Hi Andrea
Sorry to get so behind on your thread.
Rehearsal I like the idea of music having a size, being too large for the N's living room, I love the idea of the piano being stunned by the large music.
My Catch UP Poem brings us more music, this time a march. And you did march forward, catching up on your poem!
Jenny Bells I'm at a disadvantage with this poem as I'm not sure what a Jenny Bell is, and Google couldn't help me, though I figure they are some kind of ornament, maybe they are hand bells? Or maybe they have faces, as they look inward. I like the Os at the end, from where the mother never moved them when she dusted, the Os seem like an exclamation at the sister's leaving. I take it the sister took them with her. That they look inward seems to say something about the mother, inward-looking after she had her last child, as if maybe the mother is stuck somehow. And the sister leaving jars her from it. Surprises here.
Predator Love the close to this, "wholly itself and partially heron". And I can maybe read a metaphor in here, about desire of craving. The snake, wanting something too big, and now having got want it wanted now suffers for it.
Great to catch up on your thread. And well done on a post-NaPo sevens! 37 poems in 44 days is definitely an achievement.