Thanks for popping in, krystalynn, Angela & Andrea!
April 4
The Bird-Man
His camo snagged as brambles crunch,
he slithers in the cloaking fog--
with booty smugly in his clutch
he chuckles through the nightly slog.
A feather here, a wisp of felt,
a twig to mark a limblike perch,
a dash of red, and thus his church's
congregation's hand is dealt.
For placement every care he heeds--
a tricky business--just enough
of mottled bracken, broken reeds
and smoothly half-obscuring rough.
A Bristled Curlew, Short-eared Owl,
a Kingbird cloaked in stately gray;
the rarest of the rarest fowl
so seldom spotted, night or day--
A Giant Ibis, Little Dodo,
Kakapo and Painted Snipe--
his masterpiece, a Noisy Scrub-bird
built of cleaners for a pipe.
And every night the proud creator
flits from marsh to wooded hills
and scatters like the eggs of Easter
peeking feathers, beaks and bills.
And one by one the sightings mount--
binoculars and telescopes,
their fuzzy focus gears of hope
proclaim the paucity of doubt.
A cheeky gift, the bird-man gets,
a tad deceitful, rather cheap,
but life's a tough enough conceit
so why not leave it what it's left?
Anyone can make bad poetry, just as any monkey can make noise come out of a piano.
Who wants to listen to a monkey playing the piano?