
How to make it

  • HEAT dressing in large saucepan on medium heat. Add sausage; cook 8 to 10 min. or until done, stirring occasionally to break sausage into small pieces.
  • ADD broth, stir-fry vegetables, beans and tomatoes; bring to boil. Stir in macaroni; simmer on medium heat 8 to 10 min. or until macaroni is tender, stirring occasionally.
  • SERVE topped with cheese. Serve with RITZ Crackers.

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    " It was not good "
    chefelaine ate it and said...

    A message 'precious mountainmama sent me on my page:
    Mountainmama 2 minutes ago said:
    Elaine I've saved all your emails and I will post each of them. You want to be her savior that's fine. Stay off my site!

    You have lost your mind or something. You forget I know exactly what you do and etc. I will lowball that witch if I want if you don't like it tough! I'm not using your damn picture. I believe mine is up there. OH maybe I should say you girls are nuts. Why does every problem come back on me. I told the witch I would lowball her if she didn't leave me alone. So take it up with your highness. By the way way if these ratings mean nothing why the hell are you on here bothering me? Why doesn't she contact me??? Cause the witch doesn't have the balls!!! Sit on your bridge and ram it up your ass! I wouldn't buy crap from you. Don't forget I know your alias and you were friends till just took up with precious. Oh I will miss you ....NOT!

    MM, CAN IT.
    AS LONG AS YOU AND YOUR ALIASES continue using MY avatar, expect to be downrated, since I DO NOT CARE what my 'ratings' are. I KNOW my abilities.
    You might even see this SAME message from some of my friends, who you falsely accuse me of being. I sent it along to them.
    You have totally DISGRACED this site, and shame on you.
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  • snomama 16 years ago
    ~FIVE-FORKS~ Italian and Pasta what a better dish to prepare than this.
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