2024 April 14
From The Somonyng of Everyman
A version.
Death? What the hell brings you here?
Do me a favour, mate, just leave things as they are.
Let me throw in some cartons of beer
some thousands of bucks, a new car,
and just back off for a few years.
Nope, Everyman, that's not how it steers.
Beer and bucks and bling don't cut it with me,
even were you PM, President, prince or peer.
Think about it: if gold turned the key
I'd already own the whole sphere.
But that's not how it'll be
so stop this mucking around and come with me.
Aw mate, don't be a prick.
You didn't even tell me you were coming.
No really, I feel sick –
I may have to use the plumbing.
Look, come back in a dozen years. I'm gonna
get the whole show audited smooth and steady,
scout’s honour!
Death, old mate, please pretty please
just a decade or two and I'll be good and ready.
Human ethics are so bloody shoddy!
We’re outa here, on yer bike!
Leave a note for your buddies, if you like
Tell ‘em I don’t wait for anybody.
This is no lie –
They’re ALL gonna die
O Dethe, thou comest whan I had the leest in mynde !
In thy power it lyeth me to save ;
Yet of my good wyl I gyve the, yf thou wyl be kynde,
Ye, a thousande pounde shalte thou have,
And dyfferre this mater tyll another daye.
Everyman, it may not be by no waye;
I set not by golde, sylver, nor rychesse,
Ne by pope, emperour, kynge, duke, ne prynces
For, and I wolde receyve gyftes grete,
All the worlde I myght gete ;
But my custome is clene contrary.
I gyve the no respyte ; come hens and not tary.
Alas ! shall I have no lenger respyte ?
I may say, Dethe gyveth no warnynge.
To thynke on the it maketh my herte seke,
For all unredy is my boke of rekenynge.
But, xii yere and I myght have abydynge,
My countynge boke I wolde make so clere,
That my rekenynge I sholde not nede to fere.
Wherfore, Dethe, I praye the, for Goddes mercy,
Spare me tyll I be provyded of remedy.
The avayleth not to crye, wepe, and praye,
But hast the lyghtly that thou were gone this journaye,
And preve thy frendes, yf thou can ;
For, wete thou well, the tyde abydeth no man,
And in the worlde eche lyvynge creature
For Adams synne must dye of nature.