Thanks, Dunc. Your comments are well taken. As you noted, "His Name" is a big project, and could very well use some simmering.
JFN, thanks. I agree with you on the weaknesses in S3 of "What He Had Done". Ending a line in a syllabic on a preposition is something that I prefer not to do, if at all possible. I also prefer to minimize ending on conjunctions, although "and" and "or" in such a position can be useful for enjambment. But that is not the case here. I was thinking of doing an audio reading for the revised version, and posting it, to give an idea of the cadence I had in mind.
The limerick was unexpected and grew out of my fluff on Donner's American Sentence on the same topic.
"His Name" was a response to another poem I wrote and did not post, that was a kind of snarky take on the corona virus thing. The response came from the same motivation that made me write "By the By", and re-mix "Snare the Moon"--this idea that I was going down easy paths.
The poem to which "His Name" was a reaction has the opposite tone. It's jokey, filled with wordplay, with non-specific characters--not terrible--but nothing special either. Then I remembered reading about the possibility of kids going hungry if the schools closed in New York, which brought to mind the nameless boy of the title of "His Name", and the rest flowed from there (with multiple very quick rewrites and re-strategems). The other one I plan to post as an outtake.
Sorella, thanks. I'm glad you found "His Name" memorable. A certain kind of irony there.
Thanks, Sarah. It is not my intention to hurt, but sometimes that happens. There is a kind of catharsis in that, like the pain you have at the end of a long run (which I've been trying to keep up), and the relief when it is done, but the satisfaction also of having done it. I'll have to see what I can do with it. I'm totally naive when it comes to publication--I've always been more of a performing poet--but I've been researching possibilities. I have a big backlog if I start to go down that route.
BrianIs AtYou
Last edited by BrianIsSmilingAtYou; 03-14-2020 at 12:26 PM.
I think I think, therefore I might be.