
How to make it

  • Place the meat into a large oversized plastic tub. Spread the meat out so that it reaches room temperature quickly. Let it rest for about one half hour. Meanwhile, mix all of the spices together. Pour the now-blended spices into a shaker bottle. Sprinkle the spices over the meat evenly and then, using your hands, begin mixing it all together. The kneading and mixing is the most strenuous portion of sausage making. You want the spices to be evenly distributed throughout the meat, so a lot of kneading is in order. Add water if it gets too sticky.
  • If using ground meat, you do not want to run it through the grinder too much, as that will change the texture. If you are grinding your own meat, pass it through the grinder only once. Hand mixing is your best option.
  • When you are sure the meat and spices are fully mixed, roll a piece of sausage to about the size of a golf ball, and flatten it into a patty. Fry the patty, and taste it. If you think the meat could use a little more spice, now is the time to add it. After adding additional spices, knead the meat until it is thoroughly blended, and then test it again.
  • If the spices are adequate, you can make sausage with casings or form sausage balls or patties. You can also package the meat into one- or two-pound packages and freeze.

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    " It was excellent "
    peetabear ate it and said...
    thank you the recipe... I am trying to get back to a more natural diet since most processed foods have wheat in them... it would be nice to have sausage occasionally again..five forks

    oh do you have a good Italian sausage recipe??
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • lovebreezy 15 years ago
    Good recipe, nice blend of ingredients.
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  • knoxcop 15 years ago
    Ohhhh man! There is nothing better than some homemade sausage. So much better than the storebought stuff. Definitely recommend giving this a try!

    It's a good idea to have a good meat-fat ratio---more fat than you'd think, but makes for such good sausage!

    Great post, Grizz. ;-)
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    gapeach55 ate it and said...
    Thanks Grizz! Will give this a try.
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    " It was excellent "
    sunflower48386 ate it and said...
    Yum. I have made small batches of sausage. it is very easy. 5 forks
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • jlv1023 15 years ago
    never made sausage before, but you are tempting me.


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