Thanks for the detailed analysis, John.
You wrote "I thought the repetend would have annoyed me by now, but it hasn't."
This stopped me in my tracks, and started me on a new train of thought.
That train of thought led to the next "New Utopia" poem, on the one hand (a meta-poetic meditation on the meaning of "You know the drill").
On the other hand, it led to an examination of what the repetend means in The Plague Diaries.
Understand that the repetend serves a purpose. I write the stanzas with an understanding that they will come to that repetend. I considered leaving it out for special circumstances, like the dream sequence, but I left it in. Dream and reality become one.
I made the dream sequence there very long, 10 stanzas out of 15 total in the poem. It recounts, fairly accurately, an actual dream that I had. I made the sequence lengthy to draw the reader into the dream. Long enough, maybe, to forget that the sequence was embedded in another context, so that the reader would be there with me in the dream. So that being brought back would engender the same difficulty that I had on waking, sensing the strange parallels and confusion that that can entail.
Going back to the repetend--there is an ultimate purpose. If you do not see the repetend, it means that the narrator/poet has probably died.
Maybe a new narrator will pick up at that point. Or, maybe, just silence. I do not know. It depends on whether it is the narrator or the poet that has died.
BrianIs AtYou
Last edited by BrianIsSmilingAtYou; 04-05-2020 at 05:35 AM.
I think I think, therefore I might be.