
How to make it

  • Mix up all the spices and stuff together.
  • Grab some gallon plastic bags.
  • Fold the lip back so they don't close every second you're not watching them.
  • Put the spices in them, dividing evenly.
  • Take the giblets out of the chickens.
  • Slide the chickens into the bag.
  • Wash your hands with hot water and soap.
  • Fill the bag up with water.
  • Close the bag while pressing on it so that there's no air in the bag. Refrigerate (seam side up so it doesn't drip) in the fridge for a day or two. Put it in the coldest spot in the fridge! You can freeze it, too.
  • Poke it occasionally to shift the spices around.
  • Prep by tucking wings up behind the knees on a grilling pan or whatever you have. Stick something in the middle if you want -- some lemons, garlic, rosemary, whatever you want.
  • Bake chicken at 350, 20 minutes breast down then 20 minutes breast up, then check for doneness by thermometer or by cracking the leg joint back and looking for blood.
  • Good with steamed veggies squirted with lemon.

Reviews & Comments 6

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  • plot_thickens 14 years ago
    Eyep! Turkey, duck, it all works. This was actually first developed for turkey, and then cut down for a chicken's lesser poundage. Just ramp it up... and for a really big turkey, I use a garbage bag in a large cooler, cradled in ice.
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    " It was excellent "
    windy1950 ate it and said...
    You said that you brine all of your birds... does this include turkeys, as well? I just think a turkey brined prior to roasting would be marvelous.

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    " It was excellent "
    gingalee ate it and said...
    Oh this sounds so good! Pretty good stress release too Bam Bam Bam!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    fizzle3nat ate it and said...
    Awesome recipe! The freezing idea is a good one. Thanks for sharing a great recipe! - Natalie
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    wdsdy ate it and said...
    Your brine sounds wonderful!!! -- And freezing the chicken in the brine sounds so convenient leading to oh so tasty when it's baked! I love time-savers in the kichen --This is the best I've ever read --Thank you!!!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • dancegypsy67 17 years ago
    I love the comments (especially the BAM part). I'm looking forward to trying your recipes.
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