"Small Song: Succession" - a 3 line syllabic. Simple, yet robust, in its imagery, that gives a sense of time and change within its small vista.
"Small Song: Bouquet" - this shares the Moon image with the previous, and the sense of change is still present, especially in the final line, anticipating "what will come."
"Small Song: Followed" - nice. Someone had a video (I think on Reddit) about such a cat, getting spooked by its own following feet/
"Small Song: Glimpse" - The line break on line 1 suggests a dual meaning. A story told in mud and rubber.
This small song is a little bigger. It must be a challenge to achieve maximum compression. I find that a temptation right now, as a large part of my output in NaPo has gone the opposite way, telling small stories in long narratives. But what you have done is to compress that implied "epic" into a few suggestive short lines.
"Small Song: Fuliginous" - loaded with imagery, but tending to impressionism in intent. Rain, the images of things "blurred out / of recognition / clarity obscured". There was some wag, I forget who, who said that the highest point of any art was when it was capable of achieving an impressionistic effect.
Keep writing!
I think I think, therefore I might be.