by Will Beck
What I remember…
-talking to Dan Mauser in the library that morning before
-being stressed about taking four tests that day
-getting into my locker that morning and hearing someone
joke about 4/20 and smoking weed
-taking my test in Mr. Petersen’s Biology class
-taking a test on Cannery Row in Mr. Friesen’s English
class.. Don’t remember anything about Cannery Row anymore except Mr. Friesen saying something about how themes in the
book rotated every other chapter.
-feeling like I aced that test
-finishing the test ten minutes early and not knowing what to
-saying a prayer in my post test spare time to thank God for
blessing me and helping me on my test. I
felt inspired to pray. I know God wanted
to communicate with me one last time before everything happened. I look back on that moment and appreciate God’s
love more than ever. A very tender moment and a testimony builder for me.
-walking out of class and walking towards Mark Christner’s
locker to meet him for lunch.
-seeing Dylan Klebold by Mark’s locker. He was wearing a Red Sox hat.
-walking down the stairs with Mark.
-walking through the
lunchroom and going outside.
-sitting in our usually spot just outside the door and
against the wall.
-teasing James and Kyle.
In retrospect, very glad this wasn’t the last interaction I would have
with them. Would have tormented me
forever. Making fun became very dumb going forward.
-hearing fireworks or so I thought.
-standing up to go see what must be have been a senior prank.
-seeing gunman
laughing as they were coming down the hill.
-seeing a kid a few feet in front of me drop to his knees
and start swearing. He had been shot.
-flashing back to a keyboarding class with Dave Sanders. We were watching the news of
Kip Kinkel shooting kids at his school
in Oregon. I commented to Dave that I couldn’t
imagine that ever happening at Columbine.
-running in the door and screaming at people that a shooting
was going on. First person I saw was
Dave Sanders as he was walking into the teachers lounge.
-second person was my team mate on the basketball team,
Casey. He didn't believe me. I continued to yell and he relented as he saw others run in terrified, particularly a large black football player.
-thinking that this
would be over shortly and that I should go hide in the bathroom.
-running into the bathroom behind the kitchen thinking it
would be the most out of the way.
-standing on the toilet with several other guys so the
shooters couldn't see our legs if they came in.
-hearing a voice telling me "to get out."
-walking out not knowing if I was heading to my death or to
-seeing the stage door and Mr. Andres.
-heading through the stage and up through the auditorium.
-coming out of the auditorium on the second floor in the
main hallway.
-hearing gunfire at the other end of the school
-running towards the weight room exit of the school
-coming to a big chain link fence by clement park
-everyone stopped for a sec and decided to keep going
-seeing a girl named Sarah hesitantly climb the fence in a
mini skirt
-running through the park towards the Jefferson apartments,
now renamed.
-telling my friend Casey he was stupid for bringing his
backpack. Mine was against the wall
outside. I would see it many times as
news cameras would film that area over and over.
-seeing a kid at the Jefferson apt’s who had been hit with
shotgun spray. He was bleeding but not
-Calling my mom to tell her what
happened. Pretty sure I called my dad
too. Mom raced right over. Told her Mary was in the commons but I didn’t
see where she went.
-going to the Columbine Community Library to look for Mary
and friends. It was one of two meeting
spots for parents and students.
-eating junk food and soda that immediately started showing up.
-writing my name as being at the library.
-seeing lists of students being put up on the wall as being
safe in other locations.
-talking to Dan Abrams with MSNBC and doing my first
interview. Dan and I would do several
-having several kids borrow mom’s cell so they could call
their parents
-not being able to make calls because too many people were
calling at the same time
-going inside the library to watch Pres. Bill Clinton speak. Overwhelmed that he was talking about us. Couldn’t believe how big this was.
-hearing Mary was ok and at the seminary building
-going to Leawood Elementary’s gym to meet other kids. Eating donated McDonald’s apple pie. A little piece of heaven for me while in
-walking over to Leawood park to do more interviews. Did one with Brian Williams. Surprised my parents let me out of there sight. I needed alone time though.
-don’t remember getting home or having dinner. Just remember thinking as I was going to bed
that life would never be the same. I
prayed and asked for my friends to be okay and thanked God that he had watched
over me and my sister.