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Thread: It is the dawning of the age of the introverts...

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Haworth parsonage graveyard

    Wasting Time

    Wasting Time

    You reach for the perfect words,
    universally meaningful, and come up short.
    People don't have a clue.
    Just you wait. What if every actor, writer, composer,
    and director said "fuck it, I give up, everyone
    says its a waste of time!" You can sit back and smirk
    when the complaints start. "No new books? movies?
    tv shows? songs? Nothing for you to fill the empty
    hours with? Not such a waste of time after all,
    is it?" These stories are how we all make sense
    of the world, and I won't apologise for that any more.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Haworth parsonage graveyard
    Donna, Dunc, Larry, thanks so much. The visits really keep me going. Two days to go!

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Well done, Mari, you've stuck it out by going not over, under, or around, but straight through the situation. Like Brian's diaries, it should be interesting for you to have a record of your thoughts in retrospect.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Good to catch up with your thread again, and so near the end, too! I love ‘Polishing’ - it’s a strong point, well-made. Online Shopping too - excellent. And wow to the earrings, what a lovely embodied private joke for the careful narrator to wear. The end also packs a secret, subtle, punch. Bookclub reads honest and sad, ‘The New Language’ is cleverness veiled in simplicity, seemingly effortless (things that are seemingly effortless take a lot of work and technique).
    I love the end of ‘Wasting time’, too. Looking forward to finding out which poems you choose for the finishing line!


  5. #125
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Haworth parsonage graveyard
    Awwww Malinda and Sarah, thank you

    Going to try and get around to a few threads tonight.

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Haworth parsonage graveyard

    Worm Hole

    Worm Hole

    There is a crater at the heart of the world
    as we know it. I stand at its edge, watching.
    Perhaps it will not close, but expand.
    Anyone who enters it will be remade, atom
    by atom, and when it spits you out
    you will never find your way back.

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Haworth parsonage graveyard

    Connection Is

    Connection Is

    FaceTime with mum though
    we both hate video chats.
    Zoom church and laughing
    at the comment thread imagining
    the voices and expressions.
    My brother's partner gardening with him
    or buying toilet paper when he finds it.
    A friend who drops off books
    to keep me occupied. And when
    I am allowed visitors again
    sitting with her, talking
    or being silent as we like.

  8. #128
    alondra is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Hi Emily

    Fun to speculate on, but I do hope you´re not standing at the edge of one (black holes may have the same effect.) Perhaps being "spit out" and remade would be the equivalent of Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Hard to find your way back from another dimension.

    Best, Lark

  9. #129
    drumpf is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    The Kick Inside - The dog strangler has got ta go. How dare kate bush not be related to george bush and declare war on this man. This man! Wuther him away.

    Travel Ban - Fuck, I miss the mountains and trees

    Online Shopping - the casual diction lends itself to a down-to-earth toliet abundance world that I immerse my self in without an toliet breaks in between. You be unrolling the truth. This pandemic makes me shop like a lobster!

    Bookclub in the itme of COVID - covid is comin' to get ya! That image of the hand on the window pane foretells the night ahead for the N. It's tough. Books can only book so much.

    Connection is - Ok. I feel the warmth. This actually made me feel sad. Holy shit, where's the toilet paper. [No seriously, I loved this last piece] Congraulations on finishing the marathon.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Wasting Time - no apology necessary

    Worm Hole - love the first line

    Connection Is - yes, the many ways we connect in this time, sometimes through a wall of text, like this

    You made it!

    BrianIs AtYou
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

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