Discovering Mysteries S4 - E8: Finding Food

By / HICN / Updated: 17:34,01-December-2023

A bumper harvest has arrived and the tropical rainforest is filled to the brim with fruit just waiting to be plucked.

Food doesn’t just magically appear when it’s wanted though. There’s a fair bit of work involved before it’s time to eat.

Tree-dwelling animals have to keep as fit and nimble as an acrobat, performing daring aerial leaps and stunning somersaults.

Squirrels are one of the best climbers of the rainforest, and have completely adapted to life in the treetops. Their tails play an important role in helping them to keep their balance while sprinting along a narrow branch or jumping through the air.

These busy squirrels have attracted the attention of the neighbors.

A macaque attack squad arrives and closely observes the movements of the squirrels.

These monkeys aren’t just focused on food though. Naturally enough, they also love to monkey around.

During this season, abundant Nepali Hog Plums are a major food source for many rainforest animals.

Although they live in the same environment, each animal species has its own ways of life and survival strategies.

They observe each other, respect each other, and share the resources of the tropical rainforest.

Ripe figs are a major prize.

But of course, the tastiest morsels are always the hardest to get.

The thick skin of the fig has to be gnawed open to get a bite of the tasty fruit inside.

What could be better than a fruit that someone else has already opened?

Seeing a friend enjoying a tasty meal, it’s hard not to want a bite as well.

The hungry squirrel makes a mad dash for it.

Getting something you haven’t worked for isn’t easy though.

The original owner of the fig refuses to give up its hard won prize.

There’s nothing the second squirrel can do but go and look for a fig of its own.

After all, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. This is the law of the jungle as well as of life.



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