilliant and could be the meat of a poem.
I see a lot of value in "Untitled"'s structure: breaking every few lines makes for a careful, slow buildup and there's a tension and simmering intensity that feels very promising.