a film by Colin Trevorrow released through Universal Pictures
in 2015
After two middling sequels
to the landmark Jurassic Park, Universal and Amblin surpass all
expectations with Jurassic World. Smart writing, and the Alpha Male
charisma of emergent star Chris Pratt, yield a rousing adventure that transcends
mere nostalgia. The climax is a perfect re-imagining of the
all-too-truncated T-Rex/Raptor melee that provided ironic deliverance for
those intrepid VIPs twenty years previous. The only problems are an
unresolved kids-struggling-with-divorce subplot that sticks out like a dangling
participle, an unexamined premise (even tacitly endorsed by the villain)
that animals have rights/privileges similar to humans, and a Michael Giacchino
score that drag-and-drops those great John Williams themes indiscriminately.
This is the rare
live-action film that succeeds as engrossing family fare. It's a funny,
thrill-a-minute juggernaut.