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Thread: Cookala's In Just Under the Wire

  1. #76
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    April 17

    Back Bay

    Back among the dunes
    set back from the sea
    marshy wetlands bloom
    wild things roam free

    Red hawks hunt field mice
    crabs sidle and hide
    herons stalk silver sides
    clams sift algae tides

    Wavelets glitter at noon
    and slap the marshes knees
    seagulls stretch and groom
    wild things roam free


  2. #77
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    Sydney, Australia

    Thanks for my grackle! The colours are most unusual — the uncommon common grackle yet.

    Luckless — Yeah, I buy lottery tickets on exactly the basis you describe.

    Visiting — Yup, the transience of things includes people, alas. Here, have a hug.

    Caged — Yup, our fears are our own tower guards and shoot to kill. Like your last verse too.

    Cycle — At least you turned your Muse-on-strike into a poem. Mine won't even let me do that.

    NaPoit just might be you / who’s reserve / falters at sixteen. Uncanny prescience!

    Roll on, Cookie!

    Regards / Dunc

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Washington State
    Hi, Cookie,

    "Caged" - I wonder if the losses in life we go through free us more than cage us, and I know you've experienced quite a few the last few years. I guess it would depend on the person, the experience, but the capacity is there.

    "The Cycle Repeats" - Ain't that the truth. I particularly liked "skunked of sleep".

    "Back Bay" - More focus on freedom. Nice little snapshot. (We have wetlands and bird sanctuaries here, so I related to this. Saw a red-winged black bird in a cattail-filled ditch just the other day.)

    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

  4. #79
    Speug is offline Likes to pretend he's Image Indifferent
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    Hi Cookie, I really like the internal rhymes and half-rhymes in this last one, and its riverine flow.

  5. #80
    Join Date
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    LI, NY
    Thanks so much you naponutters - appreciate the comments and fluffery!
    Dunc - grackles are basically black but oil slick black - iridescent when the sun hits them just so - very pretty, and large, maybe 12"
    Donner - I guess it depends on the situation re:Caged, but yeah, it could go either way. glad you connected with Back Bay - I love those areas muchly, probably because I grew up on the Bay and was always out on the boat. I was a lucky kid that way.
    Speug - glad you enjoyed!

  6. #81
    Join Date
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    April 18

    Parting Thoughts

    Love bleeds onto a page of words
    that blur to black, Rorschach blots.
    I remember whispers
    once full of promise now evanesced
    into a gray mist;
    so it goes for our love,
    once shared and alive
    now just a part of our vintage past –
    a time to be remembered,
    cherished or not,
    as we redefine our lives and ourselves
    and move on,
    searching for a reason to hope
    that there is something
    worth living for after all.


  7. #82
    Join Date
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    April 19


    The sky is a chaotic swirl of clouds,
    gray and yellow; an edgeless blend
    that blots the sun.

    There is no solace in it;
    no bright warmth
    to chase the chill of today.

    There is only the headache
    of heartaches, past and present,
    shut in behind this winter window

    and the passage of hopeless days
    that render me bereft
    as I ponder the unwritten future.


  8. #83
    Join Date
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    April 20

    Beach Walk

    I went in search of a snowy owl
    but found myself instead
    trekking through fall dunes, marveling
    at the yellow orange and red
    of beach flora gone dead.

    I thought about the summer
    and how it leaves us with a splash
    of kaleidoscopic color
    morphed onto the otherwise pale grass,
    hoping that I, too, could live
    such a colorful life and leave it
    with that kind of panache.

    I think, then, I could be content.


  9. #84
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Hey Cookie, both Spent and Parting Thoughts are reflective outpourings of absence. Beach Walk takes the same thing and gives it a hopeful twist. It was raining here a little earlier. Rain like you wouldn't believe but it's only now that the thunder has arrived.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Haworth parsonage graveyard
    Hello Cookie,

    There's loads to like here. "Grief", "Red Bellied Bully", "Caged" and "Back Bay" all resonated with me in different ways. I liked the humour of the word portrait you paint of this bird in Red bellied bully. Grief is effective use of personification and you've tapped into an energy there that its worth exploring. "Caged" gave me chills. I think the heart of the poem is contained in the first three strophes. I like the watery stream of consciousness feel of "Back Bay"--helps me see it in my mind.

    We have ten to go!



  11. #86
    Join Date
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    LI, NY
    thanks so much 5th and Mari - appreciate your fluff muchly! been having a rough go of it this year, barely keeping it going, and I am so totally behind on fluff. apologies for that!

  12. #87
    Join Date
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    April 21

    Off the Ledge

    I’ve done it before; leapt off
    the ledge and trusted myself
    to soar in the rarified air
    and feast on its nirvana, but

    my wings always tire
    far too soon; they’ve failed me
    each time I’ve glimpsed the reward
    just beyond my grasp.

    Falling hurts.
    Freedom has it’s price.

    I ask myself
    if it’s better to exist malcontent
    or risk another chance
    to finally find that headwind
    that will ferry me home.


  13. #88
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    April 22


    Frail as old age, frustrated
    by limbs that may easily snap
    if caught in the changing winds
    while terror tinged thoughts
    bode an uncertain doom.
    That feeling of falling
    under the rush of waves, hard hit
    and gasping for breath,
    keeps me away from beloved strolls
    along the ever changing shoreline
    where countless pebbles now lie
    smirking at a lesser me.
    All that’s left is to sit far back
    along the dune line
    and watch as the seagulls soar.


  14. #89
    Join Date
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    LI, NY
    April 23

    The Future

    It lies there
    like a lump in my breast,
    directs my steps
    along an uncertain path
    that has too many stones
    for tired feet to stumble upon
    on their way home.

    Time weakens the will;
    the way is not clear;
    there are too many forks
    to confuse and distract.
    Safe havens that once were
    have passed into shadow and mist,
    and are lost in the past.

    I walk with unsteady steps,
    dragged along by the sheer force
    of my will, too stubborn to succumb
    and become a pile of stones on a hill.
    I search for a trail sign to guide me.


  15. #90
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    There is melancholy but also stubbornness in these Cookie. Not a lesser self, just a different one.

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