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Hi Geoff the perennial pilgrim of the far and exotic. Your buoyant energy is addictive, and it's always good to come here for a boost.
Love the title and its use in the charmingly creepy eponymous poem.
Visions of Galileo creates a quiet sense of awe and connection with the simplest, most shareable means.
S1 of Dusk is near-perfect, a mix of epicurean menace and promise with strong image-strokes, like the burning neon zippers.
Boo-hoo for being stuck in paradise! Sounds awful, I feel for you.
Hos much do philosophers make? Apparently in the millions, perhaps billions!
hormones, alcohol, coke and desire - where's the downside?
Great fun to read, and poetic calories will be consumed with pleasure, don't be shy about it.