Commentary by management consultant Michael Wade on Leadership, Ethics, Management, and Life
Monday, November 30, 2009
Virgin Galactic's White Knight
In a year, maybe two — barring any test-flight glitches — people who have the right financial stuff will be rocketing daily into space for a few minutes of sensory overload and ego gratification. It may not be the colonization of Mars, but as Siebold says, “did the Wright brothers have Boeing 747s in their consciousness when they flew at Kitty Hawk? No, but it just grows from here; what they achieved made that possible.” If Virgin and Scaled Composites succeed in making this huge technical leap, a trip to suborbital space will have been reduced to nothing more than a pricey Tilt-A-Whirl for grown-ups.
Climategate and Trust
Remember that this is not an academic exercise. We contemplate outlays of trillions of dollars to fix this supposed problem. Can I read these emails and feel that the scientists involved deserve to be trusted? No, I cannot. These people are willing to subvert the very methods--notably, peer review--that underwrite the integrity of their discipline. Is this really business as usual in science these days? If it is, we should demand higher standards--at least whenever "the science" calls for a wholesale transformation of the world economy. And maybe some independent oversight to go along with the higher standards.
[HT: Instapundit]
An Electronic Pearl Harbor
There is a perfect storm brewing where the skills and resources required to launch a significant attack is being drastically lower. Depending upon the effects of a possible worm on the smart grid boxes, and the vulnerability of the generators, there can be a combined attack that does have strategic impact.
Getting By
Their organization judges them "good enough" (and even "outstanding") and they heartily agree, sometimes falling back on the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" maxim. After all, they have plenty to do as it is. Why add management classes and books to their schedule?
They are getting by without realizing they are getting by. Their situation resembles that of a C student who is given an inflated grade and eventually mistakes C work for that of a B or an A. All will be well until the day that a higher level of performance is indeed required either in daily work or to gain a promotion and they run into a serious competitor whose scores were high and uninflated.
Most of us have, at one time or another, slipped into the "getting by" mode.
If we are fortunate, we know when we are doing so. If we do not know, some day we may be in for a big surprise. In today's ultra-competitive world, the individual is unwise to rely upon the employer's willingness to provide the training that is needed for the development of management skills. You are - you can groan now - your own brand and you don't want the product of You to be at the back of the pack.
Quote of the Day
- Steven Pressfield
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Pre-emptive Surrender
Survival Quiz
I won't discuss my score other than to note that it is in dead man territory.
Cabinet Appointees
Pay Me with a Chicken
Great name.
[HT: Liz Handlin]
Psych Games
I saw a similar report some years back on how even an extremely small fence discourages trespassing.
Nick Hornby's Travels
Read the rest of Nick Hornby's tales from the road.
Drawing Outside the Lines
I suspect that most of us have them. Abigail Thernstrom once commented that when she's in a room full of conservatives she moves to the Left and when she's in a room with liberals she moves to the Right.
I can understand that.
Historical Fiction List
I'd add - no great surprise here - the Aubrey-Maturin novels by Patrick O'Brian set in the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic wars; Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman which gives us Russia during World War II; and, hey, why not War and Peace?
When I was young, historical fiction was common. Kenneth Roberts, Harold Lamb, and Thomas Costain provided clever ways of learning history without reading history. Their books may be worth another visit.
Quote of the Day
- Howard W. Newton
Friday, November 27, 2009
The Climate Change Emails
The Wall Street Journal
The Guardian
The Times of London
The New Republic
The Christian Science Monitor
Keeping It Simple at In-N-Out Burger
In-N-Out doesn’t need to run advertising to build its fan base. Word of mouth advertising from its cult fans (people like me) has grown the In-N-Out name into the behemoth that it is today. When the chain opened a new location in Arizona, there was a four hour wait to get their mouth on the prize.
In-N-Out has also made the prime time. It’s made appearances in such flicks as Swinger and The Big Lebowski and TV shows Arrested Development and The Simpsons. Stars such as Angela Jolie, Beyonce’, Paris Hilton and Tom Hanks have openly shared their infatuation with the burger joint. When the New York Giants were in town for Super Bowl XLII, coach Tom Coughlin ordered In-N-Out for lunch for the entire team. Now that’s one cool coach!
[HT: Political Calculations]
Being Your Own Ump
Dartmouth protested, but the game was over. Cornell could have adopted the modern moral standard that anything the ref allows is allowed. Instead, when the game films showed conclusively that Cornell had won on an extra, illegal snap, the players, coach, athletic director and university president agreed to forfeit the game and did so graciously. Coach Carl Snavely sent a telegram to Hanover, N.H., saying that Cornell "without reservation concede[s] the victory to Dartmouth with hearty congratulations to you and a gallant Dartmouth team." Dartmouth wired back that it accepted the victory and saluted its "honorable and honored opponent." As Arthur Daley wrote in the New York Times that week: "Cornell had the sportsmanship to yield a success it felt it had not rightfully earned."
Non-Techies of the World, Unite!
We were floating the Yakima River in his guide quality drift boat south of Ellensburg, Washington. We were miles from anything remotely resembling civilization. Rock canyon walls were on either side of us. Bear with me as I try to explain this strange thing.
His “Blackberry” rang. It was blue and I asked him why it wasn’t called a Blueberry. He shook his head with that ‘dealing with an elder’ despair look I get a lot these days. It was another realtor who called to say that the sellers he represented had agreed to my son’s client’s changes and he had the signed documents in hand.
Read the rest of What Would Dad Say here.
Growing Cyber-Threats
First your cell phone doesn’t work. Then you notice that you can’t access the Internet. Down on the street, ATMs won’t dispense money. Traffic lights don’t function, and calls to 911 don’t get routed to emergency responders. Radios report that systems controlling dams, railroads, and nuclear power plants have been remotely infiltrated and compromised. The air-traffic control system shuts down, leaving thousands of passengers stranded or rerouted and unable to communicate with loved ones. This is followed by a blackout that lasts not hours but days and even weeks. Our digital civilization shudders to a halt. When we emerge, millions of Americans’ data are missing, along with billions of dollars.
The Annual Dickens Debate
Reginald Owen? Alastair Sim? Albert Finney? George C. Scott? Patrick Stewart? Bill Murray? Michael Caine and The Muppets? Mr. Magoo? Mickey Mouse? Jim Carrey?
Bonus item: The trailer for Scrooged. [I confess that I've never seen the film.]
Quote of the Day
- Richard Farson and Ralph Keyes, "Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins"
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Kill the What?
Once you've seen this and this, could you ever hear the original music without thinking of the less distinguished "versions?"
Burj Dubai
Update: And the Dubai debt is shaking markets.
Another update: More from the Financial Times.
Putting Traffic in Perspective
But, of course, the award winner is India.
Another Earth?
It took humans thousands of years to explore our own planet and centuries to comprehend our neighboring planets, but nowadays new worlds are being discovered every week. To date, astronomers have identified more than 370 “exoplanets,” worlds orbiting stars other than the sun. Many are so strange as to confirm the biologist J. B. S. Haldane’s famous remark that “the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.” There’s an Icarus-like “hot Saturn” 260 light-years from Earth, whirling around its parent star so rapidly that a year there lasts less than three days. Circling another star 150 light-years out is a scorched “hot Jupiter,” whose upper atmosphere is being blasted off to form a gigantic, comet-like tail. Three benighted planets have been found orbiting a pulsar—the remains of a once mighty star shrunk into a spinning atomic nucleus the size of a city—while untold numbers of worlds have evidently fallen into their suns or been flung out of their systems to become “floaters” that wander in eternal darkness.
Mere Chance?
That’s why Aurelius’s words are so gripping for us – even calming. Because we can’t imagine that there is no wisdom in them. There really is no reason to believe that chance rules – or, perhaps, that it inevitably always will. There is too much force in our irrepressible insistence that we do – or can – mean more than that.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Swan? We'll Do That Next Year.
Ham: There is no evidence that the colonists had butchered a pig by this time, though they had brought pigs with them from England.
Sweet Potatoes/Potatoes: These were not common.
Corn on the Cob: Corn was kept dried out at this time of year.
Cranberry Sauce: The colonists had cranberries but no sugar at this time.
Pumpkin Pie: It's not a recipe that exists at this point, though the pilgrims had recipes for stewed pumpkin.
Quote of the Day
- Nathaniel Philbrick, Mayflower
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Bradley on Shakespeare
In approaching our subject it will be best, without attempting to shorten the path by referring to famous theories of the drama, to start directly from the facts, and to collect from them gradually an idea of Shakespearean Tragedy. And first, to begin from the outside, such a tragedy brings before us a considerable number of persons (many more than the persons in a Greek play, unless the members of the Chorus are reckoned among them); but it is pre-eminently the story of one person, the 'hero,' 1 or at most of two, the 'hero' and 'heroine.' Moreover, it is only in the love tragedies, Romeo and Juliet and Antony and Cleopatra, that the heroine is as much the center of the action as the hero. The rest, including Macbeth, are single stars. So that, having noticed the peculiarity of these two dramas, we may henceforth, for the sake of brevity, ignore it, and may speak of the tragic story as being concerned primarily with one person.
The story, next, leads up to, and includes, the death of the hero. On the one hand (whatever may be true of tragedy elsewhere), no play at the end of which the hero remains alive is, in the full Shakespearean sense, a tragedy; and we no longer class Troilus and Cressida or Cymbeline as such, as did the editors of the Folio. On the other hand, the story depicts also the troubled part of the hero's life which precedes and leads up to his death; and an instantaneous death occurring by 'accident' in the midst of prosperity would not suffice for it. It is, in fact, essentially a tale of suffering and calamity conducting to death.
1 Julius Caesar is not an exception to this rule. Caesar, whose murder comes in the Third Act, is in a sense the dominating figure in the story, but Brutus is the 'hero.'
Random Thoughts
Quote of the Day
- Germain G. Glidden
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Living Large
Memory, Books, and Eco
So far, the novel is fascinating. An antiquarian bookseller in Italy loses his memory and tries to recover it by revisiting publications, people, and experiences. He can recall some historical facts in great detail but the names of his wife and children are initially beyond his grasp. Phrases from various books he's read come jumbling into his speech. And this woman? Was she his mistress?
Different and thought-provoking.
Crash Test
Very impressive.
The Morning After the Nightmare Before
- Did we not visit anymore, assuming that they were a "safe" bet?
- Did we not speak up when we had a nagging suspicion that something was wrong?
- Did we not call to see how they were doing?
- Did no one notice the silence?
It reminds me of an American Indian saying: Listen to the whispers and you won't have to listen to the screams. Except in the case of clients, they usually won't scream. They'll just go away.
Puritan Joy
Contrary to the misconstrued Victorian concept of 'Puritanism,' an idea C.S. Lewis calls "the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy," the original Puritans, serious as they were, embraced not only hard work, but the pursuit of joy. Lewis, opposed to this inaccurate view of the Puritans, would agree with writer, Richard Bernard, who said Christians "may be merry at their work, and merry at their meat." Thomas Gataker wrote that Satan was the one who would try to convince people that "in the kingdom of God there is nothing but sighing and groaning and fasting and prayer," but the truth was that "in his house there is . . . feasting and rejoicing." Lewis, further debunking the myth that Puritans never had fun, said "bishops, not beer, were their special aversion." The Puritans pursued joy, the very antithesis of depression, even in the midst of hardship, believing they were firmly in God's hand, not forgotten and never forsaken.
Chicken Scratches
My father's handwriting, on the other hand, was quasi-legible.
Mine is worse.
It was on its way down by the time I entered law school. Three years of scribbling about court cases put a bullet through it. [I don't know what my wife's excuse is. She uses letters that appear to come from another planet.]
I often see better handwriting than mine, but seldom encounter the truly beautiful handwriting that must have been commonplace in the 1900s. In those days, if you wrote at all, you probably did so with a "fine hand." I slow down and try to emulate those letters and my sentences look as if I was having a seizure.
I can read those Civil War letters. My descendents will have a rough time deciphering many of mine. That may be a blessing.
Quote of the Day
- Russell L. Ackoff and Herbert J. Addison
Monday, November 23, 2009
Collaboration and Consensus
Read the rest of Dan McCarthy on how to maximize collaboration and reach consensus in less than an hour.
[And no, it doesn't involve a whip.]
Throwing Stones at the Army
I’d be shocked if psychiatrists in government and in the private sector don’t transfer colleagues with less than stellar reviews from one department to another or one affiliated practice or hospital to another. The person becomes someone else’s problem, and the confrontation and possible lawsuit over firing a doctor is avoided. I’m guessing that doctors are “passed around” much more readily than front-line supervisors.
10 Rules for Thanksgiving
- Thou shalt not discuss politics at the dinner. There is next to no chance that you'll convert anyone and any hard feelings that are generated may last long after the pumpkin pie is finished. Why spoil a good meal?
- Thou shalt limit discussion of The Big Game. This is mainly directed at the men who choose to argue plays, records, and coaches while their wives stare longingly at the silverware. The sharp silverware.
- Thou shalt say nice things about every dish. Including the bizarre one with Jello and marshmallows.
- Thou shalt be especially kind to anyone who may feel left out. Some Thanksgiving guests are tag-alongs or, as we say in the business world, "new to the organization." Make a point of drawing them in.
- Thou shalt be wary of gossip. After all, do you know what they say when you leave the room? Remember the old saying: All of the brothers are valiant and all of the sisters are virtuous.
- Thou shalt not hog the white or dark meat. We know you're on Atkins but that's no excuse.
- Thou shalt think mightily before going back for seconds. Especially if that means waddling back for seconds.
- Thou shalt not get drunk. Strong drink improves neither your wit nor your discretion. Give everyone else a gift by remaining sober.
- Thou shalt be cheerful. This is not a therapy session. This is not the moment to recount all of the mistakes in your life or to get back at Uncle Bo for the wisecrack he made at your high school graduation. This is a time for Rule #10.
- Thou shalt be thankful. You're above ground and functioning in an extraordinary place at an extraordinary time. Many people paid a very heavy price (and I'm not talking about groceries) to give you this day. Take some time to think of them and to express gratitude to your friends and relatives. Above all, give special thanks to the divine power who blesses you in innumerable ways.
The Power of Slow
Street Smarts Alerts
- You've arrived at the important meeting and two key people have suddenly and mysteriously bailed out.
- A report goes into extraordinary detail on every point but one.
- An executive asks that a completely unnecessary opinion on a topic be put in writing.
- The person who promised to round up support on a project announces that he's having a tough time getting appointments.
- The phrase "Trust me" is used more than once in a meeting.
- A strategy is based on a complicated series of events that would make the best pool shots of all time look simple.
- As you listen to a proposal, you keep wondering, "What does this mean in plain language?"
- A decision that could have taken one week has not been made after four months.
- A noted opponent of a project wants to join the project team.
- The advocates for a major program keep insisting that it be approved without extensive examination.
Quote of the Day
- Bill Vaughan
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Homer's Poetry
A community reading of Homer's "The Odyssey" at Villanova University.
Somewhere, Handel is Smiling
The Real Thing
The most important reason why people continue to revere Drucker, though, is that his writing remains startlingly relevant. Reading “Concept of the Corporation”, which was published in 1946, you are struck not just by how accurately he saw the future but also by how similar today’s management problems are to those of yesteryear. This is partly because, whatever the theorists like to think, management is not a progressive science: the same dilemmas and difficult trade-offs crop up time and again. And it is partly because Drucker discovered a creative middle ground between rival schools of management. He treated companies as human organisations rather than just as sources for economic data. But he also insisted that all human organisations, whether in business or the voluntary sector, need clear objectives and hard measurements to keep them efficient. Drucker liked to say that people used the word guru because the word charlatan was so hard to spell. A century after his birth Drucker remains one of the few management thinkers to whom the word “guru” can be applied without a hint of embarrassment.
A Math Teacher's Humor Break
Very impressive. Not slick. Just dedicated.
Miscellaneous and Fast
- Idea Anaconda gives an example of why The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson was so popular.
- Nickelback: Why You Remind Me.
- David Brooks on America's belief in the future. [HT: Robinson and Long]
- Cool Tools likes Overland Journal. [It does look pretty neat.]
- The Turkey Vulture Society: Official bumper sticker.
- Strictly Ballroom: The film trailer.
Dalrymple on Le Corbusier
At the exhibition, I fell to talking with two elegantly coiffed ladies of the kind who spend their afternoons in exhibitions. “Marvelous, don’t you think?” one said to me, to which I replied: “Monstrous.” Both opened their eyes wide, as if I had denied Allah’s existence in Mecca. If most architects revered Le Corbusier, who were we laymen, the mere human backdrop to his buildings, who know nothing of the problems of building construction, to criticize him? Warming to my theme, I spoke of the horrors of Le Corbusier’s favorite material, reinforced concrete, which does not age gracefully but instead crumbles, stains, and decays. A single one of his buildings, or one inspired by him, could ruin the harmony of an entire townscape, I insisted. A Corbusian building is incompatible with anything except itself.
No Match
Another Future Olympics Sport
Read the rest of Josh Dean's article from Outside magazine here.
Sensory Dispensary
Check it out.
Great Philosophers Break: Plato
[And yes, I'll soon be posting a similar series on Aristotle.]
Five Novels about WWII
I'd add:
- Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres
- Treblinka by Jean-Francois Steiner
- The Wall by John Hersey
- The Secret of Santa Vittoria by Robert Crichton
- An Operational Necessity by Gwyn Griffin
- King Rat by James Clavell
- Badenheim 1939 by Aharon Appelfeld
- Mendelssohn is on the Roof by Jiri Weil
- The Winds of War by Herman Wouk
How many great ones have I missed? [Let's throw in all of the Alan Furst novels.]
Quote of the Day
- Will and Ariel Durant
Friday, November 20, 2009
Caine Speaks Texan
The Pirate Problem
As ransoms increase, so too have the pirates' ambitions. No longer do they merely operate in waters close to the Somali shore or in the Gulf of Aden. They have targeted ships much further out on the open sea. On Nov. 9, they attacked a 360 meter (1,180 foot) Chinese tanker some 1,000 sea miles off the Somali coast. The tanker was able to evade the attackers, but the case illustrates anew that the pirates have broadened their hunting grounds to such a degree that complete protection from warships is no longer possible.
Ayn Rand Interview
Getting Hired
Execupundit note: Recognize that a job search is a numbers game. You cannot just apply for 20 jobs and expect to land one even if you are highly qualified. Increase the odds by increasing the applications. Yes, it is a pain but unless a helicopter miraculously appears, that is the path up the mountain.
Covey on Trust
I approach this strategy primarily as a practitioner, both in my own experience and in my extensive work with other organizations. Throughout this learning process, have identified 13 common behaviors of trusted leaders around the world that build -- and allow you to maintain -- trust. When you adopt these ways of behaving, it's like making deposits into a "trust account" of another party.
1. Talk Straight
2. Demonstrate Respect
3. Create Transparency
4. Right Wrongs
5. Show Loyalty
6. Deliver Results
7. Get Better
8. Confront Reality
9. Clarify Expectation
10. Practice Accountability
11. Listen First
12. Keep Commitments
13. Extend Trust
Immigration Changes?
Is it a surprise that the package includes amnesty?
The Knee-Jerks and Palin
Slate magazine is just one of the countless media outlets convulsing with St. Vitus’ Dance over that demonic succubus Sarah Palin. In its reader forum, The Fray, one supposed Palinophobe took dead aim at the former Alaska governor’s writing chops, excerpting the following sentence from her book:
“The apartment was small, with slanting floors and irregular heat and a buzzer downstairs that didn’t work, so that visitors had to call ahead from a pay phone at the corner gas station, where a black Doberman the size of a wolf paced through the night in vigilant patrol, its jaws clamped around an empty beer bottle.”
Other readers pounced like wolf-sized Dobermans on an intruder. One guffawed, “That sentence by Sarah Palin could be entered into the annual Bulwer-Lytton bad writing contest. It could have a chance at winning a (sic) honorable mention, at any rate.”
But soon, the original contributor confessed: “I probably should have mentioned that the sentence quoted above was not written by Sarah Palin. It’s taken from the first paragraph of ‘Dreams From My Father,’ written by Barack Obama.”
The ruse should have been allowed to fester longer, but the point was made nonetheless: Some people hate Palin first and ask questions later.
Read the rest of Jonah Goldberg on the Palinophobes. I think he has it right. She is a politician. She should stand or fall on issues. (Issues? Remember those things? They were pretty important in the days before personality-driven politics.)
Andrew Sullivan has come unhinged on Palin. Reading his blog is like watching a train wreck.
Portly and Productive
Lost in all this is an appreciation of how much the chubby, the plump, the tubby and even the massively overweight have contributed to society down through the ages. Henry VIII, whose rupture with the Catholic Church was a pivotal moment in history, was by no means immune to a case of the munchies. Johann Sebastian Bach, viewed by many as the greatest composer who ever lived, was a charter member of the Clean Plate Society. Queen Victoria, who presided over a golden age such as no nation had experienced since the collapse of the Roman Empire, certainly didn't miss many meals. And anyone who has ever seen a statue of Gautama Buddha realizes that he too knew how to hold up his end of the feedbag.
Fine Dining: The Inspection
Read the rest of John Colapinto's article in The New Yorker .
Quote of the Day
- General Robert E. Lee
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Gilbert on Churchill
Formidable. Marvelous.
The Exceptions
I believe I've grasped many of the exceptions and yet sense there are many more to come. There are days when the ocean of one's ignorance seems impassable and the only sailing craft is a willingness to learn. History and philosophy are great navigation charts, but in a superficial, let's pretend as if facts don't matter, climate, the people who should be studying the charts the most are on the beach.
As attention spans shrink, how can knowledge thrive if it requires prolonged focus?
Talking about Values
- Honesty
- Loyalty
- Trustworthiness
- Courage
- Fairness
- Respect
- Civic responsibility
- Competence
- Candor
- Reliability
- Caring
- Initiative
In my experience, employees hunger for such discussions. The values may be on some poster in the break room, but people wonder about how they are translated in the board room or the conference room or out in the field. And they aren't going to learn it solely through example. Open discussion is required.
Quote of the Day
- Russell L. Ackoff
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
On the Road
Instead of a buzzer or music, it makes noises resembling the sound of someone breaking into your room.
I must admit that it is rather effective.
My worst hotel experience, security-wise, took place somewhere in the Carolinas, where a client with usually impeccable taste booked me into a largely abandoned hotel similar to the one in "The Shining." I arrived around ten at night to find the huge lobby darkened but for a small light over the registration desk and a clerk who made Norman Bates seem normal. My room, once I found it, was down a long, barely lit, corridor and throughout my trek there was no evidence of any other guests. The bed, drapes, and chairs appeared not to have been used in a very long time. The bed sheets cracked from age. The highlight, of course, was when the door wouldn't completely close, much less lock. I piled chairs and luggage against it and went to sleep.
Business travel: Highly overrated.
Quote of the Day
- William James
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
When Personalities Overcome Issues
Note the number of issues in which certain political figures couch their language so they can go in either direction - and I mean exactly opposite ones - and then observe how many of their supporters will continue to support them no matter which direction they choose. This is a dangerous development. Personality trumps substance. A form of tribalism defeats analysis. We move away from the egalitarianism of merit and toward an aristocracy of style.
Clearly we've had this before, but I don't recall it being to this degree. Very troubling.
The Yuma What?
Yuma is famous for its legendary territorial prison, which means the local high school has the most unusual team name in the United States.
How Wild is Too Wild?
Sure, he was highly competent, but there were other choices just as and perhaps moreso. Why did upper management keep him around?
My guess is that he amused them. He was the walking embodiment of everything they wished they could be but could not risk due to minor concerns such as career dreams, college tuitions, and mortgages. When the Conventionals knew he was going to be present at a meeting, you could see them brighten up. They couldn't wait to hear what the Resident Wild Man was going to say. He'd walk in like a movie star and they loved it when he blasted one of their peers and the peer loved it as well. The abuse was a harmless form of alligator wrestling and everyone always made it out of the pit.
So what could he have done to cross the line? He could have acted like he meant it. They tolerated his act just so long as they thought it was an act and that beneath it all he really respected them. Had they suspected that he really thought they were talentless slugs, they might have been offended. For his part, he knew when to stop and he also knew that he had to produce the goods.
It's an odd world out there. Remember, poetry can trump prose.
Quote of the Day
- Yogi Berra
Monday, November 16, 2009
Nudging the Board
The Kyoto What?
The story, at least on the international side, is complicated by our actual history with Kyoto, which is not as simple as some greens would portray it today. Rejection of Kyoto—in 1997, three years before Bush’s election—was a rare moment of bipartisan consensus on climate policy; the Senate voted unanimously (95-0) against its basic tenets, and the Clinton-Gore administration never submitted it for ratification. (Even a little-known state legislator from Illinois named Barack Obama voted to condemn Kyoto and prohibit the state from regulating greenhouse gas emissions.)
Underdog Culture
I like movies about underdogs as much as the next guy. This may be because my father was an underdog, as were two of my uncles, my cousin Francis, and a childhood friend who got hit by a bus. As a child I was infatuated by films like Shane (underdog farmers versus unscrupulous cattle ranchers), Gone With The Wind (dapper, underdog slavers fight the forces of virtue), On The Waterfront (underdog dock workers fight slimy gangsters) The Magnificent Seven (underdog campesinos hire underdog gunfighters to fight overdog banditos) and Spartacus (underdog slaves foolishly pick a fight with the entire Roman Empire). Later, I moved on to such classic David-and-Goliath set-tos as Chinatown (underdog private eye combats a villainous real estate developer), Shampoo (underdog hairdresser battles unruly bangs), Flashdance (steel-welding underdog seeks job as a ballerina) and Broadway Danny Rose (underdog talent agent fights to get meaningful work for underdog clients who, because they make elephants and poodles out of balloons, are no longer in great demand). Over the years, I also marvelled at the exploits of my favourite movie stars in such films as The Men (wheelchair-bound underdog fights for respect), All The King's Men (underdog northern Louisiana cracker becomes the second most powerful man in the United States by going to the wall for other underdog northern Louisiana crackers) and All The President's Men (massively outgunned underdog reporters with fabulous hair take on Richard Nixon and the rest of his close-cropped henchmen). I also devoured such classics as The Seventh Seal (underdog humans fight the Grim Reaper), Lawrence Of Arabia (underdog Arabs fight nasty Turks for freedom), and The Bridge On The River Kwai (underdog stiff-upper-lip POWs make life miserable for their cruel, neurotic Japanese captors.) So it's not like I don't enjoy movies about underdogs.
Miscellaneous and Fast
- A video of memories of the Churchill funeral by the great man's bodyguard.
- Easy guess: Why airport luggage thieves steal black suitcases.
- Hillary 2012: And so it begins.
- Cool Tools: The Monarch Butterfly Chair.
- The trailer for Brando at his strangest: The Island of Dr. Moreau.
"I See Rude People"
Fine efforts.
[A modest start would be caning for anyone who talks during film and stage performances.]
Quote of the Day
- U.S. Army Ranger Handbook
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Systems Thinking
Russell Ackoff on systems thinking here and then here and then here.
Its importance is heightened because of our tendency to treat conduct as if it were in a test tube. We are reluctant to explore the addition of new ingredients and tend to throw responsibility back on the individuals.
But when we are up in the middle of the night, tending to our stomach acid, it is often our relationships that are the cause. We grapple with the question of "and."
Why look past it?
Time Out in the Old Pueblo
I went to college in Tucson at the University of Arizona and became steeped in local attitudes. To many hard-core Tucson residents, Phoenix is the Great Satan, a overpopulated and polluted locale filled with land developers and growth maniacs; in other words, the same way many Phoenicians regard Los Angeles. [Phoenix and Tucson are very different politically. One wag called Tucson "the Venice Beach of Arizona politics."]
Anyway, I like Tucson. Its desert is beautiful, the climate is cooler, and I see and think of history every time I visit. Truth be told, the two cities could learn a lot from one another.
Finding a Way
Quote of the Day
- Peter Drucker
Friday, November 13, 2009
Understated and Great
The Nature of Problems
Cormac McCarthy Interview
WSJ: But is there something compelling about the collaborative process [of film making] compared to the solitary job of writing?
CM: Yes, it would compel you to avoid it at all costs.
Quote of the Day
- Field Marshall Helmuth von Moltke
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Less is More
Justin's Old Man
“Oh please, you practically invented lazy. People should have to call you and ask for the rights to lazy before they use it.”10:44 AM Nov 1st from web
Get Up Each Day and Go At It Again
Leave your work problems at work and your home problems at home - I've written about it before but he often explained that he hung his work problems on the mailbox outside.
Tucker Viemeister on where beauty meets utility. An excerpt:
Beauty has different meanings in different cultures and eras--but everybody has some idea of beauty (even the Hell's Angels). Although humans can't agree on specific examples, we do all share a general formula for beauty: It has a very pleasing physical sensual element combined with mental enlightenment. "Aaaahs" and "Ah-has." It's the combination. There is an intellectual component to a beautiful person and an emotional component to a beautiful mathematical proof. The experience of beauty is the result of the convergence of body, mind, and soul. Form and function melt together. Art and science dance.