Showing posts with label craft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craft. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Intense coloring

I was cooking dinner and looked in the dining room and this was going on. I guess he found it necessary to climb onto the table to ensure his coloring was perfect!

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

GingerBread Houses!

Back in November the kids made gingerbread houses at a workshop here in town.  It was so fun because we went to The Castle and the ladies had everything set up for us.  We paid a fee for each house and the kids got to build their houses and eat candy.

This is Layla's house:

I love the curvy Chex cereal sidewalk!

I also love the fire pit, and it's lit!

The side of the house features the dogs food and water bowls.  The dog is there also, but she's hard to see.  She's made of tootsie rolls.

Layla did a wonderful job and I barely helped her at all.

Here is Hayden's house:

I did have to help him a little more.  He needed it, but I tried to make him do as much as possible.

Hayden has a fire pit and a log pile!

He ate more marshmallows than he used on his house.

I will sign the kids up for the gingerbread workshop again next year.  I don't have the patience to build the houses here at home.  The lovely ladies of The Castle guided us and helped me so much.   I couldn't get the walls to stick and it made me crazy!  They also clean up everything!  It's win win and we have loved having the houses on display as Christmas decorations.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Friendship bracelets

One of my favorite things to do when I was a kid was make bracelets with embroidery thread.

I sat in my room for hours back then listening to music and creating fun jewelry. I remember the thread bracelets always got wet and discolored after about a week.


I saw this fun set at the craft store I just had to get it for Layla. The material is basically rubber band like. It's simple to learn and easy to create fun patterns including school colors. I didn't realize this fun jewelry creating craze has a name....Rainbow Loom.

Oh!!!! I have a feeling we've only just begun our creating and I'm channelling my inner 3rd grade self!! Fun!

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sock octopus craft

I would like you all to meet Stripy Stripey the octopus.

She is a sock octopus.

Layla was dying to do a craft.  She is the craft queen.  

I have to find more crafts for her to do to make her happy during the summer months.

This particular request was for a sea creature craft.

I found an old pair of socks I knew I wouldn't wear any more.  We put one sock into the other sock and shaped it into a ball.  Then we put a rubber band around it.  Once it was all cute and round Layla cut the top part of the sock off.

Then I cut 8 strips forming the octopus legs.

Then of course the octopus must have color.  Lots of color.

Fun times!


Layla is one proud crafty chic AND guess what?  

This was a FREE craft!  Yay!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine boxes!

It's that time of year again.  The kids need boxes for their Valentine's at school! 

 Each of my munchkins got a letter from school saying to bring a "shoe box" to school for their Valentine's parties.  Layla needed to decorate hers, but Hayden and his classmates decorated their boxes at a school.  

On Super Bowl Sunday we decorated cereal boxes!  We didn't have one single shoe box in our entire house.  Can you believe that?  Gary and I were trying to decide what we were going to do. I recommended going to purchase new shoes so we could have the boxes...heehee. 

Gary reminded me of one thing we did have...cereal boxes!

While Layla and Hayden were addressing their Valentine cards...

Gary was cutting a 'mail slot' in the cereal boxes!

After we cut the holes we wrapped the boxes in red paper.
(the kids picked out all the supplies during a trip to Hobby Lobby on Saturday.)

Then Gary tied a handle to the top of each box.  

We let the kids do the rest.

Layla stuck stickers all over her mail box.
She added ribbon to match the stickers, and then of course Hayden wanted ribbon to match Sissy's!

We had a fun time, and Layla took it very seriously!

I really wanted to help them place stickers and make their boxes more symmetrical, but I did good and gave them control of their own boxes...haha!

Hayden didn't really do much to his.  He was supposed to take his to school with no decor, but once he saw Layla using stickers he just had to have a few.  

I think their Valentine boxes turned out cute!

The good news is there isn't a huge hole in the boxes.  That means we have to help them get the goodies out of their boxes.  I'm hoping that helps with the sugar overdose that normally happens every Valentine's night!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Life size ruler

Growing up is serious business in our house.    

We have been marking the kids growth on the bathroom door jam for years.  There are at least 20 little pen marks with initials for each kiddo!

This ruler is a craft I have been wanting to do for awhile and I am so happy we finally did it!

I wanted to put it on the wall by the kids bathroom.
I didn't realize how hard it would be to photograph it.

The kids love it and they love walking by to see if they have grown overnight!

Gary found this piece of lumber in our garage.  He cleaned it up and then carefully drew the lines with a paint pen.  We found the numbers at Hobby Lobby.  They are stickers!  We carefully measured from the floor up to ensure proper placement.  

I love how the board is all crooked, scuffed and rugged.  It is the exact look I was going for.

We decided to screw it into the wall because the kids will be leaning on it and this walkway is a busy area in our house.  

How fun and easy is this little project?  

Thursday, June 16, 2011

rock his world

Layla and Hayden just gave Gary one of his Father's day gifts. 

 REally???  IT is not time. 

 Since the cat {rock} is out of the bag here is a picture so you can get this ready for the Father in your life.

How cute is this???

If you didn't want to use the applique thingy you could write in paint "my dad rocks."

Since Hayden made this at preschool he used only yellow paint.  Yellow just happens to be his FAV color.  The other kids in his class had some wild and fun colored rocks.  

Imagine the possibilities!!


Older kids can really go nuts with this creative rock Father's day craft/gift!

Father's day is Sunday :)