Awwww, more lovely fluff!!! thank you!!!! It keeps me going.
Slower pace tomorrow so will have the chance to enjoy others' stellar efforts.
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Awwww, more lovely fluff!!! thank you!!!! It keeps me going.
Slower pace tomorrow so will have the chance to enjoy others' stellar efforts.
Hi Mari, nice to see you here. The first poem reminded me to twisted Alice and her Looking Glass. The world is kind of topsy-turvy right now, isn't it? I feel the anger rising in the poems, ripping up not just carpets but also worse-than-useless public announcements from would-be authorities.
Hey Mari,
Airborne -- "My balcony is has become a universe" is a great first line. Especially for those lucky enough to have a balcony And also the dream of stepping through glass.
Renovations -- Things are getting tenser behind that balcony window! Somehow "green carpet" also suggested to me the outside world, the grass, the green fields. (If I can't have it, no one can).
Public Service Announcement -- I claim my live dolphin pod walk! Not sure where you are in the world (I think of you on a desolate English moor, of course) but we've have some of that very clear messaging too -- "good luck" indeed.
Looking forward to reading more of these. Happy NaPo-ing!
Hey, Mari - ‘Goodnight and good luck.’ Right up there with “We must prepare to lose loved ones.” In other words, you’re on your own. Very non-Mari-like thread so far. Raw. Excellent.
"Renovations" does a good job of exploring the ways that the mind works in such situations, and does it with clear imagery ("polished wood") and humor--from the opening lines with their parody, to 'cosying your toes in concrete" and "shitshow".
Again, in "Public Service Announcement", the subtle humor and sense of irony stands out. "This is your government, with its usual / very clear messaging..."
Keep going.
BrianIs AtYou
I think I think, therefore I might be.
Ha! I can feel your loathing for the green carpet and relate I love the Public Service announcement swerving from finger buns to dolphins to fucking up the planet. A lot of ground covered, humourously, in a very short space
Theoretically Mystical
Hi Mari! I can't visit your thread without getting Hair embedded in my brain for hours, but it's well worth it.
#1 - yep. This forced condition is more than a little trying.
#2 - 'green carpet, how I loathe thee' made me laugh out loud. Dig the closing sentiment.
#3 - 'You must exercise in pods of ten
inclusive of one live dolphin.' is wonderful.
Looking forward to the next 27!
Thanks so much everyone!
Bela LOL re Hair---sorry not sorry
Matt--I am in Australia, where there are restrictions but not full lockdown. Hard to work out what is and is not allowed. At the same time I know we are in a better position than many other places. My dad was nearly stuck indefinitely in the UK. We are so glad he made it back.
Neil---that means a lot from you re my last line--thanks so much!
Going to try and get to as many other threads as I can tomorrow.
Number four going up now.
Things Fall Apart
You must be patient.
Everything you thought you had
is slowly dissolving to stardust.
You keep trying to grab something
to keep but it eludes you.
Your brain. The number of degrees
you have. Your value on the job market.
Your income. POOF! All gone.
On the other side of this, if there's anything
left, I'm throwing it away. Then I'll take
a moonbeam to the nearest star
and curl up forever in the space
between myself and the world.
Things fall apart is gorgeous!!!
Love the sarcastisk found poem too -- laughing!
Your found poem was hilarious and full of sharp snark, and all too accurate. Very nice.
I second Sorella, "gorgeous" is a perfect way to describe Things Fall Apart. Throw away what is left and take a moonbeam up and away. Very lovely.
These are all good to read - sharp, well-imagined (and the imaginings well communicated). Public service announcement is my favourite so far, with just the right hit of dry wit and stand-out phrase/ideas (yes, the dolphins). Green carpet perfectly describes how we interact with materials emotionally, and Things Fall Apart is moving and pertinent.
Renovations ─ I dare say they'd have to be DUI renovations, but they'd certainly pass the time ─ from memory a great deal of healthy cussing is involved.
Public Service Announcement ─ Yes, exactly, though I think the actual announcement ends 'goodbye and good luck'. Funny how confinement appeals to our bitter side ...
Things Fall Apart ─ A raising of the right hand, palm up and just the middle finger extended. Perceptive and exact.
One just keeps slugging it out.
Regards / Dunc
Perfect place to be..that last line, yes, I also am a fan.
Hi Emily! You sum up well the idea that each of us must hone our abilities for observation, in order to make the best of limited mobility. The piece is comforting and timely.