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The Good Wife, TV Series, 2009-2016 IMDB

Pictures provided by: gliffhanger, sandwad2, ventr1s, DidierF

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gliffhanger NL

2010-01-03 16:19

[Image: vlcsnap2010010314h20m12.3268.jpg][Image: vlcsnap2010010314h20m19.7493.jpg]

Season 1
Episodes 1-7 Done

-- Last edit: 2010-01-03 16:19:42

jettalover US

2010-01-05 06:47

According to contributers to the IMDB message board, the show is set in Chicago, but actually filmed in NYC. Not authentic, but I guess it's better than having it filmed in LA.

09Enclave US

2011-11-08 18:31

There's a Buick Enclave on this show too. Driven by Kalinda.

-- Last edit: 2012-04-10 19:29:48

09Enclave US

2011-12-06 18:46

The Enclave that Kalinda drives was finally shown in detail on the show's episode that aired on Sunday, December 4th, 2011. The odd thing was, the badging was taken off or modified so there was no Buick badging at all on the grille or the tailgate. WHY would they do this, when Buick is/was supposed to be sponsering this show? The Lacrosse was shown in detail, on the beginning episodes, so much that they showed the Buick symbol AND wording on the vehicle's navigation unit on one episode when they were showing a map in the car about some place they were trying to find. NOW they take OFF badging on an Enclave for the same show...what gives? Is Buick no more the sponser, or are they under some sort of contract to only show a certain abount of badging? I think the whole thing is years past, vehicles were shown all the time with badging clear in veiw...and there was NO sponsership, it was just "allowed". Can someone else post the photo? I'm not sure how to get the image on here, nor do I know about the "rights" to do this. Just alerting that this Enclave was on the show, so someone can post the appropriate photos....there were a couple scenes it was in.

-- Last edit: 2012-04-10 19:31:28

DidierF FR

2013-11-11 20:00

(In my opinion, nothing but the BMW to add for the running season 5.)

DidierF FR

2014-10-25 02:08

So, well then, it's my burden, I'm doing the season 6. No HD stuff, I warn you. But I think I'll pick relevant stuff and thoroughly time-tag them.

sandwad2 EN

2015-01-05 22:23

Season 3 & 4 complete, will go back and complete Season 5.

-- Last edit: 2015-02-07 18:25:39

DidierF FR

2015-05-09 22:28

Winter 2014-15, Chicago (I think it's really Chicago) for you, rjluna2:

[Image: vlcsnap-2015-05-09-21h49m21s875.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-05-09-21h50m57s000.jpg]
[Image: vlcsnap-2015-05-09-21h51m17s062.jpg]


rjluna2 US

2015-05-10 02:06

DidierF wrote Winter 2014-15, Chicago (I think it's really Chicago) for you, rjluna2:


Strange, the traffic lights pole does not fit into the typical Chicago or its suburban area :??: According to the IMDb filming location is both Chicago and New York, but it looks like it is from California :think:

Anyway, thanks Didier :)

My comments at Traffic Lights in Internet Movie Car Database.

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