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Thread: Counting critiques in General towards C&C poem posts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Counting critiques in General towards C&C poem posts

    If you can't post a poem in C&C because there are insufficient C&C poems for you to critique, you can count recent critiques in General toward your critique "debt". The following caveats apply:

    1. You can now critique any poem posted in C&C in the past three months, so you must have critiqued everything posted in C&C in the past three months before you can count General critiques. That is, there must genuinely be nothing in C&C available for you to critique.

    2. At least a week must have passed since you last posted a poem in C&C.

    3. To count, your critiques in General must be relatively recent, that is, done in the past three months, and substantial, that is, written to C&C critique standards (see C&C Guidelines).

    4. If you're counting a critique towards a poem in C&C, you can't also count it towards a poem in General (and vice versa).

    Please be aware that these are temporary measures designed to encourage more activity in C&C. As and when C&C gets busier, the above may be modified or the original rules may be reinstated. Please check back regularly.
    Last edited by GreaterMandalaofUselessness; 09-25-2019 at 10:38 PM.

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