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Thread: The Plague Diaries and the Annals of the New Utopia (IFT)

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Hi BrianIsSmiling,

    I keep reading your thread and I keep not posting. There's a lot here, and it varies in pace and beat and meanings - it's difficult to do it all justice.

    X. I must go on is (for me) one that resonates. Partly that's probably because I like history, and enjoy history in visual form, too - and I love the family resemblance here whilst the cholera loss is a grim reminder of history-non-sanitised.

    In IX, the re-evaluation of isolation (as being something the elderly are anyway) is hugely moving, and a reminder we need that there is frailty (and familial) love out there anyway, regardless of pandemics.

    The Jesus of the deserted mall sounds friendlier than most. The pictures, again, are lovely.

    And, in Dear Paul, it feels like you're reaching out to a generation raised on the hope (and later questioning) of the music that the sixties brought the world. The form suits this so well, too.

    (I'm sorry, I've missed your last one but I'm posting anyway as otherwise I won't or will burn supper)



  2. #107
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Thanks, Sarah.

    I've been trying to vary things a bit, especially with The Annals of the New Utopia. The Plague Diaries have mostly followed a certain pattern. I've tried to bring a stronger focus to those pieces in the more recent entries, away from the sprawling earlier entries.

    Your comments are well-received.

    I'm looking back a bit with the Plague Diaries entry for April 12 coming up, which will be posted a bit late.

    BrianIs AtYou
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    XII. A Claim (Waiting on the First Day of Spring, Reprise)

    Easter Sunday
    reminded me
    of words I wrote
    mere weeks before,
    and I would dream
    that the message
    of those words should
    echo, making
    a claim on me,
    on you, on all.

    Waiting on the First Day of Spring

    The first day of Spring has no memory
    of our childhood dreams, or of our first loves.
    There will always be cracks in the sidewalk
    that need mending and care—cracks where the weeds
    will sprout next Thursday, after springtime rain.
    The weeds will grow and flower, widening
    the cracks, and we will hack at them once more—
    not seeing in them the glory of Spring
    that we see in tulips and daffodils
    whose bulbs we planted, and forgot, last Fall.

    For the weeds, however, the sidewalk cracks
    are childhood dream and first love all in one,
    but we will dare to pull them and hoe them.
    Then, having battered a reluctant world
    into grim compliance, we will wonder
    why we are not happy. Our childhood dreams
    were not lost in those sidewalk cracks. Nor were
    our first loves—but do we remember them?—

    the one for whom we picked that flower-weed
    at five years old, thinking only of them,
    whose innocence and beauty are lost now,
    except in memory? The circle turns,
    and we must be ready to face the end—
    a paradox, perhaps—while we are waiting
    for the cracks to be filled. But when the rain
    comes, will we forget all that, and just watch
    the endless raindrops drumming on the walk?

    When everything has been taken from us,
    we will find that there is still something left.
    When everything comes full circle, once more,
    we will learn that the circle has no end.
    For, though we have not become young again,
    we have another chance to see the world
    with the eyes that looked out at five years old,
    and there—through the springtime rain—we will see
    our childhood dreams, and our first loves, waiting.

    Would that it were so.
    Are we still living?


    BrianIs AtYou
    Last edited by BrianIsSmilingAtYou; 04-14-2020 at 01:26 AM. Reason: tiny tweak
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I Don't Want to Be an Angel

    I don't want to be an angel.
    I don't want to be a star.
    I don't want to be the one you ask
    to twist the pickle jar.

    I don't want to be a savior,
    or the one that you must save.
    I don't want to dig a grave for you,
    or end up in a grave.

    I don't want you to forget me,
    or forget you in return.
    I don't want to place a bet for you
    that wins what you can't earn.

    If you need to be a savior,
    or you need someone to save,
    please don't hand your goddamn cross to me,
    or treat me as a slave.

    I don't want to be the one you jack,
    when stealing someone's car.
    I don't want to be an angel.
    I don't want to be a star.


    BrianIs AtYou
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Crescent Hill, KY
    B I S A Y

    I'm tempted to seriously scan your "don't want to be" offering. But since "pickle jar" is used to rhyme with "star", I'm not sure that would be the appropriate response. I was convinced the tone was playful here, until I got to "goddamn cross", then I began to wonder if there wasn't some genuine anger being expressed here. Kind of kicked me to review my own commitment fears...

    So there is some ambiguity, well fine and dandy. I enjoyed reading it, but I'll pass on the scan, although the rhythm and pace here IS pleasing to the ear. Did you start out with a specific form in mind, or did you just naturally fall into it?

    All the best -
    Last edited by oldman; 04-13-2020 at 05:27 PM.

  6. #111
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Brian, these are fascinating glimpses, the grim histories of today, the dreams of tomorrow. The Remnants will stay with me. Love the humor in your Andy Warhol homage, and Sean Francisco's motto is a fine rational antidote to the faith hope & charity that is serving us so poorly at the moment.

    In Shelter, the day-to-dayness of the meals - I'm doing that to me, planning variations so I won't complain, missing breaks in restaurants or at friends.

    Your dream sequences are meticulously detailed, thus believable, and worthy of the serendipitously matching illustrations.

    Much enjoyed your ambivalent cat, especially the German pun between the e's and the a's - a language I never learned.

    Your ordinary Saturday was so full of what I think of as Brian - love for friends, family, and warm attention to the details of their lives that mean so much to you.

    Someday is a wistful portrait of our society, where love is set aside for survival and guns are too easy a solution for too many.

    So many lovely things, the blue umbrella, the sympathetic Jesus, the down-to-earth rainbow. You finish up for today with some of my favorite things, the faithful plants, from timid violet to shiny celandine, that don't ask to be coddled, but bloom for everyone.

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Oldman, the scansion is one that I think you will recognize after a brief explanation.

    Iambic with anapestic substitution in first foot for lines 1, 2 and 3, feminine ending (unstressed hyper-metrical) in first line, masculine (stressed) endings for the rest. The iambic pattern gets stronger toward the end of line 3 (one additional foot), and follows through all the way in line 4, with no anapest at the start. This changes the "speed" (if you want to think in terms of quantitative verse) and intensity at the end of each stanza.

    This is followed for all stanzas but the final one. There the pattern is reversed. The tetrameter line is line 1, iambic trimeter, line 2, and then the last lines 1 and 2 from the opening stanza are repeated, restoring the anapestic substitution at the start of line 4 that is absent in the prior stanzas.

    By recapitulating lines 1 and 2 from the beginning at the end of the final stanza, the iambic tension (speed changing effect) that was intensified at the start of that stanza (carrying over from the end of the prior stanza) is broken, giving a sense of relief, as well as a feeling of having come full circle.

    1st through 4th stanza scansion
    I don't want / to be / an ang/el.
    I don't want / to be / a star.
    I don't want / to be / the one / you ask
    to twist / the pick/le jar.

    Overall, it's the same basic stress pattern that you would find in a limerick, trimeter, trimeter, tetrameter (but in a limerick, you'd generally have the 3rd line split into two limes of dimeter), trimeter.

    It's a very natural and common rhythm in English.

    As a limerick, it would be written as shown below, and you'd generally rhyme lines 1,2, and 5, with lines 3 and 4 being a separate rhyme. As written, it is following the stress pattern, but not the rhyme scheme, of a limerick.

    I don't want to be an angel.
    I don't want to be a star.
    I don't want to be
    the one you ask
    to twist the pickle jar.

    I did the same stress pattern with the previous poem "This Side of the Rainbow" (except anapests there dominate, rather than iambs), but I actually split the tetrameter line into two dimeter lines. The basic pattern for limericks (and similar stress-patterned verse) is strictly accentual, not accentual-syllabic, so the length of feet can be highly variable, and leading substitutions and hypermetricals are common.

    Many (if not most) limericks use anapests, dactyls or amphibrachs (the three main 3-syllable feet) as their main feet, with iambs being in the minority. This poem, with iambs in the majority, has a more strident tone.

    Please excuse any infelicities in the explanation. This was a quick run through.

    BrianIs AtYou


    Final stanza scansion, showing change from prior stanzas

    I don't want / to be / the one / you jack,
    when steal/ing some/one's car.
    I don't want / to be / an ang/el.
    I don't want / to be / a star.

    Scansion for earlier poem "I Don't Want to Go Over the Rainbow" (there are some minor variations in the second verse, but basically similar)

    I don't want / to go ov/er the rain/bow.
    I won't wait / for the old / by and by.
    I want blue/birds to sing           <---- note that the tetrameter line is split into two lines of dimeter in this
    on the roads / that I know,          <----- also, note hetero-accentual* rhyme with line 1, which is not normal in English
    and a rain/bow this side / of the sky.
    *hetero-accentual rhyme is rhyme for which the syllables with the rhyming phonemes do not have the same stress, standard rhyme matches sound and stress patterns
    Last edited by BrianIsSmilingAtYou; 04-13-2020 at 09:26 PM.
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

  8. #113
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Hi Brian, I've been reading the New Utopia poems and will come back for the Plague Diaries soon. I think there are some very good ones here. The Good Friday poem is excellent and feels very true to what the day is supposed to represent. And your blue umbrella poem also hits the nail on the head. I Don't Want to be an Angel feels like it could be a song as well as a poem. The real world and what ought to be intersect in these poems, sometimes feeling far from one another but nevertheless drawing each closer. A secret language indeed. Good stuff.

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Crescent Hill, KY

    Thanks for the lesson in scansion. You've done a great job of showing how a study of rhythm and varying cadences work in creating suspense and release, to mood and tone. I went and dug out my old raggedly copy of Turco, and hung a few forms over your framework just to try get back into practice. Alas, my hackles raise quickly when I begin the quantification and dissection required of this kind of study.

  10. #115
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New Leaf

    Thanks for reading, and for your insight.

    The dream sequences were something I viewed as a challenge, particularly the first, because of its length. The detail was critical to the dream-illusion. Both were sequences based on real dreams that I had, which I recalled on waking, and then immediately made notes with the intention of using them.

    The German puns came out of a fun discovery. I was familiar with the term "gedanken-experiment" for "thought-experiment"; it was a common term used by Einstein, Bohr, Schrodinger and others (with the physics community of the early 20th so dominated by German speakers, it was to be expected). Finding the variations in meaning, by simply changing the form of the word, even so little as a single vowel, was great fun!

    I'm glad you enjoyed the flowers. Those particular stanzas have taken on great meaning for me.
    Thanks, romac1, for your reading of the New Utopia pieces. I feel a little guilty to have burdened folks with two dueling threads-within-a-thread of poems, but I was afraid of getting too close to things with the Plague Diaries, and saw the New Utopia stuff as an alternative outlet.

    oldman, thanks for returning. For me, the scansion stuff is largely intuitive, as I have done so many now that I know what meter/foot/stress/substitution I am looking without having to slave over it. I pretty much wrote the "Angel" piece in one shot in my head before writing it down.

    More to come!

    BrianIs AtYou
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

  11. #116
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    XIII. To Fight the Wind

    If you want to make me laugh,
    show me a sad comedian.

    Laurel and Hardy
    worked for years
    only to lose
    their hard-won cash
    to a cheap hold up artist—
    "Easy Come! Easy go!"
    Another fine mess!

    Look at your neighbors
    through the window—
    piles of toilet paper
    you laugh!

    But they are looking
    back at you with none
    and a dirty bum—
    and they are
    laughing, too.

    The mime with a teardrop
    does not count.
    He is pitiable—
    pitiable as we are
    when we cannot
    laugh at ourselves—
    unable even
    to fight the wind.

    The tear is fake—
    the wind is fake—
    he needs to be
    locked in a real box.
    Then we could laugh at him
    and his predicament—
    as it begins to look
    all too familiar.

    The sun came out today,
    after harsh rain
    and wind—
    and I laughed at myself—
    as I did not even mime

    opening the door.


    Brianis AtYou
    Last edited by BrianIsSmilingAtYou; 04-14-2020 at 04:44 AM.
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

  12. #117
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    The Fateful Mistake

    We live in a world where auto-correct
    changes “measles” into a “meadow”.
    It was by a similar fateful mistake
    that the New Utopia started,
    when the time was ready.
    People had always feared
    a mistake—a button press
    would send a missile,
    ending the world.

    By the time that the fateful mistake
    was made, the fear was not of missiles,
    but of man helping man
    without profit in the mix somehow.
    The fateful mistake was accidental kindness,
    committed by an errant political vote.

    A naysayer said, “yea”, half-asleep—
    his vote to break the impasse on a bill
    surprised the most jaded,
    and others followed suit—
    not knowing his error,
    not knowing he’d had no change of heart—
    until too late,
    when the world was already changed.

    The politicians of the old order
    had certainly not known, or cared,
    how to build a new society.
    They first thought that they had
    was that more tax breaks might work—
    income tax cut, VAT—
    small help to the plebes in poverty.
    Don't ask for millions from the billionaires—
    they're self-aware,
    but they don't care—
    the tax regime that helps sustain them
    was already beyond broken.

    There were a few outliers, of course,
    but the television news called them radicals,
    and parodied their viewpoints with aplomb.
    Everybody knows that radicals throw bombs—
    sometimes words of caution
    from a person in the trenches
    seems like bombs to those
    so deeply in The Center
    that even the fringe on a lampshade
    is outré, not to mention politics.

    I need to disagree with someone.
    The word I heard is that these radicals
    are socialists or communists
    or fascists with a following.
    If you're too far from the center
    either way,
    then you must be unbalanced,
    but some folks in the center
    have never had to worry—
    they’ve never been on edge
    where you can’t balance on a ledger.
    I can’t decide with whom to disagree.

    If you're looking for a voice
    to spread your unwise choices,
    you have Twitter, you have TikTok—
    maybe Instagram will do—
    Facebook does a fact check, now—
    at least, that's what they say.
    Don't let the facts get in your way.

    Solutions of all kinds had been proposed—
    see referendums ratchet up
    in such uncertain times.
    Scotland, Catalonia—
    Berberia (you didn’t hear?)—
    and more—
    not to mention Brexit.
    Some fail, some win,
    some want to try again.

    Next, it's NAFTA with a new name,
    little change—
    a Eurozone that's burdened still
    by inter-country loans,
    by migrant fears.
    There's Russia over here, too,
    with a pogrom
    for the misfits and the queers.

    China’s billion souls and more,
    so many scoring low on social credit.
    Want to bet it's time for change,
    to rearrange the social order?
    Japan has Fukushima,
    dashed by freak tsunamis,
    and Olympic aspirations
    stopped by virus infiltrations.

    Don’t sin and dis on India,
    while Modi makes his changes—
    his Modi-fications to the body politic—
    Oh, you’re born here?—we’ll still scorn you,
    if you worship Allah as Mohammad said.
    We'd rather you were elsewhere—better dead.

    In all of this, there's little bliss,
    but there are signs of gratitude.
    The attitude in Africa is split.
    One half is glad for China's help,
    the other half is worried that the First World
    has forgotten them, forgotten Christ—
    at least, that's what the missionaries say.

    They say, let's pray and kill the gay—
    Uganda loves the Lord,
    but hates the ones who stray.
    And others hope Ebola
    stays controlled here
    in the Congo land,
    where vaunted river valleys
    had been haunted by disease.
    The taunting of colonials was vicious,
    but the circle has come ‘round.
    The sound you hear is mourning
    for forgotten ways,
    for elder days long gone.

    And don't forget Brazil and all—
    they have their special hell.
    I’m tired now—I cannot dwell on this.
    The masses, too, are tired, yes,
    of endless rumination
    without illumination—
    casting votes seems useless.
    Building boats like Noah,
    near the Amazon’s great flow,
    achieves a feat much saner—
    a radical no-brainer.

    The oceans still are rising—
    not surprising to the studied few
    that knew of global warming.
    What is needed more than warming
    is a warning—save the children,
    save the whales—feed the children
    to the whales.

    Where was I?

    Yes, the New Utopia
    was born from a fateful mistake.


    BrianIs AtYou
    Last edited by BrianIsSmilingAtYou; 04-18-2020 at 06:30 PM. Reason: Fix typo
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

  13. #118
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    XIV. Time for Wine

    “When I grow up in communist Poland,
    it like this all of time at markets,”
    says D, Mom’s helper,
    on her one-day-a-week visit,
    mask and gloves in place.
    “Things scarce. It take more than money.
    Everyone get ticket that say,
    so much meat, so much milk, so much bread,
    so much anything.

    “If you lose ticket, tough luck.
    Like now, if you lose mask,
    they kick you out of store.
    It strange when we come to America.
    Someone teach us not to hoard.
    Toilet paper magical if you not used
    to seeing it on shelves. Now,
    I feel I am back in Poland.

    “When friends get married,
    my husband and I, we take trip back—
    years ago, still communist.
    After wedding, we visit mountains.
    ‘There is shop with wine,’ say man on street.
    I go there, and they think I am from Mars.
    ‘You want wine? You need ticket!’
    I have no ticket. It is no change.
    Last night, at home, I drink wine.

    “My son, he cannot fix computer.
    I say, ‘It is time for wine.’
    I drink. Usually, I just sip,
    but it has been hard weeks.
    I try to walk, but legs are noodles.
    So, I just drink and sleep.
    Now I feel better.
    But supermarket is still like Poland
    with no ticket.
    What can you do?”


    BrianIs AtYou

    Image of wine bottles used with “Time for Wine” is used under CC3

    Date: 31 August 2013, 13:23:26
    Author: Wikipedia user Silar
    Last edited by BrianIsSmilingAtYou; 04-15-2020 at 06:17 PM. Reason: punctuation
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

  14. #119
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    B.C. Canada
    I am reading through the impressive volume here and found this. I love the bluebirds line. We all want them to sing on a road that we know. And those sly wizards....

    But seriously I love the musical/ almost childhood rhyme. Nice!

    Quote Originally Posted by BrianIsSmilingAtYou View Post
    This Side of the Rainbow (sorry Dorothy!)

    I don't want to go over the rainbow.
    I won't wait for the old by and by.
    I want bluebirds to sing
    on the roads that I know,
    and a rainbow this side of the sky.

    I can't wait for a wizard to save me,
    for a wizard's uncertain and sly.
    A handy mechanic
    whose estimate's free
    and has proper tools is the guy.


    BrianIs AtYou
    I would rather crit than smite.

  15. #120
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Sydney, Australia

    This Side of the Rainbow ─ LOL! You speak a great truth, sir! And your kickalong rhythm is perfect for the job!

    Waiting for the First Day of Spring is specific: When everything has been taken from us, / we will find that there is still something left ─ and while we're still living, I can readily and cheerfully subscribe to that.

    I Don't Want to be an Angel ─ is perfectly explicit and engagingly witty in its examples and contrasts. (But I don't think N is you, because I regard you as the sort of person who'd always twist the pickle jar for a fellow-citizen and think nothing of it.)

    Time for Wine has a sustaining cheeriness under the dolour, and I love the comparisons with communism. Your lady is charming.

    Most enjoyable!

    Regards / Dunc

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