Morgan and his dad had to go to L.A. for work so we decided to visit my mom!
Nixon and I enjoying the beach! We're two peas in a pod and can't ever get enough of it!!!
My little beach baby and I enjoying Laguna Beach!!!
Loving the view and his snoopy hat Gi gi bought him at Knotts!
Always on the go, and always playing in the sand with sticks, such a boy!:)
Watching the amazing ocean!
Never wanting to leave!
Aunt Molly pushing Nixon on his favorite swing!
Loving the sun!
Gi gi and Aunt Molly took us to Knotts Berry Farm!
Nixon meets Snoopy!!!
My sister and I are reminded of good old days growing up going to Knotts and seeing Snoopy!!!
Oh so much fun! Gi gi and her little Nixon on the cars, this ride was so fun, I couldn't stop laughing on it!
This looks like just another little kids ride, but if you look at my hair it will help you see it's crazier than it looks, it was such a fun surprise how much fun it really was Nixon and I absolutely loved it!!!
We loved the Native American show! Nixon loved it so much even that weeks after he ran around the house with an Indian hat he made, took his shirt off, and put a scarf around his body and danced and danced and sang like the Indian man, it was so, so funny and so adorable!!!
Nixon loved this guy(even though he looks so serious :) and he wanted a bullet from the train show and
this guy gave him one and he was so happy and loved the real train ride too!
This was so fun, we have an old photo by these ladies when we were little, My sweet Nana used to always take us all here when we were growing up!!!
Daddy missed out on these, he's always wanted to drive a semi and Nixon and I beat him to it! :)
Nixon and his Gi gi, so cute and what a fun ride too! What a fun day, thanks Mom love you!!!
Then one day we decided to take Nixon to the iceskating rink!!!
My mom was an iceskating instructor when I was little! She taught me when I was Nixon's age so it was so fun to have her teach him now too!!!
He did so well for his first time, such an athletic little guy!My mom was so cute,she is such an amazing iceskater:) I'm so happy she taught my sis and I because it's so fun and that she's able to teach Nixon now!
Oh just so sweet, Nixon and his Gi gi sharing some hot chocolate, Mmmmm!
Thank you Mom, we had so much fun getting away and visiting you and Molly!
Back where we belong :)
Our last evening and we had to spend it at the beach of course!
I can't get enough of this little guy, what would I do without him in my life??!!!
Look at this little captain of the sea!
Goodbye beautiful beach, we sure will miss you, til we meet again!