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Thread: Cookala's In Just Under the Wire

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    ok, this is my first few stabs at a lune - hope they work! these are such fun to write and fast, so I've done a few for today

    April 4 - 5 Lunes

    lune i

    Sun Salutation: Tadasana to Urdhva Hastasana

    -for Howard, who inspired me to try

    stretched into the stance
    breathe deeply
    Kundalini bliss

    lune ii

    dirty martini
    three olives
    iced, shaken just so

    lune iii

    sweet, ruffled pink skin
    exhale heady scents

    lune iv

    May flowers will cede
    to greening
    long before summer

    lune v

    primaries disrupt
    sleeping fools
    nothing new to say

  2. #32
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    feeling wiped out today and off and on dizziness (the after effects of chemo still haunt me from time to time)- just going to post a poem. maybe I'll snap out of it later *crosses fingers*

    April 5

    Reclining Nudes (lune sequence #1 )

    scent of exotic
    infuses delight

    silver gray and white
    pearls dangle
    grace delicate lobes

    orbs warmed by his breath
    snug and close
    lie upon her throat

    half-shut cobalt eyes
    wake dormant senses

    caress of sunlight
    teases breasts
    promises pleasure

    sculpted bodies spooned


  3. #33
    Join Date
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    still feeling blech. rain's a comin, knees a screamin, heads a bangin...need I go on? pfffbt

    April 6


    He’s an inconsiderate prick;
    he’ll come to pay a visit
    without warning, won’t care
    whether you’re half naked
    or in the middle of the day’s
    umpteenth argument;

    he'll demand entertainment even when
    he knows you’ll be embarrassed
    when your rickety dam breaks
    and renders you shattered,
    buried beneath his weight
    all over again.

    There’s no controlling him, no way
    to avoid his cruel grasp
    and he loves to take hostages
    whenever he can. The only escape
    is the blithe release of sleep,
    but we all know
    one cannot sleep forever,

    and as soon as you wake
    there he will be,
    perched like a lover at the end of your bed
    in all his durm and strang,
    waiting to pump you full
    of his latest manifestation.


  4. #34
    M is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Fairmont, WV
    Oiy. Sorry to hear you're feeling ick. Grief was spot-on, and it doesn't matter what one is grieving the loss of, it's universal. Inconsiderate prick to be sure. Hang in there and feel better.

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Sin City, USA
    Hi Cookie,

    I've been out of the loop. Sounds like you've had a time of it. Hope you're on the road to full recovery.

    So, all of these have things I'm falling for:
    El Capitan and the waterfall. Did you take that photo?
    Crocuses - I'm on the bandwagon for live, bloom, die
    lunes - I like the wit in the one about politics. You nailed it.
    Grief - especially enjoyed the first and last strophes. What a bastard.

    Hope me you can make it through!


  6. #36
    Arlene is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Love the cat one, of course. Purr-fect. sorry. But, ouch, yes, Skipping gently past the lovely lunes, which are a little like your earrings, Cookie, I feel the pain forcing itself on you in this last one.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    waiting to pump you full
    of his latest manifestation.

    This is terrific! Full of body and mind.

  8. #38
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    Reclining Nudes en lune, eh? Delicate and intimate.

    Grief and melancholy and chemo — it all adds up, doesn't it. Hang in there, babe.

    Keep 'em coming!

    Regards / Dunc

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    ugh, having a rough few days of it - fatigue, weather headaches, vertigo - had no desire to do anything yesterday but lay in bed and sleep on and off. (the vertigo meds do that) and the allergies are kicking in, too - spring always gets me. and I have to stop caffeine and salt for awhile because of the vertigo - and during napo that's almost impossible! no chocolate! no coffee! and worst yet - no booze! triple crappers!

    thanks everyone for your visits and fluffery -
    M, Jenlars, Arlene, Jee and Dunc - thanks so much for the smiles, need em right now!

    April 7

    If A Leaf Were Sentient

    A mulberry leaf with hoar-tinged edges
    releases its tenuous grasp,
    floats in the slipstream breeze
    until its flown far from its home,
    then sets down on the back of a stream
    which carries it to the mouth of the sea.
    It thinks, expects to sink but instead
    rides a rollercoaster of waves
    until it alights on a distant shore.
    It dries in the constant sun
    and expects to desiccate but instead
    is grabbed up by a sudden gust.
    It flies away, wonders what’s next,
    until it’s set down in a foreign land
    alone, undefined and wondering
    how long its journey will last
    until it can merge with the earth
    and finally, at long last, rest.


  10. #40
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    April 8


    The day spun in to find me
    spawning new fantasies.
    I felt new, full and alive
    as I flew towards fulfillment;
    and left behind my fractured spirit
    to brood in its dark corner.
    As I looked into his cornflower eyes
    I was lifted away from myself,
    understanding why, at long last,
    the birds sing with such joy.


  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Maryland, USA
    Cookie, Cookie, Cookie!

    "So simple is their mindless life:
    wake, bloom, die
    with little else in between;
    how I envy their ease."

    Oh, I follow you there.

    she has that certain prissy walk
    of a pure bred (which she is not)

    and above all else,
    and I can’t stress this enough,
    be very sure to feed her on time

    I've got one of those. I hit the cat poem early, too.

    lune v

    primaries disrupt
    sleeping fools
    nothing new to say!!


  12. #42
    Join Date
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    LI, NY
    Julie!! thanks so much for stopping by - much appreciated! glad you enjoyed.

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    April 9

    Red-Bellied Bully

    Oh, don’t get me wrong, he’s pretty
    to look at with his black and white stripes
    but beneath that Corvette red head
    he’s a feisty brute who doesn’t like to share.
    So beware, little chickadees and tufted tits,
    he’ll peck you stupid if God forbid
    you should try to latch onto the suet feeder
    when he’s going at it. His beak is a long sword
    that even grackles respect; and even the trees
    speak creak-tongue warnings in his presence.


  14. #44
    JFN is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Cookala, fascinating photo for Fire Dance. Lovely brightness through S2, before fading back to night.

    Really like the last seven lines of Crocus and its hibernation.

    Good old kitty-ditty. I like the pure breed swagger, and SQWAMKT. cat-tankerous too.

    Of the lunes I found i to be my favourite, closely followed by iv. stretched into the stance makes a superb opening line.

    Reclining Nudes is superb, my favourite of your's so far. Very sensual. Loved orbs warned from his breath.

    inconsiderate bastard makes for a strong opener. S4 is spot on.

    Enjoyed the journey and particularly the longing at the end of If A Leaf... If I ever make it to old age I wouldn't be surprised if I share your leaf's sentiments.

    I like the near-rhymed couplet at L5-6 of Red-Bellied Bully, and also thought this: even the trees / speak creak-tongue warnings was lovely.

    Been a pleasure to read these.

    Poetry is everywhere; it just needs editing.
    James Tate


  15. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I found the portrait of the red-headed woodpecker clear, lively, and concise. The last line with 'creak-tongue warnings' is both inventive and evocative of trees.

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