Literal Scribbles
~~~~~ 5 10
~~~ 3 12
~~ 2 10 9 11
~~~~ 4 10
~~~~ 4 12
~~ 2 12 9
~~ 2 7
~~~~~ 5
~~~ 3 9
~ 1 60
~~~~ 4
~~~ 3 10
~~ 2
~ 1 60
~~~~ 4 5 = 65
~~ 2 12
~~~~ 4 16
~~ 2
~~~ 3 76
~~~ 3 7
~ 1 6/30/21 L9
Wanted to point out if three critiques are required, I wasn't sure to revive poems that are older than a month, or to negotiate doing one or more critiques in General Section.
"It takes two people to make you, and one people to die. That's how the world is going to end." -William Faulkner