Thanks Donner, Jee and Sarah! It's been great sharing NaPo with you and I appreciate all of your dedicated fluffing throughout. I couldn't have done it without you!
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Thanks Donner, Jee and Sarah! It's been great sharing NaPo with you and I appreciate all of your dedicated fluffing throughout. I couldn't have done it without you!
Birding Inside The NaPo Aviary
A catalogue of birds and how many times they were spotted within different poems this NaPo:
44 birds of unspecified type
15 chickens (most were being eaten)
8 gulls
8 crows
7 owls
6 pigeons
5 swans
5 hummingbirds
4 tits (two of them blue)
4 hawks
4 doves
3 robins
3 vultures
3 thrush
3 ducks
2 sparrows
2 swallows
2 cardinals
2 ravens
2 geese
2 parakeets
1 redwing blackbird
1 canary
1 kestrel
1 woodpecker
1 wren
1 cuckoo
1 blackbird
1 parrot
1 catbird
1 nightbird
1 lark
1 nightingale
1 loon
1 bluejay
1 osprey
1 starling
1 raptor
1 buzzard
1 finch
1 rooster
1 eagle (bald)
1 thornbird
While birds dominated the poemscapes, cats appeared in 33 poems, dogs in 28, horses in 15, bees in 13, cows in 12, and deer in 10.
There was one bison and one buffalo. There was one woolly mammoth but it wasn’t very woolly at all.
Moths outnumbered butterflies 8 to 7.
The 6 dragonflies outnumbered both the 4 dragons and the 3 flies.
There were 9 poems with wolves, 8 with foxes and 3 with coyotes.
There were two copies of Murakami’s Norwegian Wood - one read and one not.
Last edited by scraps; 05-01-2021 at 10:36 AM.
No one did that before to my knowledge, how hugely interesting and entertaining to have our oeuvre as a list poem -- I had no idea fauna was so popular!
You did NaPo in great style -- a varied and unusual and terrific collection!
Yay to you and cheers!
Hi Steve,
Snuff is a really interesting one. The algorithm, I reckon, is Facebook (or YouTube or Google etc.), where you are offered with more of what you've previously watched. The N is watching footage of people being killed, and cumulatively the descriptions suggest people being shot by police, which tend to go "viral". There's something chilling about the way the algorithm thinks if the N as "it", which shows the algorithm cold (and I want to say "lizard-like") and immune to the implications and ethics of the content. Alongside the suggests that the N too -- at least to some extent -- is immune to the ethics and implications, viewing these killings as entertainment. The last repeating "resisting" is open to a couple of readings: "resisting?" could a be a keyword the algorithm is using to select the footage, or it could be a political comment on the police killings and methods, or it could be asking: should/does/is the N resist watching? Really like this one. It takes a difficult subject and doesn't oversimplify it.
Countdown has some great lines of the sort that you seem to have (or have developed) a gift for : "the fruits / plump with complexities that some mistake for bitterness." and "The night is bigger and moving faster than we were told." -- both manage to be evocative and suggestive of a back-story that isn't spelled out.
Birding Inside The NaPo Aviary That was one hell of a cataloguing job! Though it occurs to me that no one is likely to check if you simply made it up. Meanwhile, what about my Komodo Dragon? You don't want to upset one of those by leaving it out.
Excellent thread. I've really enjoyed reading your poems this NaPo.
I can only claim a nightingale, hawk, wolf, and cow, and a butterfly. You've had an impressively idiosyncratic thread! I applaude your bravery and your ease of experiment! It's been a fun ride on invisible donkeys.
What is the work if it isn't a ticket to slip into vivid euphoria?