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A story of the tumultuous love between Loki - God of Mischief and Sigyn - the woman who would be faithful to him. Though it is set in the Marvel movie verse we ...
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28-May-2024 · Here are my favorite longer fics! “Whipstitch” by kaasknot “Lost Soul” by Sigyn Silica (as the author's name suggests, they do quite a bit of Loki/Sigyn stuff)
Sigyn is Loki and Thor's sister in this tale.She and Loki have a very close bond. What happens when that closeness shifts to something more?
People also ask
What is Sigyn the god of?
Who was Sigyn supposed to marry?
Did Loki love Sigyn mythology?
Did Sigyn have powers?
Sigyn Silica is a fanfiction author that has written 59 stories for Thor, Frozen, Undertale, Avengers, Hamilton, Loki, Marvel, and Guardians of the Galaxy.
On Archive of Our Own (AO3), users can make profiles, create works and other Content, post comments, give Kudos, create Collections and Bookmarks, participate ...
Goddess of sex. What of all those lovers you took and left, what of my father? What about the hearts you broke for him! What about the men you've taken since my ...
01-Jun-2012 · She is a virtuous and beautiful goddess, whose life is turned upside down by the increasingly destructive antics of the god she loves.