This is my "blog" / online journal, whatever you want to call it, and is updated about daily. Its primary category is however "Drivel", just to give you an idea ...
This is where to find my résumé (aka CV aka Curriculum Vitae). I'm providing it in HTML and plain text. PDF and Microsoft Word I can make available on request.
5 Hamilton Mews ... These were taken in December on a grey day so apologies about the lighting. The top floor is being cleared out hence the alcohol everywhere...
I live in Bristol and London in the UK having just got back from Monterey, California which is about 120miles south of San Francisco. is the home page of Paul Makepeace. It was registered in October 1998, accompanied by a degree of surprise that it was still available.
This is all about my own entirely self-created projects, not the stuff I'm specifically paid to do (more traditionally called "work" which you can read ...
So there's this page of "notable" stuff that's happened or happening, and then there's a "blog" full of more day to day drivel.
Features · One covered parking space, two guest spaces · House is on end of row, largest well-kept garden · Conservatory · Downstairs loo · Upstairs bathroom, ...
14-May-2013 · Lead is a pollutant and poison, and especially bad for children as their organs are still developing and less able to flush it out as adults. has been operating from a high-speed datacentre for a number of years now. As a service I host other folks' websites, mail, DNS, etc here too.