Sorella, thanks for the condolences.
PClem, thanks for returning, your comments are much appreciated.
I'm glad you like Eye Deaf. It was a bit of a switch from recent stuff.
drumpf - thanks for reading The Fateful Mistake, a difficult piece to write, and probably to read. Same with your reading of the limericks. These were a bit of fun, but far cleaner, and far less outrageous, than the ones I wrote in 2009 (loads more naughty words that year). Thanks for your comments on Eye Deaf. Interesting. Where I come from, I generally hear no difference in "your" and "you're" unless someone is making special emphasis. Interesting to hear alternative perspectives.
Scrow - thanks for the condolences, and for the kind words on the elegy. I drew on my experience with the tanka stanza from my Hokusai days, and from the more recent stuff I did in Sevens and more. It seems a suitable way to contain and shape my thoughts and emotions.
Thanks for the comments on some of the recent Plague Diaries entries, Mea Culpa and To Clear the Air. I've tried to continue the more focused approach that started about a week in, after the chaos of the opening days was over.
More to come!
BrianIs AtYou
Last edited by BrianIsSmilingAtYou; 04-19-2020 at 07:57 PM.
I think I think, therefore I might be.