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Thread: Absolute Shite

  1. #1
    jeshi is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Exclamation Absolute Shite

    Why am I so scared of losing something that isn't mine?
    I mean what time is it anyway? Think I forgot something,
    or maybe someone...?

    I've been lost in drink, and tears, and pills with various shapes
    why do I always pick the ones I can't have?
    What a life joke is sometimes!
    Listen -- pain will always come in various huh? and sizes..
    and what of my fate? To suffer? to wither?!
    Always, always.. just lost in a daze...
    or is this all just a phase?

    I can't remember right now, the hours getting late
    and i'm buying a stairw.. wait, what was I saying?
    ne-way, whatever, I dunno but It makes me wonder.

    I hate being like this, but I can't give it up,
    cause' ya know, they say drugs kill; but baby,
    I'll tell ya somethin' thrilling
    the largest cause of death.. I mean really..
    is just being born, and well ya' know, maybe.
    but fuck it, someone once said come as you are
    revetahw, lets not talk falsely now
    I'm lost, minds fucked and fried,
    and I've eaten far too many pain killers.

  2. #2
    HowardM2 is offline The little guy behind the curtain
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    This is in no way experimental and doesn't belong in this forum; for that reason, it's being locked.
    "Poetry is not a code to be broken but a way of seeing with the eyes shut." -- Linda Pastan

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