27-Jul-2016 · If you're still labouring under the belief that cheese before bedtime gives you nightmares, grab a slice of Gouda and listen up.
12-Dec-2016 · An experiment where participants ate cheese before bed and found that the majority experienced an improved memory of their dreams.
08-Dec-2022 · Mozzarella, brie, goats' cheese and Cheshire cheese also featured among the top 20 cheeses people believe are most likely to give them nightmares.
3 days ago · The research team determined that cheese eaters had a 28% lower risk of having sleep apnea than those who didn't partake. Further, cheese ...
16-Sept-2005 · According to a new study by the British Cheese Board, different cheeses can give you different types of dreams. None of the study volunteers ...
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What is special about Gouda cheese?
Can I eat Gouda cheese before bed?
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Now this is a myth that can be totally debunked. The British Cheese Board has confirmed that indulging in cheese pre-bed won't give you terrors in the night, ...