I've had some very productive and memorable discussions during long road trips. Today's drive gave me an good idea for corporate planning sessions. Get the team in a car or van and hit the highway with an agenda of topics to be tackled. The road trip format seems to foster informal and open discussion. Someone - preferably not the driver - should be designated as scribe to capture all ideas during the trip.
Commentary by management consultant Michael Wade on Leadership, Ethics, Management, and Life
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Road Trip Brainstorming
Culinary Advance: Deep-Fried Beer
The beer is placed inside a pocket of salty, pretzel-like dough and then dunked in oil at 375 degrees for about 20 seconds, a short enough time for the confection to remain alcoholic.
When diners take a bite the hot beer mixes with the dough in what is claimed to be a delicious taste sensation.
100 Killer Thrillers
I've read a mere 25 of them. Some of the ones that are included (Shogun) don't seem to fit the category and, wait a minute...no books by Ed McBain or Elmore Leonard?
"An Unappreciated Gem"
I've been enjoying Jim's blog for a long time and am ashamed to say that I have not read the book. That will soon be remedied.
Business Publications
I read other business-related publications, of course, and find much to appreciate in Forbes, Business Week, Fortune, Fast Company and, well the list goes on. [Each of those magazines has fans whose ardor resembles that of a Cubs fan at the start of baseball season.]
So here's a question: If you could only read one business newspaper or magazine, which one would it be?
Esolen's note reminds us that Virgil addressed Calliope and that Ovid told us the story (Metamorphoses 6.294-340, 662-78). Some foolish humans engaged in a singing match with the muse. She won, of course, and to remind them of their presumption turned them into magpies. No one ever came out ahead in those challenges to the Olympian gods - Arachne, Marsyas, these girls - and no mercy was shown, no chance of forgiveness. Dante is subtle here, reminding us that however much he loved those old poets, he did not love their gods.
Music Break
[I haven't heard that song in years. Fast forward several decades: Will anyone be posting old rap tunes?]
Learning the Craft
Think back on your own education and tabulate how many history teachers made the topic boring beyond belief, how many math teachers turned their classrooms into a reign of terror, and how many science teachers could not stir the imagination if you held a gun on them. We won't even go near the foreign language department.
At some point, those individuals either forgot their craft or decided it wasn't worth learning or improving. They became classroom monitors and not teachers.
Consider how similar transformations occur in other professions. Someone gives up on the primary job and starts to do a secondary one, and on the day that happens, the shelves begin to slant and the legs begin to wobble.
Quote of the Day
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Monday, August 30, 2010
A Dry Run?
The US Transport and Security Administration is likely to face questions about why he was allowed to board even though his luggage was allegedly found to contain a mobile phone taped to a Pepto-Bismol bottle, three other mobile phones taped together and several watches taped together.
Sources told ABC that because no explosives were discovered, he was cleared for the flight to Chicago.
Let me see now. You can't joke about bombs but if a suspicious device is found in your luggage, you are cleared for the flight. Go figure. Read the rest of The Telegraph article here.
Odd Aspects of the Workplace
Stage Right: Enter Steve Jobs
Will it be something with iPad or iPod?
Crisis Management: Zombie Attack
You can't be too prepared.
A Good Watch
I like watches. A few years ago, when my wristwatch was in the shop, I retrieved an old pocket watch that one of my ancestors probably used to time buggy races. There was a certain raw appeal to the old ticker - even having to wind it had an antique charm - and I reluctantly put it back in the drawer when the newer one returned.
Digital watches have never appealed to me. I usually don't need the exact time. I want to be able to glance at the watch and get a rough sense of the neighborhood. Watches that are clear and simple are best and I'd prefer one that costs less than my car.
A few weeks ago - in a quest for a timepiece that could be worn while alligator-wrestling - I bought one that is rugged and large and capable of driving nails. Unfortunately, I soon found the dial to be both busy and mysterious. The designers, too clever by half, put in one gizmo too many. Since realizing that, every glance has become an irritation.
I'm glad I kept that pocket watch.
Intense Superficiality
Quote of the Day
- Rudyard Kipling
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Creativity Moments: Some Classic Federal Express Ads
Then, of course, the classic ads include the "Even a vice president can do it" , the stolen idea , the cave man's bad day and the most famous FedEx ad of all.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Working Conditions Update
The War Against Playgrounds
My own childhood playground in Phoenix included slides, merry-go-rounds, and jungle gyms. The temperature of the slides and jungle gyms became what you would expect metal to get in Phoenix when the weather is hot, hot, hot. We never thought much about it. As for the merry-go-rounds, the entire idea was to have friends who would spin it so those on the twirling disk - or about to jump on - would have a good and fast ride. I suppose it was some personal injury attorney's dream.
But we enjoyed these torture devices and I never heard of anyone complaining or filing a suit. If someone got hurt, there was a visit to the school nurse. It was no big deal.
And, by the way, we were even permitted to run and play tag.
Indian Bloggers: A List
- Aa..ha! [Thinking Inside The Blog]
- Abhishek Rungta’s Blog
- Advocable
- Alternative Perspective
- Atanu Dey on India’s Development
- Broadsword
- Confused of Calcutta
- Cross Connections
- Gautam Ghosh
- Interim Thoughts
- Just a Little Something
- Life, Leadership and Change
- Mad Ant
- Management by Matrices
- Marketing Practice
- Mumbai Matters
- My Open Window
- Offstumped
- People at Work & Play
- Polaris
- Pragmatic Euphony
- QAspire Blog
- Rachna Singh’s Weblog
- Rajesh Setty
- Rakesh Jhunjhunwala
- Rashmi’s Blog
- Retributions
- RupeeManager
- Samit Basu
- Select, Recruit and Retain
- Shrikant’s Blog
- Simple Thoughts
- Simplicity at the Other Side of Complexity
- Swaraj
- Tapestry of Words
- The Acorn
- The Broad Mind
- The Discomfort Zone
- The Filter Coffee
- The Gold Standard
- The Indian Economy Blog
- The Indic View
- Thoughts Boundless
- Utpal Writes
- Varnam
- Youth Curry
Update: Also check out this excellent list.
Consumer Warning
- Speaking up when you see something that's wrong;
- Regarding your co-workers as people and not as resources, capital, or some other godawful term;
- A daily and diligent smugness avoidance regimen;
- Humility; and
- Caring."
Quote of the Day
- Mark Twain
Friday, August 27, 2010
Memorable Film Moment: "They stand in the way!"
Truly one of the funniest movies ever made.
Want to See My Fonts?
Some of us have reached an age when fonts are matters of intense interest.
Where's a Train When You Need One?
Where is a train when you need one?
On a train, I could make notes on the meeting, finish reading Seth Godin's Linchpin, wrap up a book draft, and stare out the window. Isn't it odd that at one point many of us began to think of trains as old fashioned? When I look at my schedule today, a train would be a cutting-edge productivity tool.
A Presentations Lesson Reaffirmed
Despite the pdf format, quite a few pages had been messed up in the electronic transmission. As a result, I learned a couple of hours before the presentation that the workbooks had flaws.
Many flaws.
At another time in my life, that would have been very frustrating. I won't pretend that I didn't take a deep breath. If one is speaking on how to assemble widgets and there is a workbook problem, it may be less of an embarrassment than when the topic is on making presentations. Such things are supposed to be perfect, right?
But this also was a marvelous exercise in being able to roll with the punches. What do you do when the PowerPoint fails, the flip chart falls apart, the room is not set up or, as happened later in the presentation, the electricity goes out?
It was relatively easy to decide not to use the workbooks. Had I done so, the multiple glitches would have been a pebble in the shoe for both me and the audience. I briefly fessed up to the situation at the start of the presentation and noted that in place of the workbooks, the participants would be sent a copy of the book. The key point then was to make the presentation as compelling as possible.
At the back of my mind was a truth: The audience wants the speaker to succeed. We all like the underdog. Watching someone overcome an obstacle adds a bit of drama provided it is done with confidence. As the presentation proceeded, it became apparent that the workbook was far less important than the presentation itself. In some parts of the program, not having the workbook may have even been an improvement.
A major lesson was reaffirmed: Don't drive with a flat tire. Fix or scrap the problem area entirely rather than trying to work around it. You'll have a fresh start and the audience will appreciate it.
Miscellaneous and Fast
- Neatorama: The best ever argument by a defense attorney.
- Dwell looks at a remodeled house in Austin.
- Wired: The latest "live tiger in bag of toy tigers" story.
- Ricochet discusses the less is more strategy of Trader Joe's.
- An 800 number? The GQ interview with Bill Murray.
- Waiter Rant answers a question on tipping.
- There's some controversy over a proposed statue of Henry Morton Stanley.
Quote of the Day
- Walt Disney
Thursday, August 26, 2010
10 Best-Paid Authors
Here's the list and I bet you guessed wrong on Number One.
[HT: Rebecca's Pocket]
Entertainment Break
Chrysler's CEO: Sergio Marchionne
Read the rest of the Fortune article here.
The New Democracy
My concern with democracy is highly specific. It begins in observing the remarkable fact that, while democracy means a government accountable to the electorate, our rulers now make us accountable to them. Most Western governments hate me smoking, or eating the wrong kind of food, or hunting foxes, or drinking too much, and these are merely the surface disapprovals, the ones that provoke legislation or public campaigns. We also borrow too much money for our personal pleasures, and many of us are very bad parents. Ministers of state have been known to instruct us in elementary matters, such as the importance of reading stories to our children. Again, many of us have unsound views about people of other races, cultures, or religions, and the distribution of our friends does not always correspond, as governments think that it ought, to the cultural diversity of our society. We must face up to the grim fact that the rulers we elect are losing patience with us.
Being Alert to the Obvious
Quote of the Day
- Franklin P. Adams
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Entertainment Break
Sir Arthur Sullivan conducts the orchestra rehearsal for The Mikado.
Coffee Shop/Office Hybrid
Detecting Deception
I am very interested in cognitive theory and so really enjoyed reading “Liespotting: Proven Techniques to Detect Deception" from Pamela Meyer. She tells us that a deceiver may do the following, often in close proximity: 1. Use a qualifying statement:" As far as I know" or "To tell you the truth." 2. Repeat back your question verbatim. 3. Dodge the question: "I already told that to HR." 4. Resort to religious references such as "I swear on the Bible." 5. Object to irrelevant to specifics: "No; I had the chicken, not the steak."
The Seen and the Unseen
The reasons for the failure, and for the literally depressing pessimism that the failure seems to herald, were first described 160 years ago by Frederic Bastiat in his essay “The Seen and the Unseen.” Bastiat was describing the effects of economic actions, including public spending. That spending leads to results that are “seen,” meaning, in the case of the current stimulus, the jobs of medical residents, teachers, road builders, and the like—jobs created or preserved by stimulus dollars. Then there is the matter of what is “unseen”—meaning all the money government used for those projects that has been diverted, through taxes or borrowing, from other uses.
Usually, the public is too dazzled by the seen to take account of the unseen. So politicians often get away with saying they have “created” this or that many jobs by spending taxpayers’ money. Few follow the trail back to where the money came from or project it forward to divine the consequences. That was not the case this time. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Read the rest of James K. Glassman's Commentary article here.
A Distinguishing Factor
As it turned out, the winner had less experience than many of the others. There was no magical oratory nor was there a magnetic personality. His positions on the issues were identical to his opponents. His campaign had a lot of mailings, but so did the others. And then one of the analysts said, in an offhanded manner, "Well, he did host a lot of barbeques around the district where people got the chance to meet him. No one else did that."
I don't know the reason for his win but in a race that was very tight, several BBQs could have made the difference. The personal connection can overcome a lot of glossy brochures.
Quote of the Day
- Nicholas Bate
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Desert Storm
I went to school down there and grew to enjoy the lightning storms. You'd see the big suckers rolling up from Mexico. Glorious to watch. Of course, the water overwhelmed many of the city's intersections so the best place to be was on a porch with a view.
A sample of Tucson's lightning activity can be seen here and here.
Small But Meaningful
One glance at my hotel room and the thought arose: Wouldn't it be nice if someone else would pack all of this junk and put it in the car?
I've long asked for 24-hour dry cleaners and garages. Which services for small tasks would you like to see?
An Innovative Vacation Policy
At Netflix, the vacation policy is audaciously simple and simply audacious. Salaried employees can take as much time off as they'd like, whenever they want to take it. Nobody – not employees themselves, not managers – tracks vacation days.
In other words, Netflix's holiday policy is to have no policy at all.
Quote of the Day
- Milton Friedman
Monday, August 23, 2010
What's Really Wrong with Urgency Addiction?
Bukovsky on Changes in Europe
Of course, the authorities have already explained to us, in a very quiet manner, that those who might object to the immigration policy of the European Union can be accused of racism. And those who oppose the further integration of Europe can be charged with xenophobia. We can see now where the European Gulagis going to appear.
When Bed Bugs are Alleged
The customer review section had several recent messages of praise and one scathing message alleging that the reviewer had to check out of his room because it was infested with bed bugs. Since bed bugs are getting a lot of attention in the news, I wondered if the report had any merit. Naturally, I looked for the response by management.
Management did write a response. I confess that I didn't read the part "below the fold," so to speak, but only the first paragraph which is probably all that most readers perused. The company rep noted that management had tried and failed to reach the writer to discuss the situation.
That was not a good first paragraph.
I don't care if they tried to reach the unhappy reviewer 300 times a minute. As soon as I read the allegations, I was interested in one thing and one thing only.
A good first paragraph would have started with "Our hotel does not have bed bugs." It could have continued to note how often their room are treated and how professional a job is done. It could also declare that the hotel has a diligent bed bug prevention program and that the staff wouldn't hesitate to recommend the rooms to friends and family members.
Lesson: Don't let a bureaucratic response get in the way of an effective answer.
Checklist for a Memorable Job Interview
- Have no knowledge of what the firm does. Rely solely on rumors.
- Wear the wrinkled jacket that is still a little ripe from last summer.
- Don't waste any time shining your shoes.
- Put all of your fears and secrets on FaceBook along with those embarrassing photos from Spring Break.
- Show up late. You don't want to appear too eager.
- Tell the receptionist the joke you heard on the Howard Stern Show.
- Give the interview panel your "dead fish" handshake. Wipe your hand afterwards.
- Use colorful nicknames, such as Howie The Horse, to describe your former associates.
- Tell them they won't have to spend much on training because you are a wizard on most subjects.
- Ask if the receptionist is dating anyone.
- Leave your cell phone on and answer all calls with "Can't talk now because I'm about to be offered a job."
- Mention that you know a place in Peru where they could have gotten their office furniture a whole lot cheaper.
- Offer one of the panel members a breath mint.
- On the way out, tell them that you understand their coyness because you've often encountered the old "Hard to Get" ploy.
Quote of the Day
- Steven Wright
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Late Sunday afternoon with the background burble of a baseball game on the radio.
Treats for Sunday
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Entertainment Break
- Twilight (The private investigator one, not the vampire one)
- Snatch
- The Quiller Memorandum
- Strictly Ballroom
- The Ipcress File
Discretion 101: All I Said Was...
Visions of Earth 2010
Check out this gallery of photographs from National Geographic photographers. Don't miss the one from the top of the world's tallest building in Dubai.
Unleashing Potential
It would be wise to print off this advice and read it frequently.
Quote of the Day
- Dean Acheson
Friday, August 20, 2010
Miscellaneous and Fast
- Rick Knowles on the accountability of leadership.
- Eclecticity: You'll smile.
- From the great BBC series, "House of Cards."
- Rowan Manahan goes after the problem of the typo.
- My next car: The Morgan EvaGT. [HT: Instapundit]
- Jack Nicholson in "As Good As It Gets."
- The trailer and the opening of the made for TV comedy/drama, Fresno.
- WSJ Law Blog: The Blagojevich juror wanted a "smoking gun."
Hocus Pocus: What Social Science Doesn't Know
But the situation was even worse: it was clear that we wouldn’t know which economists were right even after the fact. Suppose that on February 1, 2009, Famous Economist X had predicted: “In two years, unemployment will be about 8 percent if we pass the stimulus bill, but about 10 percent if we don’t.” What do you think would happen when 2011 rolled around and unemployment was still at 10 percent, despite the passage of the bill? It’s a safe bet that Professor X would say something like: “Yes, but other conditions deteriorated faster than anticipated, so if we hadn’t passed the stimulus bill, unemployment would have been more like 12 percent. So I was right: the bill reduced unemployment by about 2 percent.”
Another way of putting the problem is that we have no reliable way to measure counterfactuals—that is, to know what would have happened had we not executed some policy—because so many other factors influence the outcome. This seemingly narrow problem is central to our continuing inability to transform social sciences into actual sciences. Unlike physics or biology, the social sciences have not demonstrated the capacity to produce a substantial body of useful, nonobvious, and reliable predictive rules about what they study—that is, human social behavior, including the impact of proposed government programs.
The Disney Look versus Religious Accommodation
A Disney spokesman said Miss Boudlal has never been denied the opportunity to work.
“She’s been allowed to work,” said Disneyland spokesman Suzi Brown. “We’ve given her the opportunity to work in a backstage role the last several shifts that she’s come in.”
Quote of the Day
- General Norman Schwarzkopf
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Once Seen, Never Forgotten
It has drama, a classic story as a backdrop, a clever jab at the competition, and a beautiful protagonist. And if it is not the greatest commercial, which one is better?
The Hiding Place
Anyone Who Has Gone Near Piano Lessons Will Recognize This
50 Must Reads
- War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
- Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
- Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope
- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
- Bleak House by Charles Dickens
- Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry
- The Edge of Sadness by Edwin O'Connor
- Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres
- The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
- The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
- 1984 by George Orwell
- I, Claudius by Robert Graves
- Burmese Days by George Orwell
- The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope
- The Road by Cormac McCarthy
- The Warden by Anthony Trollope
- The Last Hurrah by Edwin O'Connor
- Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
- The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe
- A Man in Full by Tom Wolfe
- The Aubrey-Maturin series by Patrick O'Brian
- Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel
- The Known World by Edward P. Jones
- The Time of the Assassins by Godfrey Blunden
- The Berlin Stories by Christopher Isherwood
- A River Town by Thomas Keneally
- Provinces of Night by William Gay
- Mendelssohn Is On The Roof by Jiri Weil
- David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
- East of Eden by John Steinbeck
- The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
- Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin
- Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Mario Vargas Llosa
- Benito Cereno by Herman Melville
- Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
- A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
- Tom Jones by Henry Fielding
- The Odyssey by Homer
- Moby Dick by Herman Melville
- Treblinka by Jean-Francois Steiner
- Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry
- Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman
- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
- Flashman by George MacDonald Fraser
- Fong and the Indians by Paul Theroux
- To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
- A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor
- City Primeval by Elmore Leonard
Quick Thought: Try a Portion
Quote of the Day
- Erma Bombeck
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Lost Classics
“Greek! Latin!” she spat. “What good it will do you, Greek and Latin? They are dead, the Greeks, the Romans–all dead, for a thousand years they are dead! A thousand years! I have been to Greece, been to Athens! And I can tell you–they are dead! What good did it do them, their literature, their art?! Plato? What good will he do for you? I have been to the grave of Plato, and I can tell you: he has been dead for a thousand years! Trust me, find something else to study, you’ll make a living at least, you’ll be happier!”
Read the rest of Daniel Mendelsohn's address here.
Pressfield and the Massive Brick of Fear
Okay. Here’s what’s going on inside me right now re finishing this book:
Resistance is monumental; I feel it like a massive brick of fear. But I have three things, at least, working in my favor.
1) I know from experience that Resistance always puts on a full-court press when the finish line heaves into view. So I’m ready for it. I’m not surprised. I know that those voices in my head that say, “What if you screw this up … what if you can’t pull off this climax, etc.” are pure Resistance. They are not thoughts, they are “thoughts.”
Writing Against the Lines
Anderson Layman's Blog has a letter you should read.
Finding Elvis
Elvis Week is a pilgrimage by fans of Presley's music and his life as America's most charismatic and fatalistic phenomenon. But those who return annually seem to be on a secondary mission: To better understand why Presley is so captivating. The question is unanswerable, of course, but that doesn't stop them from trying.
"Elvis is infinitely mysterious," said June Balish, 49, a medical editor from Brooklyn, N.Y. who has attended Elvis Week for 14 years with her husband Rob. "He's the only star who touches your mind, heart and sexuality all at once—and you never really fully figure out why."
Read the rest of The Wall Street Journal article here.
Cultural Reminder
Old Professors, Unlike Old Soldiers, Don't Fade Away
The question of tenure generates surprising reactions. I know of one conservative commentator who believes that abolishing tenure would result in the firing of conservative professors in predominently left-wing departments.
My idealistic take: No mandatory retirement. No tenure. Strive for intellectual diversity. Get rid of incompetent professors regardless of their age.
HT: Althouse]
Coordinate, Consult or Defer?
Leadership Blogs
Check it out. It contains some very good blogs.
Quote of the Day
- Casey Stengel
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Rude Air Travelers
Read the rest of Marianne M. Jennings here.
California Sinking
Americana/Soul Food Update
Tell me you're not tempted by that red velvet cake.
Entertainment Break
Much Appreciated
It made my day.
When Can I Move In?
Said to be Smart: The Stages
- Stage One: "I keep hearing that he's really smart."
- Stage Two: "He's really smart."
- Stage Three: "Well, they said he's really smart."
- Stage Four: "Where is the evidence that he's smart?"
- Stage Five: "He's an idiot."
Leading and Hard Truths
When leaders fulfill this responsibility, they must avoid any cheap tricks, such as straw man arguments, and instead put forward what may seem to be an unpopular position. The leader who is in tune with the followers, however, will know that what is voiced is what is commonly thought and that the others have been waiting for those words.
Watch the reaction around the room. Once the leader has stated the previously unspoken thought, you will sense the relief. The truth has been spoken and nothing will ever again be quite the same.
Quote of the Day
- Robert Altman
Monday, August 16, 2010
Blogger's Screening for Spam and More!
I apologize for comments that have been experienced a delay in posting. I'll do a better job of checking in the future.
Bear with me.
Subjects That Should Be Required in School
- Logic
- Etiquette
- Leadership (and then make them lead)
- Economics
- Industrial Arts
- Cooking
- Map Reading
- First Aid
- Self-Defense
- Decision Making.
Any others?
When Slow and Steady are Needed
There's more, of course, and the heavy use of anonymous sources is disturbing. The only thing certain is that this action will be dissected in years to come by lawyers and consultants.
One lesson about sensitive cases that seems to be emerging: Slow down.
What's Changed? Sleep
Two Versions of "I'm No Saint."
Miscellaneous and Fast
- Daniel H. Pink recommends two very different books.
- The Princess Bride: The film trailer.
- Larry Borsato: Why are textbooks still $200?
- Krauthammer on the mosque controversy.
- The Smoking Gun finds an odd link between model train enthusiasts and fat people.
- More debate on whether the Internet is changing our brains.
- Wings of Desire: The trailer.
- Blow-Up: The trailer.
- Amarcord: The trailer.
- Sensory Dispensary: Tom Waits and "I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You."
- Espresso brownies: The recipe.
Quote of the Day
- Danny Kaye
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The Nanny State: Saving Us from Movie Posters
The forthcoming Will Ferrell-Mark Wahlberg flick The Other Guys may yet be riddled with pot shots from film critics. Poor Ferrell and Wahlberg -- on Muni, they can't shoot back. While the official poster for the film features a maniacal Ferrell and the menacing Wahlberg sailing through the air, guns drawn, the version in Muni stations features Ferrell brandishing a vial of pepper spray and Wahlberg relying upon his bare fists. This is not a coincidence.
[HT: Fark]
The Power Problem
Psychologists refer to this as the paradox of power. The very traits that helped leaders accumulate control in the first place all but disappear once they rise to power. Instead of being polite, honest and outgoing, they become impulsive, reckless and rude. In some cases, these new habits can help a leader be more decisive and single-minded, or more likely to make choices that will be profitable regardless of their popularity. One recent study found that overconfident CEOs were more likely to pursue innovation and take their companies in new technological directions. Unchecked, however, these instincts can lead to a big fall.
Sweet Attitudes
This was about a week after I was on a flight on another airline where a very starchy flight attendant spread snark across a whole continent down an entire row of terrified passengers. She was wearing a button that said, "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR NAME IS, EITHER."
So when I hear about a flight attendant throwing a hissy fit... well, I just don't know. My sympathies naturally gravitate to the guy who's telling management to "take this job and shove it." On the other hand, who wants to be imprisoned at 35,000 feet with a demented, resentful burn-out?
Read the rest of Stanley Bing on the flight attendant case.