(Gedanken / Undenkbar)
The New Utopia is not a singularity,
a world without affinities.
Worlds spawn in quantum quantity,
soon drowning in infinities.
Say for a fact that you were a cat,
said German-speaking Schrödinger—
though, in cat, you could not say it like that,
if you, in fact, a feline thing were.
Thus, when we (pretend / explain),
we (are / are not) a cat—
we (come / go) (quick / slow) to the (end / begin).
As we’re (dead / alive), (skinny / fat)—
a (human / feline) reificatification—
a (gedanken / undenkbar) experimentation.
Which (New Utopia / Old World of Sin)
have we (landed / not landed) in?
(Postscript / Preamble)
(Mein Gedanke war, dass die Katze undankbar war /
Mein Gedenke war, dass die Katze undenkbar war.)
(My thought was that the cat was ungrateful /
My memory was that the cat was unthinkable.)