Family Album


Back to California!!! And Easter!!!

Morgan and his dad had to go to L.A. for work so we decided to visit my mom!  
 Nixon and I enjoying the beach! We're two peas in a pod and can't ever get enough of it!!!

My little beach baby and I enjoying Laguna Beach!!!

Loving the view and his snoopy hat Gi gi bought him at Knotts!
Always on the go, and always playing in the sand with sticks, such a boy!:)
Watching the amazing ocean!
Never wanting to leave!

Aunt Molly pushing Nixon on his favorite swing!

Loving the sun!

Gi gi and Aunt Molly took us to Knotts Berry Farm!

Nixon meets Snoopy!!!

  My sister and I are reminded of good old days growing up going to Knotts and seeing Snoopy!!!

Oh so much fun! Gi gi and her little Nixon on the cars, this ride was so fun, I couldn't stop laughing on it!

This looks like just another little kids ride, but if you look at my hair it will help you see it's crazier than it looks, it was such a fun surprise how much fun it really was Nixon and I absolutely loved it!!!

We loved the Native American show! Nixon loved it so much even that weeks after he ran around the house with an Indian hat he made, took his shirt off, and put a scarf around his body and danced and danced and sang like the Indian man, it was so, so funny and so adorable!!!

Nixon loved this guy(even though he looks so serious :) and he wanted a bullet from the train show and
this guy gave him one and he was so happy and loved the real train ride too!
This was so fun, we have an old photo by these ladies when we were little, My sweet Nana used to always take us all here when we were growing up!!!

Daddy missed out on these, he's always wanted to drive a semi and Nixon and I beat him to it! :)

Nixon and his Gi gi, so cute and what a fun ride too! What a fun day, thanks Mom love you!!!

Then one day we decided to take Nixon to the iceskating rink!!!

My mom was an iceskating instructor when I was little! She taught me when I was Nixon's age so it was so fun to have her teach him now too!!!
He did so well for his first time, such an athletic little guy!My mom was so cute,she is such an amazing iceskater:) I'm so happy she taught my sis and I because it's so fun and that she's able to teach Nixon now!

Oh just so sweet, Nixon and his Gi gi sharing some hot chocolate, Mmmmm!
Thank you Mom, we had so much fun getting away and visiting you and Molly!

Back where we belong :)
Our last evening and we had to spend it at the beach of course!

I can't get enough of this little guy, what would I do without him in my life??!!!

Look at this little captain of the sea!

Goodbye beautiful beach, we sure will miss you, til we meet again!


St. Patrick's Day!!!

          Nixon woke up so excited for St. Patrick's Day!!! We started it off with green scrambled eggs,
          green milk, and green buttered toast :):) Nixon loved it, I couldn't believe it, I thought the green part
          would scare him from eating the eggs, but he ate every last bite and asked for green ones the next day,
           it was so cute!
          One of our most fun morning breakfasts together, wish we could have green eggs everyday:):):)

                                                            Then it was off to preschool!
                                                          What a funny little guy!
    Then when I picked Nixon up from preschool the leprechaun left green balloons in our car! He also hid a
     green present under Nixon's pillow with green apple gum,new monkey kid scissors and other fun treats!
     What a sneaky little green guy hiding stuff everywhere! Nixon loved it and kept looking around all day
      for other things he might have left, it was so precious- he said it was like Christmas Eve!!!

            Another clover!!! Getting ready for playgroup on St. Patrick's Day!!! Sugar cookies with
            green frosting and green sprinkles!!!

           Nixon's best friend Braydon came over for the fun, we made leprechaun hats,did some coloring   crafts, frosted our cookies, and listened to Braydon's "Earth Angel" cd, it was so fun with these little guys!
                                                                            Best Buds!!!!
                                      I sure love these two!!! Look at those adorable faces!!!


Christmas in California!!!! Nixon's Special Early Delivery From Santa!!! And:) Some Catching Up: Nixon's 1st Day@Preschool!

                                     Ahhhhhhhhh Mr. Sun, we've missed you!!!!!

                           Loving the beach at Christmas time, Nixon sure had fun playing!!!

                        Playing in the sand on the beach is one of Nixon's favorite places to be!
My sister Molly and I and her cute new little puppy Troy(what a sweet little puppy he is)!!! Oh how I missed my adorable sister!!!!

So funny, Nixon wouldn't stay in for a picture!!! So it's Morgan and I with this Sunny Santa:) in Santa's Beach House in Laguna,  what a riot!!!

Christmas Eve: Nixon and his sweet Gigi opening a fun gift, It was the story of Christmas about Jesus!

This is so special to me, this little Santa and reindeer were my Nana's and I always remember seeing them at her house when I was a little girl and we'd visit for Christmas!!! Now my mom has them for little Nixon to see!!!

                                               Aunt Molly and Nixon on the ferry boat!

We found a fun pelican friend for Nixon at a parade by the beach in San Diego after the ferry boat ride!!!
We also saw Minnie Mouse, Nixon was so happy to be there and Molly and I had so much fun together, we sure love visiting! Mom thanks so much too for all the fun Christmas gifts and fun dinners and the day at Seaport Village and eating at Harbor House!!!
Two peas in a pod!!! Nixon loved Troy so much and they were best little buddies, I couldn't believe how cute they both played with each other!!! Nixon was so good with him and he was so good with Nixon!!! He was so sad to leave his new best friend!!!

                                    Nixon's Best Buddy!!!! We miss you Troy!!!

Daddy and Nixon always playing so fun at the beach!

What a cool sandcastle they built!!!! Nixon sure loves the sand and
always loves building and playing and doing anything with his sweet Dad!!!
Some Fun Before We Left For Cali :

Daddy and Nixon building a snowman!


                    Nixon was so excited to build a Big Snowman with his Dad, they had so much fun!
                                  Oh so adorable, Nixon and his snow buddy!!!!

                                   AND NIXON'S EARLY CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!!!!

                 We had a pre-Christmas morning and Santa brought Nixon a four wheeler on a
                                     special delivery!!! He was so excited to ride it!!!!!

       Look at this little tough guy, just like his Daddy he is a really good driver and very safe and steady!!!
So before we headed for California Nixon got to see Santa and Mrs. Claus!!!He was so cute with them and asked Santa for a cell phone and a computer :) shows the times we're in huh! He later got a leapster phone to help learn numbers and letters and a fun computer that does letter and numbers too!!!!

                                   Some Fun Catch Up Memories Before 2011:

                                   After Summer was over, Nixon started Preschool!!!
Here he is with his teacher Mrs. Walton, fist day of school!!!

Nixon loves the tree mural at preschool!

And Nixon and I go horseback riding at Daddy's work party, so fun!!!!

Thanksgiving at Aunt Carole and Mich's in Paradise!!!
Morgan, Nixon and my cousin Trevor's cute little Isiah sledding!!!!
Nixon and Simon crashing and laughing,they just loved sledding: that's what they wanted to do all day over and over!!! Nixon seriously came in only to eat Thanksgiving dinner! He went with Morgan and I, then, Grandpa David and Grandma Tami, and then again with all his cousins!!!! So much fun!!!
Here's Nixon at the kid's table on Thanksgiving with Isiah, Simon, Alexandria, and Isabell!!!
Pin the "I'm Thankful For" feather on the Turkey, so fun!!!!
 After all the sledding fun, Nixon all cozy now in his jammies and he and Isiah and Simon pinning the feathers on the turkey, so cute Aunt Carole had us all write what we're thankful for and then the kids pinned them on the turkey, they loved it!  Ahhh thanksgiving's the best holiday: family- good food- remembering all our wonderful blessings!!!!!

       Nixon's Christmas Preschool Program!!!Look at him pointing at Morgan and me, so sweet!!!It was so much fun!!!!! I wish I could go see him perform it over and over again, it was so fun watching him singing and being  so cute with all his little friends in the back row! He has just loved preschool and has a wonderful
       teacher!  They sang such cute songs and it was such a precious memory!!!! Love you so much Nix!
                     Nixon 3rd at the top with his friend Charlie on the right! The program was so adorable!!!
                                                       Nixon's got a gun!!! :):)
 A little pre-christmas party at Grandma and Grandpa Thayne's house- Nixon got a gun, so fun!!!!
             Grandpa David, Grandma Tami, Danielle, and Emily! Love you guys that was so fun!

       Nixon and his sweet cousin Simon with their Christmas guns! Leanne taking a picture in background
                                                               with Dad and Tami!

         We took a trip to Midway with the West Family, here's Nix in Park City with their cute kids!
We ate at Cafe Galleria and then Nixon got in the fun car there in Midway!
                                     We got to see Cathryn while we were there too!
              Nixon loved her shop and especially the fun antique cars-thanks Cath we love you!!!