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Spoorloos (The Vanishing), NL Movie, 1988 IMDB

Pictures provided by: crex, Weasel1984, 130rapid

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Also known as:

  • La desaparición (Argentina)
  • Изчезването (Bulgaria)
  • A Desaparecida (Brazil)
  • O Silêncio do Lago (Brazil)
  • Spurlos verschwunden (Germany)
  • Desaparecida (Spain)
  • Kadonnut (Finland)
  • L'homme qui voulait savoir (France)
  • Χωρίς ίχνος (Greece)
  • Nyomtalanul (Hungary)
  • Il mistero della donna scomparsa (Italy)
  • ザ・バニシング 消失 (Japan)
  • 스푸어루스 (South Korea)
  • Dingimas (Lithuania)
  • Desvanecimiento (Mexico)
  • Sporløst forsvunnet (Norway)
  • Zniknięcie (Poland)
  • O Homem que Queria Saber (Portugal)
  • Nestajanje (Serbia)
  • Spårlöst försvunnen (Sweden)
  • Исчезновение (USSR)
  • İz Bırakmadan (Türkiye)
  • 神祕失蹤 (Taiwan)
  • Зникнення (Ukraine)

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Comments about this movie

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crex SE

2005-12-23 22:43

Threre are a lot more background automobile shots to grab in this movie ...

antp BE

2005-12-23 22:49

Not too much background :p

Weasel1984 PL

2007-03-06 23:55

antp wrote Not too much background :p

Only a bit. ;)
I've added missing vehicles and some background, unfortunately the quality of mine pics isn't as good as these of Crex.
BTW. I haven't seen many dutch movies, but this one is excellent, one of my favourites.

-- Last edit: 2007-03-07 03:13:35

Ralph DE

2007-03-07 09:56

Weasel1984 wrote ... I haven't seen many dutch movies, but this one is excellent, one of my favourites.

yes, its the origial from this US remake movie: /movie_108473-The-Vanishing.html

garco NL

2007-03-07 10:02

Weasel1984 wrote
Only a bit. ;)
I've added missing vehicles and some background, unfortunately the quality of mine pics isn't as good as these of Crex.
BTW. I haven't seen many dutch movies, but this one is excellent, one of my favourites.

What about The Delivery ?

-- Last edit: 2007-03-07 10:02:36


2007-03-07 11:33

Ralph wrote

yes, its the origial from this US remake movie: /movie_108473-The-Vanishing.html

The remake is really not as good I think, they put an happy end to it. :(
The movie is from the book 'Het Gouden ei' ('The golden Egg') by Tim Krabbé.

garco NL

2007-03-07 13:16

I like Sandra Bullock... ;)

Weasel1984 PL

2007-03-07 20:39

Intentionally I've never watched the remake :D , only read about it - that much more... scares (with 'happy end' :??: ). I don't know what they meant by that, but in this original movie the best thing is its subtleness, there is no 'cheap effects', it isn't another banal horror (Is it a horror? For me not, but maybe I have wrong experiences with this genre), I hope that they didn't change this in an american version.

No Garco, I don't know 'The Delivery', but I will try to change this. :)

-- Last edit: 2007-03-07 23:24:02


2007-03-08 09:29

Weasel1984 wrote Intentionally I've never watched the remake :D , only read about it - that much more... scares (with 'happy end' :??: ). I don't know what they meant by that, but in this original movie the best thing is its subtleness, there is no 'cheap effects', it isn't another banal horror (Is it a horror? For me not, but maybe I have wrong experiences with this genre), I hope that they didn't change this in an american version.

No Garco, I don't know 'The Delivery', but I will try to change this. :)

An important part of the movie is that he has to have the same experience to know whatever happend to his girlfriend, this is something that is totally overseen in the US version. Besides that, for me it has not the same horrific effect the Dutch movie had, with the last images being the main person lying underground in his coffin...that scares you a lot. The American is just a cheap ripp off, where the excitement and tension never reachesthe level of the Dutch movie...

I think it should be classified as a thriller btw. Garco is right, the delivery is well worth watching too, although it is a different genre (Action). You also might want to try the movie 'Zoeken naar Eileen', also a very good Dutch thriller....

Weasel1984 PL

2007-03-08 20:48

Thanks for the advice Diehard, seems it won't be easy to get them, but I will try also with this title.

130rapid PL

2024-04-07 13:51

The movie has been reuploaded with better quality pictures.
Few background vehicles & timing stamps added.

130rapid PL

2024-04-08 01:15

The bloop: gliding cameraman mirrored in side window.
[Image: 01835cameraman.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2024-04-08 01:27:10

Baube QC

2024-04-08 01:35

i guess they forgot to tell him about the title... :D

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