
How to make it

  • Instructions: 1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Place ham in a large baking dish, the cut end facing down.
  • 2. With a sharp knife, score the skin of your ham in a tight pattern (if it doesn't come pre-scored). Bake for 15 minutes to get it started.
  • 3. While ham is baking, prepare the glaze. To make the glaze, combine the sugar, pineapple, chilies, adobo sauce, nutmeg, and ginger in a blender. Blend well until smooth.
  • 4. Pour this mixture into a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • 5. Mix the cornstarch with the water until dissolved, and whisk into the simmering sauce. Cook until thickened.
  • 6. After the ham has baked 15 minutes, brush it with the glaze.
  • 7. Baste ham every 15 minutes until heated through, which should take one hour or so. When it's ready, the internal temperature she be 140 degrees or so.
  • 8. Serve any extra glaze as a dipping sauce on the side. Then watch your guests demand that this is what to cook for Easter dinner every year.
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