How to make it

  • It is a very popular dish in Mallorca island and a representative sample of Mediterranean cooking style. It is usually cooked and served in the same recipient, a hand made round ceramic pan made of clay and called “greixonera” .
  • Wash, dry and cut eggplants in ½ inch thick slices. Dip in flour, tapping excess. Put 2 inches olive oil in pan and fry eggplant. Do not brown. Drain on paper towel and set aside.
  • Cut peeled potatoes in ½ inch thick slices and fry, drain on paper towel and set aside.
  • Cut peppers in 1 inch slices and fry. Drain on paper towel and set aside.
  • Peel and cut tomatoes in chunks, brown onion in the rest of the oil in pan and add tomatoes. Let it reduce to a thick sauce.
  • Arrange vegetables in a round baking pan, bit enough to accommodate all the vegetables, starting with potatoes, eggplant, peppers and tomato sauce.
  • Bake in a preheated 375ºF oven for ½ hour, watching not to burn the top.
  • It is best served at room temperature.

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  • inmaculada 15 years ago
    Leonora, so nice your comment¡¡¡ thanks for the visit.
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  • leonora5 15 years ago
    I've never tried eggplant and potatoes together - sounds like a great recipe to try!
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  • sweetthing1953 17 years ago
    Wow. How wonderful sounding this is. Love veggies. This recipe sounds like something I will be cooking this weekend. Thank you Inmaculada!
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  • inmaculada 17 years ago
    I think yes, they have meaty flesh and deep red color, and make the dish really pleasant.
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  • gingerlea 17 years ago
    This sounds really good. I can get fresh eggplant year round at our outdoor vegetable/fruit market. Are the red peppers what we call red bell peppers?
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • shirleyoma 17 years ago
    Yummmmm, sounds so good! Love these Veggies!
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