I am terrible at predicting vice presidential choices.
Kennedy-Johnson? Brilliant choice. Helped to win Texas.
Nixon-Lodge? Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. was such a lethargic campaigner that his nickname was Henry Sabotage.
Johnson-Humphrey? Smart ticket.
Goldwater-Miller? One of the worst VP picks of all time.
Nixon-Agnew? I thought Nixon would pick Senator Charles Percy. Agnew was from out of the blue.
Humphrey-Muskie? An inspired choice but, as I recall from those misty days, not on my list.
McGovern-Eagleton? That quickly imploded and Thomas Eagleton was replaced by Sargent Shriver. The ticket went down in flames.
Ford-Dole? Solid but not very innovative. Jokesters said Bored-Dull.
Carter-Mondale? I confess to a hope that Morris Udall would be the VP choice but there were rumors that Carter disliked him. Mondale was a strong choice.
Reagan-Bush? Bush had an impressive resume.
Mondale-Ferraro? Out of the blue. The joke was that she talked like Archie Bunker but voted like The Meathead.
Dukakis-Bentsen? Big surprise. Good choice. Losing ticket.
Bush-Quayle? Total surprise. I thought Richard Lugar would get it.
Clinton-Gore? This was fairly predictable.
Dole-Kemp? Good choice but a surprise.
GW Bush-Cheney? Cheney headed the selection committee.
Gore-Lieberman? A surprise but a good ticket.
Kerry-Edwards? Perhaps it seemed good on paper.
Obama-Biden? Safe at the time.
McCain-Palin? Never thought of it.
Romney-Ryan? This was predictable.
HR Clinton-Kaine? Lacked punch.
Trump-Pence? Smart move.
Biden-Harris? Cory Booker would have been a much stronger choice.