Popular Retellings
of Old Norse Myths & Classic Illustration Galleries from Ancient Times to the Present |
1680 AnonymousTHE LARGEST COLLECTION OF ARTWORK DEPICTING GERMANIC MYTHOLOGY AVAILABLE ON THE WEB. New Galleries added January 2023 INDEX OF ARTISTIC WORKS [15th-18th Centuries][19th Century][20th Century][21st Century] or continue to scroll downward... THEMES IN OLD NORSE MYTHOLOGICAL ART Collections of Art arranged by Subject Freyja's Chariot, Odin Enthroned, Loki's Punishment, etc. ![]() "When time was young, what is was not..."
The GALLERIES An Historic Tour of Eddic Art The Earliest Artistic Representations of Old Norse Gods and Mythological Scenes Treasures of Medieval Art Scandinavian Idol: The First Season The Iconography of Óðinn by Joshua Rood The Oseberg Tapestry c. 834 AD Selected Images THE PRE-MODERN ERA THE 15th CENTURY 1492 Conrad Bote Cronecken der Sassen The Saxon Chronicle THE 16th CENTURY 1543 Nikolaus Stör & Peter Flötner Burkard Waldis' Ursprung und Herkummen Der Zolf Ersten Alten König und Fürsten Deutscher Nation ["Origin and Provenance of The First Twelve Old Kings and Monarchs of the German Nation"] 1555 Olaus Magnus, Archbishop of Uppsala Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus Woodcut Illustrations 1588 Johannes Pomarius Chronika der Sachsen und Niedersachsen The Chronicle of Saxony and Lower Saxony THE 17th CENTURY 1605 Richard Verstegan Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities Illustrations of the Names of the Days of the Week Also See Derivative Works 1648 Elias Schedius De Diis Germanis The Gods of the Germans Illustrations 1673 Johannes Scheffer Lapponia: The History of Lappland Depicting scenes of Heathen Worship AM 738 4to Edda Oblongata Illustrated Manuscript 1691 Trogillus Arnkiel's The Cimbrish Heathen Religion Cimbrische Heyden-Religion The last roster of Germanic Gods prior to the dissemination of the Poetic Edda in modern times. THE 18th CENTURY THE MODERN ERA BEGINS Presenting Miscellaneous Works of Art from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries 1719 Bernard de Montfaucon L'Antiquité expliquée et représentée en figures 1720-1729 John Michael Rysbrack The Saxon Gods 1760 Ólafur Brynjúlfsson Sæmundar og Snorra Edda Illustrated Manuscript 1771 Dr. Andreas Gottlieb Masch The Prillwitz Idols 1773 Johannes Ewald Balders Død / The Death of Balder Translated by George Borrow 1777 Josef Schimmelmann Die Isländische Edda Illustrations 1780 Johannes Wiedewelt The Royal Production of Johannes Ewald's 'Balders Død' Illustrations by Johannes Wiedewelt 1782 Music and Libretto for the Operetta Johannes Ewald's Balders Død Illustrations by Daniel Chodowiecki 1790s William Blake Illustrations for Thomas Gray's "The Descent of Odin" THE 19th CENTURY THE DAWN OF EDDIC SCHOLARSHIP 1812-1813 Frederich David Gräter Idunna and Hermode Illustrations 1812-1821 The Mythology Feud A Battle for Artistic Freedom 1821 Herman Ernst Freund A Pioneer in Modern Norse Art Sculptor of The Ragnarök Frieze A Panoramic View 1822 Nils Henrik Sjöborg Samlingar för Nordens Fornälskare Frontispiece 1830 Hugo Hamilton Teckningar ur Skandinaviens Äldre Historia Illustrations 1831 Gustav Thormod Legis Alkuna: Nordische und Nordslawische Mythologie Illustrations ![]() 1832 Amalia von Schoppe Die Helden und Götter des Nordens Illustrations 1835 Eduard Sommer Saxonia: The Museum of the Saxon Fatherland 1837 Leopold Ziegelhauser Allgemeine Populäre Götterlehre Illustrations 1838 Unknown Artist "Idols of the Saxons" in Ladies Garland, Vol. I 1841 Philippe Le Bas' Historia de la Alemania, Volume 1 Illustrations of Slavic Gods 1843 Guido Görres Der hürnen Siegfried und sein Kampf mit dem Drachen Illustrations by Wilhelm Kaulbach 1845 J. Thomas Lundbye, P.C. Skovgaard and Lorenz Frølich I. 'Den Nye Studenterforenings Nordiske Højtid' The New Student Association's Nordic Feast and Mindeblade om den Nordiske Høitid II. Memory-Book of the Nordic Festival, 13 January 1845 An Autograhie of Frølich, Lundbye and Skovgaard 1845 Adam Gottlob Oehlenschläger The Gods of the North: An Epic poem in English Translation Lorenz Frolich Illustrations (1885 edition) 1845 Patricio de la Escosura Manual de Mitología Illustrations by Ortega 1848 Wilhelm Kaulbach The Heroic Life and Exploits of Siegfried the Dragon-Slayer Illustrations 1849 Joseph-Jacques Odolant-Desnos Mythologie Pittoresque Scandinavian Gods 1840s-1850s Nils Jakob Blómmer Classic Paintings 1850s Carl Christian Peters Ceramic Art 1850-1852 Gustav Heidenreich, Gustav Richter and Robert Müller From the Saga-Cycle of the Edda Aus dem Sagenkreis der Edda A Series of Frescos in the Neues Museum, Berlin 1850s Contantin Hansen Danemarks kunsthistorie for folket and other works 1855 Matthew Arnold Balder Dead (a poem) 1856 Thomas Bullfinch The Age of Fable Illustrations 1857 Friedrich Wilhelm Engelhardt The Edda Frieze and other works See also The Edda Frieze: A Panoramic View 1858 August Winter Walhalla: Mythologie der Alten Deutschen Illustrations 1860 Wilhelm Mannhardt Die Götter Deutsche und Nordische Völker Illustrations by Ludwig Pietsch 1863 Jes Barkentin The Alexandra Vase 1863 S. Ricard Précis de la Mythologie Scandinave Illustrations 1864 Goodwyn Barmby The Necklace Brising A Poem 1865 Ludwig Pietsch Die Nordischen Göttersagen Illustrations ![]() 1867 Hugo Blomberg KPM (Köngliche Porzelolan Manufakur, Berlin) Freia and Her Chariot Drawn by Cats 1867 Eduard Ille Niflunga-Saga Picture Cycle Berg Palace, Baveria 1868 The Winter Smoking Room Cardiff Castle, Wales Stained Glass Windows 1868 Julius Naue Germanischen Heldenkönige der Völkerwanderung Germanic Hero-Kings of the Migration Period and Die Geschichte der Völkerwanderung The Story of the Great Migration 1868 August Bournonville Master of The Royal Danish Ballet 1868-1930 (?) George Eastman House Still Photograph Archive Lantern Slides 1869 Ernst Bratuscheck Germanische Göttersage1869 Lucy Larcom "The Legend of Skadi" (a poem) 1860s-70s Mårten Eskil Winge Paintings and Illlustrations 1871 Annie & Eliza Keary 1905 James Baldwin The Wonder Book of Horses ![]() 1905 Wilhelm Ranisch Walhall: Die Götterwelt der Germanen Illustrated by Carl Emil Doepler ('the younger') Color Illustrations 1906 Hermann Hendrich Wagner's Ring-Cycle Illustrations 1906 Susan Coolidge The Price of Freya (a poem) 1906 Hamilton Wright Mabie Myths Every Child Should Know Illustrated by George Hamilton Frye Illustrations 1906 Franklin T. Baker, George R. Carpenter, Jennie F. Owens Second Language Reader Illustrations 1907 Arthur Rackham Land of Enchantment Illustrations 1907 Peter Johansen Nordisk Oldtid og Dansk Kunst Various Illustrators 1907 Fr. Winkel Horn Saxo Grammaticus' Danmarks Krônike Books 1-16 Illustrated by Louis Moe ![]() 1908 Thomas Cartwright One for Wod and One for Lok; or Asgard, Midgard and Utgard Color Illustrations by Patten Wilson 1908 Olive Bray The Elder or Poetic Edda [*] Illustrations by W.G. Collingwood 1908 Katarina Dahlström Nordiska Gudasagor berättelse för Ungdomen "Nordic Mythology retold for the Young" in serial form in Ungdomsvännen: Vols. 12-13, 1907-08 11 Rare Illustrations of Old Norse Gods and Goddesses 1908 Ludwig Fahrenkrog Baldur: Drama Illustrations 1908 Karl Wolfskehl Thor's Hammer Silhouettes by Emil Preetorius 1908 Alice Zimmern in Gods and Heroes of the North Illustrations 1909 John P. Edmison Stories of the Norseland Illustrations 1909 Maria Klugh Tales from the Far North Illustrations 1909 Georgine Birchill Progressive Road to Reading Illustrations 1908 Hélène Adeline Guerber Myths of the Norsemen from the Eddas and Sagas Illustrations by John Charles Dollman Illustrations by Dorothy Hardy ![]() 1910 Grace Denio Litchfield Baldur the Beautiful (a poem) 1910 Emma K. Gordon The Gordon Readers-New Series Fourth Reader Illustrations 1910 Gustav Ritter's Walhalla und Olymp Illustrations by Wilhelm von Kaulbach, Hermann Tischler, Ludwig Berwald 1911 Viktor Rydberg Die Göttersage der Väter German Translation of Fädernas Gudsaga (1887) by Josef Hiersche Translated into English as Our Father's Godsaga by William P. Reaves (2003) Illustrations by John Bauer ![]() Colorized by Guddipoland 1911 Arthur Rackham Wagner's The Ring Illustrations 1912 Charles Maurice Stebbins & Herbert E. Martini Golden Treasury Readers Illustrations 1912 Ritza Freeman and Ruth Davis Norse Tales Retold for Little Children Illustrations 1912 Frieda Amerlan Götter und Helden der Alten Germanen Illustrated by M. Wulff 1913 American Telephone and Telegraph Ad "The Magic Flight of Thought" 1913 Alice S. Hoffman The Book of the Sagas Illustrations by Gordon Browne 1913 John Walter Davis Evenings with Grandpa The Davis-Julien Series of Readers Part II: For Fourth Year Reader Illustrations 1913 Erik Brate Eddan, De Nordiska Guda- och Hjältesångerna Illustrations from Frederik Sanders' Edda Sämund den Vises (1893) 1913 Karl Mortenson A Handbook of Norse Mythology 1913 Rudolf Herzog Die Nibelungen Illustrations by Franz Stassen 1914 Franz Stassen Richard Wagner's Ring of the Nibelungen Rheingold 1914 Ella Flagg Young and Walter Taylor Field Young and Field Literary Readers: Book Three Illustrations 1914 Samuel Fallows & Henry W. Ruoff Human Interest Library Illustrations 1914 Martha A. Curry and Charles M. Holton The Curry Holton Readers Fourth Reader Illustrations 1914 Logan Marshall Myths and Legends of all Nations Illustration of Wayland the Smith 1915 Carl Larson Midvinterblot and other works 1915 Helen Stratton A Book of Myths Illustrations 1915 Emil Pollack-Ottendorf Opera Stories from Wagner Illustrations 1915-1925 A. K. Marussig Set of 8 German Postcards Depicting works by Felix Dahn, Author of Walhall 1916 Rhonda Campbell Chase Merrill Readers: Fourth Reader by Franklin B. Dyer and Mary J. Brady Illustrations 1916 Katherine F. Boult Asgard and the Norse Heroes [Choice of file types on left-hand side of the page] 1918 Frederick Richardson Reading-Literature Fourth Reader Adapted and graded by Harriet Taylor Treadwell and Margaret Free Illustrations 1918 Charles A. Lawrence Edson-Laing Reader, Vol. 1 Illustrations 1919 Rudolf Herzog Germaniens Götter Illustrations 1919 Franklin Thomas Baker Eighth Reader: Introduction to Literature Illustrations 1920 Hans von Wolzogen Illustrations by Franz Stassenc. 1920s N. C. Wyeth Magazine Illustrations 1920 Donn P. Crane My Book House Illustrations 1920 Sheffer My Book House: Treasure Chest Illustrations 1920 M. Dorothy Belgrave and Hilda Hart Children's Stories from Northern Legends Illustrations by Harry G. Theaker ![]() 1920 Padraic Collum The Children of Odin (e-text)(scan)(.pdf file) Illustrations by Willy Pogány 1920 Svetezar Tonjoroff "Vamps of All Times" IV. Fricca 1921 Emilie Kip Baker Out of the Northland 1922 Agnes Harder Die Kinders Thor Illustrations by Franz Stassen 1922 Charles H. Sylvester Journeys through Bookland, Vol 2 Illustrations 1924 Frances G. Wickes Beyond the Rainbow Bridge Illustrations by Hildegard Lupprian 1925 Amy Cruse Book of Myths Illustrations 1929 Louis Moe Ragnarok: en Billeddigtning An Illustrated Poem 1930 A. & E. Keary The Heroes of Asgard Illustrations by Charles E. Brock After the 1871 edition illustrated by Louis Huard ![]() 1930 Gustav Schalk Walhalla: Germanisches Götter und Heldensage für schule und haus Illustrations by Wolfgang Ortmann Illustrations by Max Koch 1930 Katherine Pyle Tales from Norse Mythology Illustrations 1934 Liebig Meat Products L'Edda Trading Cards 1938 Gustav Schalk Meisterbuch Deutscher Götter und Heldensagen Illustrations by Wilhelm Petersen 1940s Nadir Quinto Tales from Many Lands Illustrations 1940 Pierce Rice "Thor" in Wierd Comics #1-5 1940 Katharine F. Boult Asgard and the Norse Heroes 1941 Vilhelm Grønbech Nordiske Myter og Sagn Illustrated by Ernst Hansen ![]() 1942 Edmond Hamilton "The Daughter of Thor" Text and Illustrations 1942 Jack Kirby "The Villian from Valhalla" DC Comics 1950 Dagfin Werenskiold Wooden Reliefs in the Oslo Rådhus 1951 Olivia E. Coolridge Legends of the North Illustrations by Edouard Sandoz 1953 Barbara Leonie Picard Tales of the Norse Gods and Heroes Illustrations by Joan Kiddell-Monroe 1956 Hamilton Wright Mabie Myths Every Child Should Know Illustrations by Colleen Browning 1959 Nancy Wilson Ross Thor's Visit to the Land of the Giants Illustrations by Aldren A. Watson 1960 Roger Lancelyn Green Myths of the Norsemen 1961 Classics Illustrated Comics #29 The Viking Gods 1962-Present Jack Kirby "The Mighty Thor" (On-Going Series) Marvel Comics Group ![]() 1967 Edgar Parin D'Aulaire D'Aulaire's Norse Gods & Giants 1970 Cynthia King In the Morning of Time: The Story of the Norse God Balder Illustrations by Charles Mikolavcae 1974 Sonja Ulsaker Peterson Norrona Sketchbook: Drawings and Poems on Subjects from the Norse Mythology 1974 Margaret Hodges Baldur and the Mistletoe: a Myth of the Vikings Illustrated by Gerry Hoover 1978 Brian Branstock Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythology Illustrated by Giovanni Caselli ![]() 1979-2009 Peter Madsen's Valhalla 1980 Kevin Crossley-Holland The Norse Myths Illustrations 1981 Greg Hildebrandt Gods and Goddesses Illustrations Usborne Illustrated Guide to Norse Myths and Legends ![]() 1994 Shirley Climo Stolen Thunder : A Norse Myth Illustrated by Alexander Koshkin 1995 Kris Waldherr The Book of Goddesses Freyja Illustration 1996 Phillip Wilkinson DK Illustrated Dictionary of Mythology Illustrations by Neil Phillip 1996 Mary Pope Osborne Favorite Norse Myths Illustrated by Troy Howell 1997 Philip Ardagh Norse Myths & Legends Illustrated by Stephen May 1999 Mikhail Fiodorov A World Treasury of Myths, Legends and Folktales
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All Donations are appreciated and will be used to maintain this site. THE 21st CENTURY THE DAWN of a NEW ERA Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Norse ![]() 2003 Anker Eli Petersen Faroe Island Stamps Völuspá Series 2004 Jeff Menges Norse Gods and Goddesses (a Coloring Book) D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths 2005 Bruce Coville Thor's Wedding Day 2006 Snorri Sturlusson The Adventures of Thor the Mighty in the Land of the Giants Illustrated by Gunnar Karlsson 2007 Hrana Janto How Thor Got His Hammer Back 2007 Jeff Limke Thor and Loki : In the Land of Giants Ilustrated by Ron Randall ![]() 2007 Lise Lunge-Larsen The Adventures of Thor the Thunder God Illustrations by Jim Madsen 2010 Christopher E. Long & Mike Dubisch Freyja 2010 Marion Pearce The Gods of the Vikings Exploring the Norse Gods, Myths and Legends Through the Days of the Week 2011 Jim Ollhoff Norse Mythology 2012 Erik Evensen The Gods of Asgard A Graphic Novel Selected Illustrations 2011 Nayruchan (Evelmiina at DeviantArt) Odin, Freyja and Loki 2012-2020 Denyse Treble-Shorrocks Gods and Goddesses of the North The Artistic Works of ![]() ![]() 2013 Howard David Johnson Tales of Asgard 2013-2015 Howard David Johnson The Heroic Sagas of the Northland 2014-2015 Howard David Johnson Legends of Norse Mythology 2015 National Geographic's Treasury of Norse Mythology by Donna Napoli Selected Illustrations by Christina Balit 2015 Andrew Valkauskas The Fate of the Norns A Rune-based RPG James McNaughton Thor's Journey to Utgard Illustrated by Jared Osterhold We hope you enjoyed the tour! If so, tell a friend.
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All Donations are appreciated and will be used to maintain this site. ![]() In Fond Remembrance of Those Forgotten Along the Way... THE TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN ARTIST Please help identify the Artist and Source of these works. RESOURCES FOR RESEARCHERS: Foreign Language Editions & Translations of the Eddas Historic Publications from 1665 to 1927 English Language Translations of the Eddas Detailing the Historical Progress of the Scholarship in English [HOME] |