April 1 - American Sentence
April 2 - I miss Robert Palmer
April 3 - Mis-matched Man
April 4 - Genetic Advantage
April 5 - June Was Obviously a Happy Month
April 6 - I found your stash
April 7 - Leftover Limerick
April 8 - American Question
April 9 - My Malibu is smarter than me.
April 10 - Premonition
April 11 - What Do You Do with a Hungry Kitty - Parody
April 12 - Sevenling (He pulls his kids on a sled]
April 13 - Clipped & American Sentence Version
April 14 - Lunch Room Politics
April 15 - Donations
April 16 - This Is the New Normal - List Poem
April 17 - Waiting
April 18 - The Dandelions Have Disappeared
April 19 - Too Trusting - Slinky
April 20 - Psychics Are Overrated
April 21 - Trade-off
April 22 - Put Away
April 23 - Yard Sale
April 24 - 30 American Sentences in 30 Attempt
April 25 - American Sentence - One more because I couldn't stop myself
April 26 - Sevenling (She's forgotten it's my birthday)
April 27 - Collum Lune
April 28 - Commercial Triolet
April 29 - So, Do Something - Two Versions
April 30 - On Having My First Photo Selected for Explore on Flickr
And that's my 20th NaPo, one and done!