
How to make it

  • Thoroughly clean a large and a small coffee can with lids.
  • In smaller can, combine cream, half-and-half, sugar and vanilla.
  • Cover with lid and place in the center of larger can. Pack 3 cups ice around smaller can along with 1 cup salt.
  • Roll can back and forth across a hard, level surface for 10 minutes.
  • With a spatula, scrape ice cream to center and stir. (If you are adding fruit, do so at this time.)
  • Repack larger can with remaining ice and salt. Continue rolling until firm, about 5 minutes. Keep frozen.
  • Makes about one quart of ice cream or 4 servings.

Reviews & Comments 6

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  • cobrien05 16 years ago
    Yes...well when making for girl scouts, it really is less expensive. And some of the girls parents already have coffee cans. Glad you tried it. :)
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  • sas 16 years ago
    O.k. so I made the ice cream. It really works. I laid on a towel on my bed, watched OPRAH and rolled my ice cream. I made chocolate by using powdered Ghirardelli chocolate. I will be making this a lot because the initial investment was $32.00 in supplies. I had no coffee cans and couldn't find anything on the shelves to resemble the sizes I needed. Cream WOOOOOOW expensive. But I will be making more today to use up the rest of the goods. I have a ton of coffee if anyone wants to come over for a potful and a cone or two of ice cream.~~~~~~~~Sas
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    " It was excellent "
    misslizzi ate it and said...
    Oh, what fun! (I wanna make coffee ice cream, too!).
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    madmommy ate it and said...
    So cool! Thank you for sharing!! ^^5
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    " It was excellent "
    bobbyc0117 ate it and said...
    wow talk about memories we did this at camp years ago when I was in boy and yep it really works. thanks for the memory jolt and the recipe.
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  • sas 16 years ago
    This really works, huh? What about if you want to do chocolate or coffee ice cream? How do you incorporate it? This could be great, I love the simplicity.~~~~~~~~Sas
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