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Thread: Angela's Third Time's a Charm Thread

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    Thank you, Donner and Dunc! Love that you stopped by!

    Singing my ABC's now. (I know I haven't the voice for it.)

    7) Freak

    Anchor break. Calculate.
    Decide effect. Flog.
    Genuflect. Hunger intensified.
    Joyous. Knot lover. Mastur-
    bation negation. Oath. Please!
    Quantify. Relish sensation. Taste.
    Unleash vulnerability. Want.
    X= Yield: Zenith.
    Last edited by Angela; 04-07-2017 at 09:49 PM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    8) Butter Mold

    Cherry wood, etched
    with a lilac sprig, sanctified
    by pure spring water-
    seasoned with decades
    of sweet cream, timothy grass
    and simpler ways.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Hey Angela,

    Hoarder with Crewel Intentions Great pun in the title. I read this as written by a stoner embroiderer, talking up her next project, which may or may not happen. Nicely done.

    Steampunk feast - love the knife catching the taste buds and triggering hunger and the geared tongue missing a cog enjoyed the overall mechanical trope: pistons, gears, steel fingers. Steampunk indeed.

    Solvency I read this as a mother no longer able to comfort her adult son as she could when he was a child. Even though he still engages in child-like pursuits (video games, and fantasy cards) he's supporting himself, more or less.

    After we fight Love the way you work the metaphor in the last stanza.

    as I pluck and crumble
    filigreed wings
    from stinging things
    thought long dead.

    Freak took a couple of reads, but then it worked for me. Zenith brings the poem to a much needed climax.

    Keep em coming.


  4. #34
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    Freak - Great way to do an Alphabet, and your bag of Things is full of curiosities. Particularly admire the way you handled x. y, z.

    Butter Mold - By golly, I haven't seen a butter mold in decades. Poem beautifully decorated to celebrate one.

    Good readin'!

    Regards / Dunc

  5. #35
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    South Carolina
    Thank you for your thoughts and comments, Matt and Dunc! I will get to fluffing you guys. You are on my list. Work has kept me busy and so drained at the end of my days. I spent this whole day off trying to catch up. Needless to say, I am drained from writing! You all know how it is.

    9) Butter Mold 2

    Cherry wood, etched
    with the likeness
    of an ivy sprig
    caught meandering
    over a rock ledge
    in a stone walled garden.
    Baptized by spring water—

    seasoned with sweet cream,
    timothy grass
    and slanted rays.
    Last edited by Angela; 04-12-2017 at 07:56 PM.

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    Damn cat poem:

    10) Maui Wowie

    When I was seventeen, I landed this cherry
    babysitting gig— two kids old enough
    to fend for themselves. They had snacks
    and a pool and cable tv! They also had a cat
    named Maui that sat and flicked his tail
    to the tick-tock of a creepy cuckoo clock—
    I should have paid heed— someone should have
    said something to me— but the lady of the house and I
    shook on the spot. My very first day

    dawned hot and steamy, my thoughts
    on water and a new bikini that would drive the guys
    crazy all season. The girls were oblivious
    in front of the tube, so I headed to the kitchen
    to scrounge for food— I didn't know that Maui
    was a tiny hunter in a calico coat! He sprung
    with a hiss and a rumble deep in his throat
    and sunk twenty claws and two fangs
    into my sun-kissed thigh! The kids just blinked
    and munched their Crunch when I went screaming by.
    I found out later he was a poly dactyl demon— no help
    knowing he was a genetic mutant. I couldn't shake him.

    So please don't ask me to love your shady beast—

    I still can't shake Maui, now.
    Last edited by Angela; 04-12-2017 at 07:57 PM.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    11) Ten Minutes Spent on The Voodoo Sanitarium Tour

    That guy there? Oh, he is old school
    and has the best room— he thinks
    he has chicken feet. His splayed toes
    tap a funky beat on the wide plank
    floor. Just look at that
    doll with the twined-up hair— she don't care

    for poultry meat. She has gnarly nails—
    painted red like cut flesh— she knows
    strips teased back leave stripes— she grins
    when you grimace, so pay no mind
    when she gnashes at her orange
    julius-smeared straw. She's funny— sometimes

    she cradles a dead baby, except her baby
    is in another wing— her baby
    shrieks on the hour, he's like a goddamn
    cuckoo clock. I mean
    you could set your watch by it. We won't
    make it over there—

    you gotta have access to a special set of keys
    to get through that particular door.
    Last edited by Angela; 04-12-2017 at 08:59 PM.

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Grilled sourdough with blackberry jam is one of my favorite things! Have I eaten today?! Hmmm. Better get on that.

    12) Grilled Sourdough

    The knife, when it came,
    was a reprieve from glowing coals—
    cool jam spread with deliberation.

  9. #39
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    Butter Mold 2 - Hm, reminds me of something I read about Butter Molds recently ... still, a lovely evocation, not least S2.

    Maui Wowie - A winning title for a pestiferous feline, indeed. Somewhere between a coming-of-age story and Ambush at Dry Gulch.

    Ten Minutes - Another fine title. And correspondingly weird.

    Grilled Sourdough - You've convinced me! Your poem's delicious.

    Regards / Dunc

  10. #40
    avalanche is offline painted with...fists and elbows
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    Loved that first one about the odd finds in the charity store. And Solvency, very nicely drawn.
    Maui was a special minion, I think maybe a familiar ? Heeehee...

    wrings his feet

  11. #41
    Stagyrite is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Hullo, angela,

    some nice shorter poems here, the 2 butter mold poems speak to the way objects from the past can draw us in and even slow us down. The word "deliberation", in 'Sourdough', was just right in so many ways. Voodoo sanitarium tour was colourful but also disturbing, with a strong tension between the breezy N and the things she describes.

    keep pushing on!

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    Hoarder cracked me up and nicely balanced two competing refrains.
    Trainwreck - nice allegory for a relationship
    Buttermold - is a lovely poem. I prefer the first, the simplicity and spare but effective images fit the subject.
    Ten Minutes - astute observations for what is an overwhelming and disorienting experience.

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    Washington State
    Hi, Angela,

    "Maui Wowie" reminds me of those stories you read of people calling 911 because their cat is holding them hostage. Usually it's the kids that cause the trauma. The poor girl isn't warned by the mother about the cat and the clue that the kids are old enough to care for themselves says she's more than glad she has work to escape to. (Reminds me of one of my few babysitting ventures. We watched a horror film of the kids selection - and with the parents' approval! - and then after I'd sent them to bed, I sat there, alone, late at night, waiting for the parents to come back.)

    I've visited a mental hospital before. That will help clarify any doubts you might have about being "normal". I've also accidentally locked myself in the "memory care" unit of a nursing home while delivering flowers, so the last two lines resonated with me. The title says it all.

    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Thank you, Dunc, Avalanche, Stagyrite, PClem and Donner. You guys are awesome for reading and commenting. I will be around to read your work. This has been a rough napo. No time for writing let alone fluffing. Gaaa!

    13) On Why Cleaning Before Bed is a Joke

    Someone said take 20 minutes to clean
    out my head before bed, so I think:

    I like the way stir-fried kale
    gives between my teeth,
    it has the perfect bite that satisfies
    and keeps me from grinding my molars
    at night. Which reminds me to search out

    the neighbor's porch light shining
    through that minute slice between the slats
    that always makes me squinch
    my eyes shut tight and count the breaths
    of the man lying solid and sure beside me.

    My belly twinges as the too-familiar red warmth spreads
    between my thighs— I clench my teeth to hush a moan
    against impending changes. My nipples don't care,
    they still want to be suckled- I pinch them
    and imagine my hands filling

    with lead pellets. I want to scream
    bloody murder. Civil war has been on my mind
    since the election. I wonder about the people in my life
    leaning left. I wonder if I keep leaning right—

    Will we miss each other?

    Will we miss each other?



  15. #45
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    14) Butchering the Blues

    I cup my hands around air,
    there's no weight there. I remember

    my dad butchering the blues—
    Pabst at his side, Camel burning—
    I would watch the smoke curl
    and not worry over signals
    as he mangled lyrics and laughed.
    See, there were intervals

    between mad rushes. Did I tell you
    they called him Crazy Mike? His hands
    were rough and I don't really remember
    him working— but, he'd dance with me—

    He's dead now and that's not the point—
    it's some silly snippet of a song
    that keeps bothering me. Something
    crooning, something wondering—

    What ya gonna do now
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxya sweet little thing?
    Last edited by Angela; 04-17-2017 at 07:01 AM.

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