The Annunciation is not “less important” than Christmas, any more than we can say any celebration of a mystery of our salvation is more or less important.
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25-Mar-2015 · Its one thing to memorize that March 25th is an important Feast Day and a Holy Day of Obligation. Its another thing to truly immerse yourself in ...
25-Mar-2024 · The solemnity of the Annunciation has been moved to April 8, two weeks after March 25, so it can be celebrated with the recognition it deserves.
26-Mar-2018 · An award-winning former BBC journalist and editor has published a compelling account of his search to discover the spiritual meaning of the Annunciation.
22-Mar-2024 · The solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, celebrated nine months before Christmas, is assigned to March 25 on the church's General Calendar.
23-Jun-2021 · Mary was pivotal in Jesus taking on human flesh, understanding what is means to be fully human yet fully Divine at the same time.
25-Mar-2024 · The Annunciation is the first of the joyful mysteries we contemplate when praying the rosary. It is the occasion for the Angelus prayer.
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This day celebrates the appearance of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary to announce the incarnation. What's going on and why is this day important?