Showing posts with label junk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label junk. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2013

Cloches and More Cloches!

I was recently asked to curate a board of cloches at Hometalk.   I had just unearthed my old terrarium from the barn, with plans to create a little cloche out of it.  I posted that earlier this week.  

You can create a cloche out of just about anything see through that can be flipped over a vignette, or have one tucked inside.  We've all seen birdcages used as a cloche, but how about a lamp part, cake stand or even an old wire strainer!  
I was so excited when they asked me to curate this board.  I love cloches and I love Hometalk.  If you aren't familiar with Hometalk, it's something of a cross between Pinterest and Facebook.  You clip pictures to your boards like Pinterest, but there is more personal interaction, like Facebook. Everything is home and garden related, and you can ask questions of experts when you are tackling a DIY project, or just need a question answered.  I've found it to be a very friendly community of like minded home owners, who love to make a house their home.  

You can follow me on Hometalk by clicking the graphic above, then follow me there.  If you haven't tried Hometalk yet, sign up is free and easy.  You'll be clipping brilliant ideas in no time.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Cloche Call

While rummaging around in our barn, I came across this old terrarium that I picked up years ago at a garage sale.  I've used it to plant in at one time, but it's been sitting in the barn gathering dust for several years.  It has two small cracks in the back near the top, and I almost threw it away.  You can barely see them in the photo below.

I decided to keep it anyway and after scrubbing it down, I decided it would make a cute cloche of sorts. That was a cloche call!  I can hear you groaning...sorry, I couldn't resist.  I didn't really have anything in mind to display, but went "shopping" around the house and found a few odds and ends.  I decided on a few things that had special meaning to me, and decided to make it a memory cloche.

I recently bought two of these faux boxwood balls at JoAnn's where I work.  They are a great buy at $14.99, but using a 50 percent off coupon is even better :)

I stuffed one in the terrarium, after lining it with a piece of burlap.  It was a little big (pardon the oxymoron), but I still had room for a couple other treasures.  The rock is part of a geode from my grandparents farm in Indiana.  The farm sold after grandma passed away a couple years ago, so it is very special to me.

The little bird was given to me by my secret pal at church...I love it.  The miniature galvanized washtub, I found at a thrift favorite pastime.  So each of these items (except the boxwood) has special meaning to me.  I think it makes a sweet little cloche vignette.

Until next time keep craftin' and smilin'

Linking to these awesome parties:

Monday, February 25, 2013

How Pinteresting Monday - Canning Jars & Jello Molds

While my sister was in town two weekends ago, we went thrift shopping.  When I saw these aluminum molds, I remember seeing a use for them on Pinterest, but I couldn't remember what it was. I liked them anyway, and for only .10 cents each, I bought the whole dozen. I also snagged two larger ones. I just love the shape and patina on them.

Back home, I scoured my Pinterest boards to find the idea I only vaguely remembered.  Here it is:

It is from Hanna's Charming Recycling.  Hanna has a gorgeous website and coauthored "Sjarmerende Gjenbruk," which is Norwegian for Charming Reuse.  An English version is available on Amazon under the title, "Rediscovered Treasures: A New Life for Old Objects."  I am definitely adding it to my cart! Hanna has a beautiful blog you won't want to miss!

Sadly, my molds were a bit too large to use the rings, but they were just big enough to sit over the rim and look like they were screwed on.

I decided to use them in our postage stamp sized bathroom to squeeze out a little more storage.

Filled with soft white cotton balls and Q-Tips, I love the way they look.

How has Pinterest inspired you lately?

Don't forget to come back Tuesday night for What We Accomplished Wednesdays. I love to see what you've been up to!

Until next time keep craftin' and smilin'!

I've shared this post at these great parties.  Come join the fun!

Monday, February 11, 2013

How Pinteresting Monday: Industrial Bins

I pinned the image below a long time ago. I kept looking at it over and over. I just love the look of this room.

One feature that really stood out was those industrial bins beneath the desktop. I was pretty sure I'd never be able to duplicate that look.  Low and behold, I was at a local flea market this past fall, and I found some!

Mine are in rough shape and need some TLC, but I am so excited that I found them!  

I have another one besides these two.  I'm not sure yet if they are going to work under my desktop, but they will get worked into my craft room somehow.

For now I plunked some upcoming projects in them.  

Have you ever come across something on Pinterest that you figured you would never find, and then did?

Until next time keep craftin' and smilin'.

I've linked to these awesome parties. Come party with me!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Pinterest Inspired Monday - Muffin Tin Storage

Vintage Muffin Pan Bead Tray

vintage muffin pan

Long ago and far away, I pinned many pins.  Actually, I've only been on Pinterest about a year.  In that time I've managed to pin, oh...5138 pins and counting.  Ahem...My name is Deborah, and I am addicted to Pinterest.

bead storage

Before you drag me off to PPA (Pinterest Pinheads Anonymous), in all fairness, I have used many of my pins to inspire, design and sometimes downright copy (for personal use only).  So in the interest of redeeming some of that time spent on Pinterest,  I am making an effort to create or make one Pinterest inspired something a week, be it a craft, a storage idea or even a few recipes.  Most weeks it will be something quick and easy, cause' I've already got a lot of irons in the fire!

vintage bead storage idea

So...I've decided Monday's will be Pinterest Project Monday.  Today's Pinterest Project is a complete copy.  I needed something to hold the beads I'm using while working on a piece of jewelry.

craft room storage

I could have just used an old egg carton, but where's the fun in that?  So when I saw this old muffin tin used for buttons, I said, "Eureka!"  Ok, not really...who ever says that?  But the light bulb did go on.


I have a vintage muffin tin, and I dare say mine is even cooler!  No slight intended to our button filled friend here.

Old muffin tin

What would you do with a vintage muffin tin?

Vintage Muffin Tin

Have you copied any great pins lately?


I've linked to these awesome parties:

My Uncommon Slice of SuburbiaToday's Creative BlogTuesday To Do Party


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