Hello and welcome to The Harlech House of Graphics, a festering repository of all things graphical from ITV in Wales and the West.
In 1998 HTV celebrated 30 years as Wales and the West's Independent Television Contractor. For those 30 years HTV (and before them, TWW) has maintained a distinct and consistently interesting on-screen presence, evidence of which, hopefully, you'll find on this site.
We have idents, trails, a gallery of in-vision announcers, news, local adverts. In fact, everything from start-ups and cock-ups to closedowns and breakdowns - it's all here … actually there's far too much of this nonsense to be healthy for anyone. Oh yes, there are a few programmes thrown in for good measure too.
Though most sections are presented in a rough chronological order, we don't dwell on the history or politics of things too much, (that's done much better elsewhere) the only exceptions are where events or circumstances have affected presentational policy. No, we aim to entertain, reminisce and review again some of the most interesting presentational material from 40 years of ITV in Wales and the West.
Hope you enjoy it.
The audio and video clips on this site require Real Player 5 or G2. If you don't have it, you can download it free by clicking on the logo above.
This web-site is unofficial, non-commercial and not in any way connected to HTV or Carlton Communications PLC.
HHG is part of the Transdiffusion network of web-sites.
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Many thanks to the following people who have supplied material or assistance in the compilation of this site:
Chris Bowden-Smith, Ray Bradley, Malcolm Byrne, Al Duprés, Darren Meldrum, Nick Oliver, Gareth Randall, Jeremy Rogers, Adrian Ruck, Greg Taylor, Simon Wiles, Transdiffusion and Paul J Halpin.